With the bringing of the new jobs notice the more lax responses on what subjobs you have? I've seen alot of different choices on subjobs choices for the old jobs ones then before and no one seems to be putting up a fight and not mention it's actucally working in a pt setting. I remember when I first started playing the attitude was the same as today. LOL made it as war/whm to 25 before people got set with subjob choices. Won't be long before were back to set subjobs so enjoy!
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Re: Notice this?
For cor i think Cor/Rng is a good choice to help with your ranged attacks. I've seen most of those and Cor/ Nin on Unicorn but I think Cor/ Rng is move useful. Blue I've seen alot of Blu/nin and Blu/Rdm. So its really a toss up there. Pup will be Pup/Mnk since its a H2H class and mnk is the only other H2H class there is so it really makes sense to sub that.[GM]Dave>> Last question.
Player>> Shoot.
[GM]Dave>> Don't tempt me.
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Re: Notice this?
I started out as COR/WHM until I got high enough to effectively use dual wield at level 20. From there on, it's a nice help being able to equip another knife for +10 more ranged accuracy. My girlfriend is leveling RNG right now so she can sub it for her own COR.
I prefer to see the awkward SJ combinations at lower levels... I've had my back saved by a DRK/WHM quite a few times. You know how awesome that is to say? Unless another SJ is entirely needed, I'll personally stick to the ninja SJ quite often though when it comes to jobs most accustomed to daggers. That's just how I roll.guh :D
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Re: Notice this?
I actually saw a BLU/BLM last night. Which was the first. I almost always see BLU subing NIN. Even at Lv.20, which in my eyes DRK would be a better option until Lv.30. IF I ever seriously level BLU I'll probably go this route:
Lv.1-10 /BLM - EXTRA MP, and I already have Pollen, so Cure isn't that helpful. If I had fully leveled SMN, I'd sub that for the EXTRA EXTRA MP.
Lv.10-20 /WAR - Provoke, DEF bonus. Especially since rumor has it BLUs do some decent tanking in the Dunes.
Lv.20-30 /DRK - Attack Bonus, and Drain. (I'm so dependant upon Drain it's not even funny! lol)
Lv.30-50 /WAR or /THF - I've heard of some pretty serious spells stacking with Sneak Attack doing some really nice damage. Leaning more towards /THF on this though.
Lv.50-75 /NIN - Duel Wield II, and let those A rated Swords go to town!!
I see a lot of COR/NINs. Only two COR's in my LS, and both of them are subing NIN for RngAcc I'm guessing. PUPs seem to be all WAR or all MNK, but honestly I've only actually partied with 1 PUP, and it was at Lv.28 in the Bay.Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Re: Notice this?
Being "fresh meat" in the ffxi world, I'm a big fan of "play what you want" even though i know and i'm starting to understand more and more of how jobs work together.
but, hell, what evers fun for you is fun for me. :D
however, with some of the rolls of the hgiher level cor, couldn't you sub just about anything?
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Re: Notice this?
After 15, COR gains access to guns, and will be using Ranged Attack a lot of the time to do damage. For me, RNG makes more sense as a sub. For some folks, NIN does. I'll have both available, but RNG will be my primary.
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Re: Notice this?
Originally posted by AelathirAfter 15, COR gains access to guns, and will be using Ranged Attack a lot of the time to do damage. For me, RNG makes more sense as a sub. For some folks, NIN does. I'll have both available, but RNG will be my primary.
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Re: Notice this?
Blu/Nin needs a lot of Acc bonuses to work well, but I think that's the same between all sub jobs. I find I do optimal damage if I even out my magic usage, melee attacks, weapon skills, and magic bursts.
Just another job in the refresh cycle!
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Re: Notice this?
COR/RNG primarily relies on their natural RACC and Sharpshot for their ranged damage, COR/NIN primarily relies on their offhand (archer's/hawker's/thatnicevampirethingy/etc dagger) and utsu.
In my opinion, COR/NIN is supirior pre-barrage, especially when you have to pull. But after 60, and if the COR doesn't have to pull.../RNG would be some owning stoof.
I know when I leveled my COR (still at 24 though), I used /NIN when I got utsu. Helped so much for pulling. Before that, I used WAR.
/WHM COR is, in my opinion, useless. It's like THF/WHM or RNG/WHM. COR, in itself, isn't like BRD as a buffing job. Sure, you have PT boosts...but you don't get magely EQ. COR gets the equipment of rangers, thieves. BRD still gets the EQ of WHM, RDM.
That's how BRD keeps up with /WHM, and why COR falls behind. Of course, with dedication, you can probably make any sub work for any job. But, in general...
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Re: Notice this?
I have to wonder why anyone would ask COR to pull, considering how slow guns are. I mean, I see why COR can pull, but if there was a THF or WAR or RNG in the party they'd be my first pick to pull before COR.
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Re: Notice this?
Because no one in qufim knows how to /ra?
Or at least make a ra macro that doesn't look like:
/ra <t>
/p <Ranged Attack><Monster><Thing><t><Pull Back><Just Used It><call1>
Which they spam 7 times before they actually claim it.
my ears bleed.
; - ;
on a more serious note, most of the PTs I pulled in didn't have a THF or a RNG, and it's not like a COR has much better to do if they're buffing DURING fights
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Re: Notice this?
Now, I am pretty much limited to income on FFXI when playing a job and subjob. I can't really play NIN because going through one level requires a month's worth of farming (Or being in some HNMLS that you will never get into).
So I tried other things.
BLU/WHM is also good beause you can also play the role of main healer. When I was playing BLU/BRD (Don't ask!), Magic Fruit recovered 277 HP at the most. With a White Mage sub, it increases to 355 HP.
BLU/BLM could work as a nice finisher to your self-skillchain.Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.
Get creative and pretend these happened.
Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!
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Re: Notice this?
leveling NIN to 37 isn't that expensive, if you invest in gear and not tools. Just be sure to get your own PTs, and someone else to tank >.> NIN isn't that good of a tank then anyway. Although, if you ding 37 and don't have Ni, prepare to get a speedy replacement.
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