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character names

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  • #61
    Re: character names

    I doubt you will get any of those.

    Mine is Hililen.
    FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix

    of the Diabolos server. Current residence:San d'Oria
    40 MNK 22 WAR 15 BLM 13 WHM


    • #62
      Re: character names

      Originally posted by Aelathir
      I'd definitely suggest going with something original that you really like rather than going for a derivation of a FF, Anime, Cartoon, or other video game name. Because chances are it's already taken, and you'll run into someone else with your name. That's no fun.
      I duno. I thought Neomage was pretty unique, and a while back I ran into both Neomega and Neomege.

      I like the fact that garnet is at least a real name.
      Originally posted by Ellipses
      Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
      Originally posted by MCLV
      A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
      More Sig:


      • #63
        Re: character names

        I wouldn't have thought Neomage was very unique. I mean, it's a nice name, just not something that I'd think that no one would come up with.

        I like that Garnet is a real name too, but chances are it's taken already.


        • #64
          Re: character names

          I just randomly made up my name (Ethos) and it turns out to be a greek word and has to do with teh game xenogeras... it's kind annoying when i think about it... alot of people think i just ripped it from a game, and there are variations on the name on my server. I still like the sound (and greek meaning) but i dont like the fact that so many others have it (on other servers) or want it...

          Also, if a name is taken, dont think of a slightly different spelling, id say its rude to the person who has the actual name.

          Which FF Character Are You?

          My name (Ethos):


          • #65
            Re: character names

            I used to use Ethos as an online handle, until I realized that it was common as dirt.


            • #66
              Re: character names

              The only people that have ever asked me if "Tirrock" was related to "Turok" was people I was talking to face to face, and like one guy on gameFAQs a long time ago. (I started using Tirrock before I knew anything about Turok...before it came out on N64.)

              Anyway. I get tired of misspellings of Final Fantasy names. That and popular villian names. ...And anything with "Dark", "Shadow", "Kitty", or "Neko" in it or any combination of those words... ("Darknekoseiferr" means somebody's fingers are getting broken...)

              Although it is amusing when people with similar names gang up to be annoying. Ever gotten check spammed then outclaimed on an NM by a gaggle of Sephiroth clones? I have!
              Generic Info!


              • #67
                Re: character names

                My character's name in WoW was Draedic, and it didn't hit me until someone sent me a tell around level 30-ish how close it is to Daedric of Morrowind. I felt pretty ashamed after that :\. My personal favorite creations were my Tauren Druid named Vegitarian and my Troll Hunter named Enarae. The dude the snagged Snuggles, however, was the luckiest.

                Anyways, the name I plan on using for FFXI (Tivul, or perhaps Tival, if the u variation is taken) is derived from a story a friend of mine wrote. But it sorta sounds like the dude with the bad temper from Romeo and Juliet. So...meh, what can ya do, I guess.


                • #68
                  Re: character names

                  Tybalt? I suppose it does kind of sound like it. But I doubt anyone would confuse the two in writing.


                  • #69
                    Re: character names

                    nothing wrong with naming somthing unoriginal ^^ iv never had problems with partys or people hating me. and its fun to RP when i run into somone with sephiroth name hehe ^^


                    • #70
                      Re: character names

                      Originally posted by Onionsoilder
                      I duno. I thought Neomage was pretty unique, and a while back I ran into both Neomega and Neomege.

                      I like the fact that garnet is at least a real name.
                      Yeah I spotted them yesterday doing /sea all Neo before we went to garlage.

                      Wait until you find Lilacjir. I'm STILL trying to catch her online to get a screenshot, because there's no way for that not to be a ripoff and I want proof of my ripoffableness in pictorial form.

                      I've also heard rumors of Rosejir.

                      Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                      If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                      *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                      • #71
                        Re: character names

                        Erdrick, huh? Did that happen to come from Dragon Warrior? The only one I know is the first one, for NES, but I remember Erdrick was this badass warrior that you are supposed to emulate.

                        Just curious.
                        My mule's name did come from Dragon Warrior and the original Final Fantasy. I was speaking of my main and name here on these boards. I highly doubt there is another Skoal running around.
                        Thanks Kazuki.
                        Dragoon Equipment


                        • #72
                          Re: character names

                          Well, Skoal is a brand of tobacco, so chances are actually kind of high.


                          • #73
                            Re: character names

                            Originally posted by Aelathir
                            Well, Skoal is a brand of tobacco, so chances are actually kind of high.
                            Pssst... I'll bet he knows that. ^.^

                            I don't have a moral objection or anything to people naming themselves after characters from games, movies, etc. But if you name yourself Sephirothxxx, don't be surprised if, when you're shouting for a teleport, I get you mixed up with that dumbass Sephirothzzz who calls everything gay, can't skillchain, and lol'ed about getting our whole party killed in Garlaige before warping.
                            Ellipses on Fenrir
                            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                            . . .


                            • #74
                              Re: character names

                              Originally posted by Ellipses
                              Pssst... I'll bet he knows that. ^.^
                              Then I must have misunderstood when he said that he highly doubts anyone else shares his name.
                              I don't have a moral objection or anything to people naming themselves after characters from games, movies, etc. But if you name yourself Sephirothxxx, don't be surprised if, when you're shouting for a teleport, I get you mixed up with that dumbass Sephirothzzz who calls everything gay, can't skillchain, and lol'ed about getting our whole party killed in Garlaige before warping.
                              Man, I hate that guy. He totally called me gay, and then missed the skillchain, causing our entire party to die in Garlaige, at which point he lol'd.


                              • #75
                                Re: character names


