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How come JP don't like to pt with me?

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  • How come JP don't like to pt with me?

    I've heard that question so many times. Sometimes even in shout at whitegate. Japanese people are actually really friendly people. They're not racist, it's just that english speakers have really bad manners and no respect sometimes. So let me help you get into some japanese pts and hopefully, I can teach some of you some manners and give EN players a good name because I'm tired of the bad sterotype we get.

    #1. I see this more and more often, and it royally pisses me off when I'm a pt leader as well. DO NOT REPLACE YOURSELF. You might think you're doing the pt leader a favor by replacing yourself and leaving as soon as your replacement comes to reduce downtime, but this is NOT TRUE. Here's the reason why. The party you were in might already be exhausted from however many hours you have partied. When someone new is invited, the party is obligated to gain a reasonable amount of xp before breaking. This is to make his (the replacements) trip to where ever you were lvling worth it. How would you feel if you went to cape terrigan and the pt lasted for 1000 exp? If you were to get a replacement, ASK THE PT LEADER FIRST. PT leaders HATE it when you dont tell them before you invite a replacement. I can't emphasize how much hate. Because when the replacement comes, but the pt was going to break anyways, you get to leave without any hassle, while it is up to the pt leader to be the bearer of bad news to tell your replacement that the pt is breaking. Always ask pt leader if it is ok to replace if needed. Then it should be up to the pt leaders job to find out if the rest of the party had enough time to continue exping with a replacement. I've had tanks replace themselves with drks without saying a word until the replacement came. If you are party leader, then replacing yourself is out of the question. The leader abandoning his own party? That shows extremely bad leadership.

    #2. Give at least a 30 minute warning before you leave. Not just a, {Have stuff to do}{see you again!} /ma "Warp" <me>. This is just common respect and at the same time gives the pt leader some time to decide whether to break pt or to find a replacement.

    #3. Stop travelling ahead of the other members. For example, if I were to lvl in CN, and I invited you. Don't go to CN immediately. In fact, don't even leave jeuno for the sake of getting to CN faster until prompted by the pt leader. So what if you got to CN faster? You still need the rest of your pt before you begin. If you don't wait in jeuno, you're waiting in CN. Besides, if the whole pt travels together, any complications would be easier to resolve. If you aggro, your pt can help you kill it. On the other hand if you went solo and are far ahead of your pt, then got aggro, then the pt will have to find you a raise, wait for weakness, etc. Point is, going ahead of your pt doesn't make anything faster, but only increases chances of complications to happen.

    #4. Don't question where the pt leader wants you to go. You might have gotten awesome xp in CN before, but never tried altepa. Don't argue with him to go to CN and just listen to him to go to altepa. He might have a particular party setup that works better with altepa and not as well in CN or vice versa. I've had so many people, especially at lower lvls, challenge where I wanted to xp even though they've never been to the places I recommend. Besides, he's the pt leader, not you, just listen to him. And one side note: Please please please don't spam {party}{camp}{where?} before the pt even started. When the leader is ready, he will tell you. Only exception to this is if he's taking an exceptionally long time to decide, but generally that will rarely ever happen.

    #5. Stop leaving the party 20 minutes into fighting. Look, when you join a party, it's almost like a contract to stay for at least 1 and a half hour. In fact, if you can't stay for any longer than 2 hours, I'd advise you tell the pt leader that. It takes time to assemble a pt, to travel, then finally to xp. It really puts unecissary work on the pt leader to replace and what not.

    These are the main things that come to mind right now. I'll add on to this if I think of anything else. Japanese honestly aren't racist people. In fact, they kind of envy american culture and music. It just so happens that mannerism is much more important in japan, and almost non existent in the states that give EN such a bad name. I'll admit, EN manners have improved a lot during the past year (at least during lvls 70-75). However, there are much much more improvement that we could make. I've had so many parties even in the 50-65 range that had manners comparable to what you find in valkurm dunes.

  • #2
    Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

    Originally posted by Bishop
    #5. Stop leaving the party 20 minutes into fighting. Look, when you join a party, it's almost like a contract to stay for at least 1 and a half hour. In fact, if you can't stay for any longer than 2 hours, I'd advise you tell the pt leader that. It takes time to assemble a pt, to travel, then finally to xp. It really puts unecissary work on the pt leader to replace and what not.
    I couldn't have said it better myself. Gil donated!


    • #3
      Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

      Wow, very generous donation. Thank you so much mog ^-^. Puts me out of the negatives again.


      • #4
        Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

        What the bloody hell? How did you get 10k gil?
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #5
          Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

          These very reasons are why i've got a stereotypical view that 90% of NA partys are going to suck. JP partys get to a camp without needing babying, they stick together if they don't know the way and make sure they are capable of getting there without putting others in danger. Once they get to camp we fight, maybe take a small break every hour or so, rather than the constant breaks NA partys seem to have.

          Now if only they would be less hesitant about inviting me due to my language.

          Oh to add to the previous advice. Search comments, USE ONE, put in it your TNL, whether you can go to certain areas, maybe available subs and in some cases what roles you are willing to fill. I see so many english players not using these, where as 99.9% of JP players use them. They are a great help to leaders, or atleast those who bother to read them (do that too), so please ^^ and make them multi language friendly.

          Although NA players can get away with partying only NA players us EU players' peak times cross over quite convieniently with JP times and it can be really hard to get partys alot of the time due to language issues.


          • #6
            Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

            Cuz Kailea is the best. (@'-')b Tyvm :D

            Edit: I would like to add one more thing. If you tend to party at around the same hours everyday, JP people WILL remember you if you are good and can seperate yourself from their general idea of what EN people are like. I've gotten repeat invites several days in a row from the same people before.
            Last edited by Bishop; 07-05-2006, 02:32 PM.


            • #7
              Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

              Bishop, awesome post man! Couldn't have said it better myself. Here's several other hints to add to your list.

              * Use proper english. Even if they're Japanese speaking players, a lot of them can and will try to translate english into their native tongue. Using ebonics, thug-talk and chat-speak drives them crazy and up the wall (It also drives me crazy and up the wall and english is my first language) Leave your ***** l33t talk where it belongs - deep in the craw of your lower intestine. There's no place in party chat for this, especially in a game featuring players from all around the world.

              * Don't spam party chat. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. Sure, you may be the RP type, but leave that in LS chat. It's annoying as hell, especially those cheesy macros and can get on anyone's nerve. People have feelings and the last thing they want when they're trying to escape the pressures and problems of reality is to see stupid **** like this and set them on edge. Not nice. Need a way to remind yourself of what macro you used? How about /echo? Most players don't even know this exists in the game...

              * Keep AFK to a minimum. If you can't seem to be able to stay attentive to what's going on in the game most of the time, then you shouldn't even have FFXI on at all. You got a whiny brat in the house? There's a hostage situation across the street from you? You're constantly tabbing out because you're afraid that your manager will drop in unannounce at your cubicle? Tough ****. Do everyone else a favor and stay offline. Take care of your problems before you come online. Of course, there's exceptions to this, like an emergency. If that's the case, however, you should convey this to the party leader and leave. Don't screw around with your other party members and waste their time.

              * Be a sheep. It's one of those ... hot debate topcis in the game. There's a group of people who believe that their money is spent to play this game however they see fit and if that means to buck the trend or fly against "cookie cutter" job combinations, so be it. This, my friends, will not "fly" with JP players. A party leader and/or the party members wanted you because of a specific way they expect the party to perform with the members they have. So, reign in your creativity and save that for another day. If the party leader asks you to sub a certain job that is basically expected of you for the main job you have, then you should have it ready with all spells updated for the level. Many players will not gimp themselves for the sake of the party. Neither should you.


              • #8
                Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                1. the black sheep. Bad skill players that made the bad name for NA as a whole.
                2. Replacing.

                2 things I really hate.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #9
                  Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                  There are a lot of horrible JP players. JP don't invite "you" for the same reason a NA wouldn't. Also, they like to be able to talk to their members. However, some are bitter that NA brought in so many RMT and inflation.
                  Read my blog.
                  Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                  Entry 32: Death to Castro


                  • #10
                    Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                    Originally posted by Legal Fish
                    some are bitter that NA brought in so many RMT and inflation.
                    lol, great stereotype. This isn't to say that they're all innocent little angels.
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #11
                      Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                      I've had the pleasure of being in several Japanese parties, and they are quite chatty. Maybe he was just trying to practice his skills, but we talked about the weather a lot. From what I gather Japan is とても さむい.


                      • #12
                        Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                        They're not racist, it's just that english speakers have really bad manners and no respect sometimes.
                        That seems kind of contradictory. If you are correct, and Japanese do not invite NA players because of the reasons you've listed, then they are unfairly generalizing.

                        But hey, it's also generalization to say that all Japanese are elitists or stingy when it comes to inviting. Regardless, this is a good list for those who do not know proper party etiquette.


                        • #13
                          Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                          My secret for getting JPN Parties? Be a RDM!

                          All joking a side, learn to use the Auto-Translator function. It's become second nature for me, and a couple of my LS mates tease me saying it truly is a second nature for me.

                          When inviting people, give all the useful information. Level range, where you're going, and even what jobs you already have on board. Here's an example of my usual party /tell:

                          {Excuse me...} PT {Do you need it?} Lv.40-42 {Crawler's Nest} SAM, THF, BLM, RDM, WHM

                          I used that just last night. I was having a heck of a time finding a tank, and used this on a tank that wasn't even seeking and next thing we know we were on our way to the camp.

                          The AFK thing has become excessive to the nth degree. Outside of bathroom breaks, I don't think I ever see AFKs in JPN parties.

                          Never ask the leader for the leader position. If you're recruiting for the final spot, fine. That's helpful, but I'm the leader, tell the person who the leader is so they know who's going to invite you. I actually had an idiot ask for leadership in a party I was in over the weekend where they got leadership, and then went AFK for 25 minutes or more. Finally we disbanded and formed with out them.

                          When I EXP, I bank on 3 hours, but I'm still surprised at how often I get the "gtg kbyethx" after 45 minutes to an hour. I've turned down parties with friends I've actually wanted because I couldn't spend 3 hours with them. On a few occasions I've had them ask me to come along anyway, and they can look for a replacement but be gaining EXP.

                          If you are a replacement, give them a heads up on how long the party will continue. Nothing sucks more than popping 3 hour food, and the party only lasts another 30 minutes. So you spent gil on transportation, popped food (Expensive or otherwise) and you're LFG 30 minutes later?

                          Originally posted by Bishop
                          Edit: I would like to add one more thing. If you tend to party at around the same hours everyday, JP people WILL remember you if you are good and can seperate yourself from their general idea of what EN people are like. I've gotten repeat invites several days in a row from the same people before.
                          This is so true! I flew through the 50's with the same people just because we on the same time, and they were impressed with my skill. So around the same time the next night I'd get a /tell. I've found that people have invited me as other jobs because of that too. A JPN NIN that I hit Lv.60 with was leveling her WAR subjob, saw that I was BLM, not even seeking, and asked if I wanted to hop on board. Next thing I know 3 levels later I had a fully leveled Sub job.

                          I've had two instances that I can recall that a JPN player wrote my name down, and looked me up later. So make yourself memorable.
                          PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                          RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                          Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                          SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                          • #14
                            Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                            When 9/10 JP players I've searched while forming parties have:

                            {English} {Party} X {Thanks for the offer but I'll have to pass}

                            In their /sea comments, and so far - from the majority of the random /tells I've had in Japanese when I've been invited while *NOT* seeking, been responded to, "{English} {Too WeaK} wwwww" does give me the belief otherwise.

                            I've been told also, by JP's who've parsed fights with me in the party (and I'll quote).. "I've never seen a Drg parse 45% of a party's damage while being the lowest member of the party". So I'm pretty sure I'm not too file checking weak. Maybe Phoenix has a racist contingent that every other server doesn't have. Maybe I'm just imagining every slight to me not speaking a foreign tongue...

                            Sorry guys, but I don't go AFK nonstop. I do speak in sentences. I don't spam autotrans stuff in party chat. I do party hard and I play the standard templates when playing with JP's... and so far - while I've yet to have bad comments from *any* JP player I've partied with, and have felt very bad about some (but definately not all races) players - including some gilbuying JP's that didn't know what SATA was but had an SH+1.. that... race does matter.

                            Me being British means {Invite To Party -1} in JP primetime.

                            I got called an NA once, and said to the party (politely) to fsck off, as I was UK... and I was bombarded with a flood of apologies. Speaks volumes.

                            Please don't tell me about etiquette, because I know it. Please don't accuse me of being creative (gimped), because I'm not. Please don't insult my intelligence - because I've had enough: {English}? {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass} /tells to know better.

                            Not every JP is racist. The ones who've met me through others.. and have realised that "Hmm.. a Thf popping out 700 damage VB's on Roc.. at lvl 50... is worth partying with." Hmm... Thf who's always helping us track down Lumbering Lambert or Steelfleece or what not - is worth helping..."... but in random pickups...

                            {English} {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass} wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                            Is the thought I'm left with when dealing with the majority of JP's. I'm sorry if I upset people with this, but most of my experience have not been positive... apart from the ones where others "introduce" me.


                            • #15
                              Re: How come JP don't like to pt with me?

                              ...uh these are the same thing good NA parties look for

                              I don't really know why this topic suddenly came up again but the fact of the matter is a good player is a good player no matter where they're from. I've met crappy JP players just as much as I've met great NA players, the only difference is the letters they use on the screen.

                              As for JP not being racists, yes many are. Just like NAs and EUs, many just do NOT like foreigners.

                              I do everything on the list, and then some. I use AT when I can and make sure to communicate with everyone in the PT as clearly as I can. My gear is always up to date and at worst, the second best possible baring absurdly expensive or rare items and I'm always willing to do what the pt asks for.

                              Conversely I have met JPs who have broken everything on that list and then some. I had an all jp party, aside from myself, who went to Ug range and none of them waited for the others. When the Whm caught aggro, which he was following me because he didn't know the way, I was the only one there to try and help him. We both died before any of the other pt members got to us.

                              This list should be more of a 'how to have a successful party' list then a 'how to get invites from jps' list. I have never seen the average jp do anything special compared to the average NA or EU player. There's no need to make it seem like all their parties are instantly great and their invites are somehow always superiour to the invites of others.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater

