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character transfer

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  • character transfer

    hey i was wondering if its possible to ever just move my character to another server that is more populated right now im in the kujata server and its on average about 2000-2500 peeps..that aint that much compared to 4000 on some so i just wanted a large group of people to play with lol

  • #2
    Re: character transfer

    Sorry, no character transfers in this game. Exceptions notwithstanding (Those happen only once every two years on average since the game's inception) your only recourse is to start all over.


    • #3
      Re: character transfer

      Your server population might have something to do with time of day. Bahamut (which I consider to be a pretty normal server, all things considered) generally has about 2500 or so folks on when I play. But I don't necessarily play at prime time. That might be different then.

      Not that I really know when prime time is anymore. I think I used to know, but the lines are blurry these days. Stupid schedule.

      Your only options are to 1.) Just deal with it, because 2500 folks isn't so bad, or 2.) Start over on another server. I'm sure if you wanted to take this option someone would be more than happy to toss a WP your way in the appropriate server forum thread.

      But yeah, what Aeni said. Server transfers are practically unheard of, except in the cases of mass migrations to new servers, or the closing of temporary ones (like Hydra).


      • #4
        Re: character transfer

        Originally posted by Aelathir
        the cases of mass migrations to new servers.
        I wondered how they opened new servers. I was on the bike a few months ago, being outside and getting some fresh air (there was a huge ball of fire in the sky that had me a little concerned, but everyone I talked to said it was normal....always knew it was dangerous out there....), and it occured to me:

        "What if I was the only person on a server?"

        I decided it would royally suck, and then I wondered if there were only five people on the server, decided it would still suck pretty hard, a hundred, nope still suckage but we're getting closer, and I finally got around to wondering how they introduce new servers if the 'critical mass' for an economy is a thousand people or more.

        So kudos for answering a question I forgot I had.

        Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
        If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
        *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


        • #5
          Re: character transfer

          Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
          being outside and getting some fresh air (there was a huge ball of fire in the sky that had me a little concerned, but everyone I talked to said it was normal....always knew it was dangerous out there....)
          We call that the 'Scare Ball.'

          I just lost a part of my soul by quoting "Frasier." At least it wasn't a Niles quote...


          • #6
            Re: character transfer

            okay well lets just say if i was to start on a brand new server..what server has the largest population, see the way i see it the more people i have to invite into a party the less time i would have to wait as well. Thats the biggest problem i have with final fantasy, the fact that it takes so long to just GET into the party instead of actually fighting and lvling and so on


            • #7
              Re: character transfer

              as you can see, server population is pretty much the same across the board. Kujata is actually one of the more populated servers.
              My crowning achievement:

              who avesta is


              • #8
                Re: character transfer

                I play on kujata and i usually seem to have no problem finding a party at like 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. on the weekends. I dont play that much durin the week

                FFXI Info:

                Race: TaruTaru
                Job: RDM/32,BLM/15
                Server: Kujata
                Skills: 86/87


                • #9
                  Re: character transfer

                  Originally posted by GereOfRemora
                  as you can see, server population is pretty much the same across the board. Kujata is actually one of the more populated servers.
                  Might be better to do a /sea all every hour for each day for a week (during non holidays anywhere around the world) and see what pulls up. AH history doesn't do anyone any justice, considering maybe by concidence it's the same # of people per server that actually whore the AH in the first place...

