I had recently watched the X-Play review and was discusted. I wrote them an email and I'd like to hear what you all have to say. I'd really like your thoughts.
Dear X-Play,
I've been a longstanding fan of your show for quite some time and to this date I still am. I am, however, flustered by a particular review. I understand that you do not have the time to entirely inspect every aspect of a title and that the base of your show revolves around a more comical look towards your reviews, and I respect that. However, at which point does the shortened amount of time you dedicate to the analysis of a title create only a biased and rather unfair review for a title?
The title in question is Final Fantasy XI: Tales of Aht Urhgan. I entirely agree with the issues you presented concerning the Xbox 360. However, I don't feel that your review was as complete as it should have been. In order to review such a complex MMO such as Final Fantasy XI, you need to explore all the elements of the MMO instead of briefly cruising through the MMO. As a player of Final Fantasy XI for over a year, I can say that it easily takes a year or more be able to fully grasp the universe presented in Final Fantasy XI in it's entirety. To spend a week on the game and call it a review does no justice to what the MMO has to offer users, not to mention what it offers after having been online for many years now.
I have always appreciated your full reviews, encompassing everything from gameplay to graphics and all the way down to sound. Your reference to the graphics being dated is wholeheartedly correct in every aspect, however I do feel that the gameplay should have been given more credit than it was given. There are far too many aspects of the game to just limit the gameplay portion of the review to just the combat which you seemingly represented from a solo'ing point of view rather than a community point of view which is what Final Fantasy XI is based upon, unlike other MMOs such as World of Warcraft.
Final Fantasy XI is not for the short-lived solo'ers such as those of World of Warcraft. Final Fantasy XI takes time to grasp and delivers very well on a wide spectrum even after a very short time of playing, leaving the newcomer with a desire to explore more. That by no means that it does this for every player, as some players are turned away and desire a faster-paced MMO that they can master in merely a few hours or days. However, to call what you presented to viewers a review is, in my opinion, unfair and unreasonable to Square-Enix and to the users of Final Fantasy XI.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate your willingness to take in the ideas of your long-standing viewers, and I apologize for giving you one more email among many which attempt to contradict your review. I do feel that it's unfair to you to have to deal with very poorly written and rather incomplete complaints, and I hope I've presented neither in my message. I duely apologize if I have. By all means send me your thoughts, as I would certainly enjoy reading your thoughts and hearing what you have to say. Thank you.
John "Legacy" Crist
I've been a longstanding fan of your show for quite some time and to this date I still am. I am, however, flustered by a particular review. I understand that you do not have the time to entirely inspect every aspect of a title and that the base of your show revolves around a more comical look towards your reviews, and I respect that. However, at which point does the shortened amount of time you dedicate to the analysis of a title create only a biased and rather unfair review for a title?
The title in question is Final Fantasy XI: Tales of Aht Urhgan. I entirely agree with the issues you presented concerning the Xbox 360. However, I don't feel that your review was as complete as it should have been. In order to review such a complex MMO such as Final Fantasy XI, you need to explore all the elements of the MMO instead of briefly cruising through the MMO. As a player of Final Fantasy XI for over a year, I can say that it easily takes a year or more be able to fully grasp the universe presented in Final Fantasy XI in it's entirety. To spend a week on the game and call it a review does no justice to what the MMO has to offer users, not to mention what it offers after having been online for many years now.
I have always appreciated your full reviews, encompassing everything from gameplay to graphics and all the way down to sound. Your reference to the graphics being dated is wholeheartedly correct in every aspect, however I do feel that the gameplay should have been given more credit than it was given. There are far too many aspects of the game to just limit the gameplay portion of the review to just the combat which you seemingly represented from a solo'ing point of view rather than a community point of view which is what Final Fantasy XI is based upon, unlike other MMOs such as World of Warcraft.
Final Fantasy XI is not for the short-lived solo'ers such as those of World of Warcraft. Final Fantasy XI takes time to grasp and delivers very well on a wide spectrum even after a very short time of playing, leaving the newcomer with a desire to explore more. That by no means that it does this for every player, as some players are turned away and desire a faster-paced MMO that they can master in merely a few hours or days. However, to call what you presented to viewers a review is, in my opinion, unfair and unreasonable to Square-Enix and to the users of Final Fantasy XI.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I appreciate your willingness to take in the ideas of your long-standing viewers, and I apologize for giving you one more email among many which attempt to contradict your review. I do feel that it's unfair to you to have to deal with very poorly written and rather incomplete complaints, and I hope I've presented neither in my message. I duely apologize if I have. By all means send me your thoughts, as I would certainly enjoy reading your thoughts and hearing what you have to say. Thank you.
John "Legacy" Crist