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Has this ever happined to you?

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  • Has this ever happined to you?

    Ok so I hit hit lvl 55 so I decided to go for my RDM AF3 my warlock gloves so I have to go to Eldieme Nacropolis to get a coffer key and get my coffer with my old gloves in it . Ok so the first time I roll down I have a high lvl whm/nin with me they get the drop off the 3rd kill then my sneak wears I get aggro and die no big deal she uses raise 3 so i dont lose much xp and I have the key but she has to go so I decided a little later to go back and go hunt for my coffer and die again D-lvling this time so i was pretty up set over that so I gave up for the rest of the day . Ok day two I'm down a lvl but I'm ready so I ask my brother to come with me to stand at the lever and open the gates for me and one other person who knew the coffer locations to help me so I'm ready my brother goes to the lever and me and my friend go on the hunt I had stopped for a second to recast invis and she spots my coffer and tells me to hurry befor someone else gets it when I get near it someone sends out a /shout that he had found a coffer , but I got to it first and got my item once I popped the coffer he starts /shouting "Steal, Steal , GM call!!" so I sent out a /say "hey I d-lvled for this coffer and we saw it first" and my friend tells him very nicely "sorry but we saw it first" . So were headed back to pick up my brother from the lever and out of nowere I get a /tell its "GM Pent"
    <GM Pent>hello


    <GM Pent>well <player> says you stole his coffer

    <Darkprophet>WTF No I didnt!

    <GM Pent>well who saw the coffer first?

    <Darkprophet>a girl in my pt

    <GM Pent>ok then have a good evening

    Now I have never spoken to a GM and he was really nice but honastly who would actualy call a GM over a coffer !! Am I wrong to be upset ?

    Last edited by demonkittie; 07-05-2006, 05:02 PM.

    Finaly in full Red Mage AF

  • #2
    Re: Has this ever happined to you?

    Although "WTF No i didn't" may not of been the best response >_> opening a coffer is not breaking the ToS just because someone else saw it first. Chances are the GM only responded to the call to shut the other player up...


    • #3
      Re: Has this ever happined to you?

      How do you steal a coffer? It's first come first serve.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #4
        Re: Has this ever happined to you?

        Originally posted by Mhurron
        How do you steal a coffer? It's first come first serve.
        I had it happen to me once in Garlaige. The coffer spawned on a ledge on the wrong side of the door where I was, and one of my LS mates offered to Tractor me up. While I was recovering from Weakness (can't open coffers while Weakened) another player dashed in and opened the coffer while we're all standing there.



        • #5
          Re: Has this ever happined to you?

          Yeah, what the hell is up with that? Stealing a coffer?


          • #6
            Re: Has this ever happined to you?

            On HNM they say that if it goes unclaimed, it's fair game. Even if another alliance was fighting it when it went unclaimed. I can't really imagine a GM enforcing a rule where somebody calls a GM on them because somebody "stole" their coffer.

            Oh, and it was easier to read before you changed the colors. Yellow text on a white background is painful. (Most of us use the light background.)
            Generic Info!


            • #7
              Re: Has this ever happined to you?

              Originally posted by Icemage
              I had it happen to me once in Garlaige. The coffer spawned on a ledge on the wrong side of the door where I was, and one of my LS mates offered to Tractor me up. While I was recovering from Weakness (can't open coffers while Weakened) another player dashed in and opened the coffer while we're all standing there.

              Yes I agree that seems kind of rude, but still it's not really stealing. It would have been better to ask what's going on first though.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                Thats incredibly sad that someone is such a baby that they call a GM for something like that. Like everyone said, its not who saw it first, its who traded the key first.
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #9
                  Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                  I would have felt bad about the situation if i had actualy stolen the coffer from him in any way but my pt saw it first and i got to it first ,and the only reason I said "WTF" lol was because at first I thought someone was messing with me and by time I realised he was a GM I had already said it beleave me i felt pretty stupid by then

                  Finaly in full Red Mage AF


                  • #10
                    Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                    As unbelievable as this all is, I've definitely heard of worse things. People getting GMed for speed hacking because they had mazurka on while they weren't a bard (hello...AoE song?). People getting GMed for position hacking because they loaded on places they shouldn't be able to load after being teleported by the warptaru. Or even somebody's computer messing up and they ran at flee-speeds full time (not on purpose). They called a GM to ask for help because they didn't know why it was happening and they didn't want to get in trouble. So the GM flagged their account for speed hacking anyway. (And then later a different GM fixed it.)

                    Still... calling a GM over somebody getting to a coffer before you is a waste of everybody's time.
                    Generic Info!


                    • #11
                      Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                      Originally posted by Mhurron
                      Yes I agree that seems kind of rude, but still it's not really stealing. It would have been better to ask what's going on first though.
                      I'm with Mhurron here. That kind of sucks that someone ran in and took the coffer while you were waiting for weakness to wear, but it still doesn't mean the guy stole it. Of course, it means you'd remember his name the next time he was LFG in your range, I guess.

                      I've thankfully never had to fight over coffers with anyone else, but then again, I've only ever done three sets of AF, so maybe as time goes by I'll start to have to. But I generally camp out a small area where a few coffers pop and log back in and out occasionally to see if one has appeared (especially in places like Garlaige and Eldieme). So far it has worked out pretty well.

                      I have had to fight over chests when doing RSE before. I had a guy sitting on a chest once, but he didn't have a key, and he was mad at me for taking it (regardless of the fact that it would instantly respawn). I've also had people let me get the last chest I needed so that I would be gone (and I've done the same for others) even though I might not have been the first one to it.

                      Personally I prefer to be as courteous as possible with coffer hunting, because you never know when you're going to encounter this person again, and what's the point of looking like a greedy ass, when a little bit of patience could very well make you a new friend?


                      • #12
                        Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                        I'm with Mhurron here. That kind of sucks that someone ran in and took the coffer while you were waiting for weakness to wear, but it still doesn't mean the guy stole it. Of course, it means you'd remember his name the next time he was LFG in your range, I guess.
                        Well, sometimes you could be waiting an entire day to see a coffer spawn. Do you really consider it rude that the person saw it and didn't ask someone next to the chest what they were doing before opening it?

                        I don't really think you can steal a coffer. Sure, you were next to it, but you were weakened from being tractored, so you weren't able to open it. It would've taken you longer to run around and get to the coffer normally than to be tractored, but you wouldn't have been weakend and been able to open it right away.

                        It's not really fun, but coffers are definately first come first served (or, in this case, first guy that can actually open the coffer, first served)
                        Last edited by Hamlet; 07-06-2006, 03:32 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                          The guy certainly could have asked, but I guess I can see the logic behind not asking. Personally I would, but that random guy isn't me.


                          • #14
                            Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                            Ugh one incident where my ls mate was going for RSE chests, I saw the ??? for the satchet up, so I told him to hurry up and zone in to spawn it. Well appearantly some other guy was waiting for his friend to spawn it also, I don't quite remember if that guy was standing there before I got there or not, but my ls mate got there and spawned it just before his friend did. I don't really know what they said to each other afterwards, but on one chest, the guys waited for my ls mate to run up to a chest, then one of them picked it as Thf. After that I caught the gist of it as they didn't like how he took the satchet NM while going for RSE chests.


                            • #15
                              Re: Has this ever happined to you?

                              Originally posted by zagex
                              I don't really know what they said to each other afterwards, but on one chest, the guys waited for my ls mate to run up to a chest, then one of them picked it as Thf. After that I caught the gist of it as they didn't like how he took the satchet NM while going for RSE chests.
                              now taht is just extreamly childness in the works there and showing he is a sore loser.
                              [GM]Dave>> Last question.
                              Player>> Shoot.
                              [GM]Dave>> Don't tempt me.

