My ls used to have a pretty cool tool on our site, where we'd keep it up-to-date with as possible with AH / vendor prices for our server and so on and it would spit out items we could buy and sell at a profit. Quite Handy. Sadly the site admin and developer both quit FFXI and one day it all disappeared off the internet.
I've had the source code and data for a while and have been toying with the idea of recreating it and expanding it to include synths / farming and other goodness. So you could ask it how much a recipe would cost you and how much you could make / lose on it, or the most profitable synths / farmed items for your level etc.
Then I thought, if I've thought of it, someone's bound to have gotten there before me and there's no point making something that already exists. So, does anyone know of something similar out there already? I've seen plenty of sites that have recipes, and some that have vendor information, and some that have what mob drops what, but I've yet to find one that combines all this information together.
I've had the source code and data for a while and have been toying with the idea of recreating it and expanding it to include synths / farming and other goodness. So you could ask it how much a recipe would cost you and how much you could make / lose on it, or the most profitable synths / farmed items for your level etc.
Then I thought, if I've thought of it, someone's bound to have gotten there before me and there's no point making something that already exists. So, does anyone know of something similar out there already? I've seen plenty of sites that have recipes, and some that have vendor information, and some that have what mob drops what, but I've yet to find one that combines all this information together.