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wow what's with this attitude

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  • #31
    Re: wow what's with this attitude

    I hated fighting Antica on RDM pre-51. Multiple buffs due to nearby spellcasters (PLD-type), resistant to Dispel due to high dark magic resistance, requires Silence on BLM and PLD types, lots of damage, plus TWO annoying buff WS and a hate reset move that petrifies and usually leaves the RDM at the top of the hate list. You can end up casting Dispel 4-5 times per fight against Antica as a RDM, and that's never fun, even with Refresh.

    Absolutely the worst possible XP enemy to fight as a RDM. Not even Aura Weapons in Ru'Avitau are this annoying.



    • #32
      Re: wow what's with this attitude

      Originally posted by Icemage
      With the new ToAU zones, I don't do nearly as much enfeebling as I used to. Pretty much just Paralyze and Dia II, if I can spare the time and MP. Battles just don't seem to last long enough to even bother with enfeebles since you're fighting T or low VTs mostly.

      Actually, the amusing thing is that the most frequent enfeebling spell I use now is Sleep II to hold monsters ready while the rest of the party works its way like an assembly line through the queued up monsters.

      I still get enough chances to cap my skill though, so it's fine; but with the speed of the current burn parties, you don't really get much of a chance to do anything before the monster dies.

      Yeah, the pt I got the enfeebling comment from was in Ullegard Range. I only went there because I never tried xping there. Compared to ToAU, it was really crappy xp. But the fights were long, and they gave me a chance to do some old fashioned enfeebling.


      • #33
        Re: wow what's with this attitude

        Originally posted by Icemage
        I hated fighting Antica on RDM pre-51. Multiple buffs due to nearby spellcasters (PLD-type), resistant to Dispel due to high dark magic resistance, requires Silence on BLM and PLD types, lots of damage, plus TWO annoying buff WS and a hate reset move that petrifies and usually leaves the RDM at the top of the hate list. You can end up casting Dispel 4-5 times per fight against Antica as a RDM, and that's never fun, even with Refresh.

        Absolutely the worst possible XP enemy to fight as a RDM. Not even Aura Weapons in Ru'Avitau are this annoying.
        Back when I was leveling my PLD our static RDM hated Anticans. She still muddled through from time to time if all of the other camps were taken, but she wasn't happy about it. (Thankfully we only had to exp on them for a few levels).

        As a PLD who based his self-worth on having the mob pay the most attention to me, that hate resetting ability made me crazy.


        • #34
          Re: wow what's with this attitude

          The Rdm can hate the antican all they want. Still not an excuse not to dispel them.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #35
            Re: wow what's with this attitude

            Originally posted by Jei
            The Rdm can hate the antican all they want. Still not an excuse not to dispel them.
            Truth. If you're going to XP on Antica at all you still have to Dispel them or you're never going to kill them.



            • #36
              Re: wow what's with this attitude

              Originally posted by Jei
              The Rdm can hate the antican all they want. Still not an excuse not to dispel them.
              Oh absolutely. Not liking a mob is no reason to stop filling your role in a party. I didn't realize that I had indicated otherwise.


              • #37
                Re: wow what's with this attitude

                In fact, hating a mob is a good reason TO dispel them.

                I mean, I know I hate it when I'm playing ANT and my buffs get dispelled... Such a fun time though, throwing out a TP-reset then charging off after some delicate Blm. Uehehe.


                • #38
                  Re: wow what's with this attitude

                  I don't understand why Red Mages don't seem to like Dispelling mobs. As a Red Mage main, it PISSES me off when a mob buffs itself. ESPECIALLY when I'm leveling another job and I can't do anything to remove said buff. It absoultely irks the hell out of me that a mob would actually have the balls to buff itself in front of me. It bugs me to high heaven when I'm in the middle of casting another spell and a mob throws a buff up. Dispel is, bar none, my favorite Red Mage spell.

                  I mean, I don't like being told how to do my job any more than the next person, but geez, if you have a spell as important as Dispel and you don't use it, then why did you waste your gil to buy it?

                  It makes me cringe when I'm leveling a sub and theres another Red Mage in my party who misses a mob buff and doesn't Dispel it. I will usually let this happen twice before I say anything, because maybe the first time it was just a mistake that you missed it. After that, I'm going to let you know, "Hey, this mob does <insert pesky buff here> and you need to Dispel it."

                  But, contrary, it makes me smile inside when I'm leveling another job and the other Red Mage actually uses Dispel each and every time the mob buffs itself. It's not like I had anything to do with someone being good at the job, but it makes me happy to see people not totally suck.

                  In all seriousness, though, Dispel is so damn important. I don't understand why so many RDMs don't think it's necessary to use it.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
                  ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                  • #39
                    Re: wow what's with this attitude

                    Originally posted by Raydeus
                    Makes you wonder what the hell are all those crappy RDMs doing out there.
                    The answer to that my friend, is absolutely nothing.
                    - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
                    Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
                    My Profile On Lodestone


                    • #40
                      Re: wow what's with this attitude

                      Originally posted by Dux
                      The answer to that my friend, is absolutely nothing.
                      I thought the answer was "meleeing".


                      • #41
                        Re: wow what's with this attitude

                        Originally posted by Dux
                        The answer to that my friend, is absolutely nothing.
                        I pted with some while lvling nin. It seems that they are subbing nin and meleeing alot (and doing 1 dmg with enspells, I still don't know how this rdm/nin in Garliage was managing 1 dmg. His enhancing must've been really bad. He was also lvl 36 and didn't have dispel yet)

                        At one point, I was like, "Ok, we've got to have a talk about rdm/nin" and he said, "Well, I'd rather have dual wield then curaga". At that point, I explained that he'll probably want to lvl blm (he already had whm ready to sub), and he said he'd consider it. I've found that if you're more polite and don't press the issue, the newb is probably more likely to actually follow your advice.


                        • #42
                          Re: wow what's with this attitude

                          Rdm is not for the lazy. It required you to concentrate 101%. Before battle, during battle, and after battle! Things to do before battle, refresh, haste, rest mp etc. Things to do during battle refresh, haste, enfeeble, cure etc. Things to do again after battle.... refresh haste rest etc! Rdm is the most demanding jobs in ffxi i think. The time you be working will be always! You got no time to dream or semi afk. Like what some people posted here, they need to have good timing for spells like refresh to get refresh on every mage/pld etc and also doing other important things like enfeeble. A wise rdm will keep a look out on graphic to catch the monster buff so you will dispel asap, to understand what moves do what on which monster and act according to it, pay attention to your pt mp movement "movement as in is it being refresh since the mp will jump every tick if your pt has refresh on", keep a lookout for refresh wear off text and haste wear off text and so much more. A good rdm usually turn on filters for text so he will easily see those refresh and haste wear off message and get on it fast.

                          Its hard to find a rdm that refresh well and enfeeble well. I am not even talking about doing other things like throwing a couple of cure or haste and others etc yet. Most rdm i pted with dont even refresh well not to talk about doing other stuffs well with refresh.....

                          Hmmm i think u can easily see if any 75rdm is even any good at a mnk pt at tomb. Since mnk pt is always on the move there and making rdm need to time a lot more better with resting etc.

                          Double Post Edited:
                          Rdm do get easy pt for the fact of the spell refresh thus making a lot of rdm getting invite easily making most rdm dont even know how to do their job well.
                          Pls stop playing rdm ;p since you all cant keep up with all the things u need to do ; ;
                          Last edited by JeanRC; 07-06-2006, 06:10 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                          • #43
                            Re: wow what's with this attitude

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi
                            I don't understand why Red Mages don't seem to like Dispelling mobs.
                            Because many of those RDMs don't understand the concept of being a support job, heck they don't even understand the concept of being a RDM in this game.

                            A Red Mage's strength resides in weakening their enemy with their enfeebling spells while making themselves stronger using enhancing magic.

                            In a party your job as a RDM is to weaken the mob so it can't fight at full power while supporting your party with Cures and other spells like Protect. After lvl 41 you also gain the ability to support magic users (Refresh), and then at 48 you get the ability to support melee/magic players in your party (Haste).

                            All of this sadly is too much work for a player that just wants to whack away and solo everything in the game because they heard how RDM is the best soloer in the game.

                            (Although then reality hits them in the face when they see the crappy dmg RDM has )
                            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                            • #44
                              Re: wow what's with this attitude

                              I think the whole attitude thing comes from people who are basically elitists. It's cool to know you have a lvl 62pld/72whm/35war... whatever. But come on, don't criticize people if they are enw and getting used to the game, help them out. It makes more sense than getting annoyed and not telling them what they should be doing... as long as your nice about it. Of course there's always people who just can't help but shove sh**ty attitudes at everyone.

                              I recently had a pt where the freaking DRG was telling everyone what to do and was just an a**hole about it. Telling everyone basically that they sucked, needless to say it was him who was he weaklink and I booted him because after 10 minutes of him ranting while we're trying to pull and exp. It got so annoying...

                              This game is not "serious business" and personally I think we should be kind of lighthearted and fun about it... it is a GAME.
                              Currently: 30Mnk/25Whm/19War/37Blu/10Blm/20NIN and growing!

                              Which FF Character Are You?


                              • #45
                                Re: wow what's with this attitude

                                Originally posted by Miyokonami
                                This game is not "serious business" and personally I think we should be kind of lighthearted and fun about it... it is a GAME.
                                That's a fine line to walk. It gets harder and harder to be lighthearted every time the same mistakes get you killed. And there comes a point where being new is no longer a valid excuse (e.g., one is no longer "new" to a job at level 30).

                                Yes, friendly advice is generally better than harsh criticism. But with so many players who fly off the handle at even the friendliest advice, it gets difficult to maintain a sunny disposition about people completely screwing up jobs. Missing a skillchain here and there? Not knowing a certain monster links? Ha ha, we've all been there, laugh and move on. A RDM never Dispelling anything or Refreshing anyone else? A Samurai who never manages a single successful skillchain? Come on.
                                Ellipses on Fenrir
                                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                                . . .

