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  • abbreviations

    What do some of the abbreviations mean? I've seen a lot that are pretty obvious (such as SE=Square Enix) but some I don't understand like MPK and POL. What are some of the major abbreviations I should know?
    I don't really know how to put this, but
    I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.

  • #2
    Re: abbreviations

    That should answer your questions.
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      Re: abbreviations

      MPK= Multi Player Kill... a big no no, but some people do it anyway. >.<
      POL= Playonline

      Some others are...

      RMT= Real Money Trade(ers)
      FTW= For The Win

      I still don't know what QFT is though.


      • #4
        Re: abbreviations

        "Quoted for Truth"

        I could have sworn there was a huge list with all of this stuff, but I'm having no luck in tracking it down.
        Generic Info!


        • #5
          Re: abbreviations

          Some people abrivate so much i have a friend in game that abbrivates every little thing, annaoys the crap out of me when he starts asking if i wanna do some FITS or perhaps TYM to make some gils.


          • #6
            Re: abbreviations

            Much of the acroynms are derived from chat rooms and other online game. Others are borrowed terms from elsewhere, such as military terms used in online games such as Unreal (KoS = Kill on Sight, LZ = Landing Zone aka Spawn Point) Some terms are mostly found on forums, like QFT which has nothing to do with games per se.

            Best thing is just to ask someone when you see it being used.


            • #7
              Re: abbreviations

              Originally posted by Tirrock
              "Quoted for Truth"

              I could have sworn there was a huge list with all of this stuff, but I'm having no luck in tracking it down.
              I know we just had a huge thread about this about a month or so ago, but damned if I can find it with the search function. It says that "abbreviation" is too long to use. Which makes sense because it should be acronym. But that just pulls up two threads from 2003.


              • #8
                Re: abbreviations

                I searched a couple months back on the frequently asked questions (I tried searching acronym and abbreviation) but couldn't find it. Then gave up.
                Generic Info!


                • #9
                  Re: abbreviations

                  Originally posted by Samuzuki
                  FITS or perhaps TYM to make some gils.

                  I feel like a newb now.


                  • #10
                    Re: abbreviations

                    I believe that MPK is Monster Player Kill, as the only way to PK (Player Kill) in FFXI is to use Monsters.


                    • #11
                      Re: abbreviations

                      Eohmer, we totally just had a thread on QFT's meaning yesterday. It got locked, but it was here! Somewhere.


                      • #12
                        Re: abbreviations

                        I said I felt like a newb because I don't know what FITS and TYM are, according to SAMAZUKI.


                        • #13
                          Re: abbreviations


                          Test Your Might? Like the Mortal Kombat theme song?


                          • #14
                            Re: abbreviations

                            Originally posted by Eohmer
                            I said I felt like a newb because I don't know what FITS and TYM are, according to SAMAZUKI.
                            Yeah, but you asked about QFT earlier. It was answered already, but I wanted to mention the awesome QFT thread.

                            I have no idea what FITS and TYM mean.


                            • #15
                              Re: abbreviations

                              FITS - Flying Impaled Tarutaru Spleen
                              TYM - Three Yagudo Matadors

                              i wanna do some FITS or perhaps TYM to make some gils.
                              I want to do some "Flying Impaled Tarutaru Spleens" or perhaps "Three Yagudo Matadors" to make some gils. See? It fits! Just takes a little explaining. He meant mugging poor (or in this case; rich) tarutarus out of their money...rather violently. The second part involves illegal bets on Yagudo bull fights.

                              Samuzuki, your friend is a terrible influence on you!
                              Generic Info!

