I don't understand... I just don't understand.
My party and I went to Kuftal tunnel and the BLU's sneak drops at the worst spot possible, thanks to the MPK patch and his quick thinking, he dies in camp and all the crabs go "poof!".
We wait, I warn the party that the cactuars agro sight and we should move up, so the WHM stands around and lets those cute but deadly, moving plants run up and start smacking her around like a rag doll. Being a good tank, our NIN vokes and zones along with half the party who were healing and might have caught agro.
Anyways... a few seconds later, I stood too close to a crab and it agros me, I tap my sleep macro, send the bugger to sleep, sneak myself and head to zone to clear hate. The BLM who stayed with me, for some really odd reason, desides to run with me... without sneak. Needless to say, the little Tarutaru dies... in the middle of 3-4 crabs, en rout to the zone.
So everyone's at zone, save the BLM that was dead, we healed up and head back in and the careless WHM raises the BLM and without checking the souroundings. At the sametime, then without checking around him, the BLM raises and dies again (>.>);; HPs and cusses me off saying I made a bad party and he died twice.
What I don't understand is... if you need sneak to get in, why wouldn't you need sneak to get out? If you're going to raise why don't you check if it's safe? Maybe because I've died enough times a BST that I check around before getting up but you -don't- have to raise as soon as raise is casted on you...
This guy died twice by his -own- fault and then proceeds to cuss me out.. why?
*sigh* /rant off
My party and I went to Kuftal tunnel and the BLU's sneak drops at the worst spot possible, thanks to the MPK patch and his quick thinking, he dies in camp and all the crabs go "poof!".
We wait, I warn the party that the cactuars agro sight and we should move up, so the WHM stands around and lets those cute but deadly, moving plants run up and start smacking her around like a rag doll. Being a good tank, our NIN vokes and zones along with half the party who were healing and might have caught agro.
Anyways... a few seconds later, I stood too close to a crab and it agros me, I tap my sleep macro, send the bugger to sleep, sneak myself and head to zone to clear hate. The BLM who stayed with me, for some really odd reason, desides to run with me... without sneak. Needless to say, the little Tarutaru dies... in the middle of 3-4 crabs, en rout to the zone.
So everyone's at zone, save the BLM that was dead, we healed up and head back in and the careless WHM raises the BLM and without checking the souroundings. At the sametime, then without checking around him, the BLM raises and dies again (>.>);; HPs and cusses me off saying I made a bad party and he died twice.
What I don't understand is... if you need sneak to get in, why wouldn't you need sneak to get out? If you're going to raise why don't you check if it's safe? Maybe because I've died enough times a BST that I check around before getting up but you -don't- have to raise as soon as raise is casted on you...
This guy died twice by his -own- fault and then proceeds to cuss me out.. why?
*sigh* /rant off