Ok so I hit hit lvl 55 so I decided to go for my RDM AF3 my warlock gloves so I have to go to Eldieme Nacropolis to get a coffer key and get my coffer with my old gloves in it . Ok so the first time I roll down I have a high lvl whm/nin with me they get the drop off the 3rd kill then my sneak wears I get aggro and die no big deal she uses raise 3 so i dont lose much xp and I have the key but she has to go so I decided a little later to go back and go hunt for my coffer and die again D-lvling this time so i was pretty up set over that so I gave up for the rest of the day . Ok day two I'm down a lvl but I'm ready so I ask my brother to come with me to stand at the lever and open the gates for me and one other person who knew the coffer locations to help me so I'm ready my brother goes to the lever and me and my friend go on the hunt I had stopped for a second to recast invis and she spots my coffer and tells me to hurry befor someone else gets it when I get near it someone sends out a /shout that he had found a coffer , but I got to it first and got my item once I popped the coffer he starts /shouting "Steal, Steal , GM call!!" so I sent out a /say "hey I d-lvled for this coffer and we saw it first" and my friend tells him very nicely "sorry but we saw it first" . So were headed back to pick up my brother from the lever and out of nowere I get a /tell its "GM Pent"
<GM Pent>hello
<GM Pent>well <player> says you stole his coffer
<Darkprophet>WTF No I didnt!
<GM Pent>well who saw the coffer first?
<Darkprophet>a girl in my pt
<GM Pent>ok then have a good evening
Now I have never spoken to a GM and he was really nice but honastly who would actualy call a GM over a coffer !! Am I wrong to be upset ?
<GM Pent>hello
<GM Pent>well <player> says you stole his coffer
<Darkprophet>WTF No I didnt!
<GM Pent>well who saw the coffer first?
<Darkprophet>a girl in my pt
<GM Pent>ok then have a good evening
Now I have never spoken to a GM and he was really nice but honastly who would actualy call a GM over a coffer !! Am I wrong to be upset ?
