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Why do you play?

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  • #16
    Re: Why do you play?

    Originally posted by Ellipses
    There are lots of little things I could say, like being a fan of the FF series, and liking the play control and "flavor" more than other MMOs, and those would all be true. But what it really boils down to is:

    1) I'm too lazy to take up more difficult, rewarding hobbies.
    2) I'm addicted to approval ("Good job!").
    3) It provides a false sense of accomplishment that would otherwise be lacking.
    4) I'm too socially inept to attempt making many RL friends, and most of the ones I have live more than a day's travel away.

    So, largely, I'm that stereotype.
    why put your self into a sterotype. i feel what your sayin and all, but i also feel its more than that. is it really are fault that we live in this time, in this world? i think not. there are limitless ideas of what life could be and could not, but i think a fantasy such as ff 11 would suit as all just fine. life is pretty damn boreing, whats there to look forward to, get through school, get a nice job, meet some girl/guy and have kids YEEPE!...not, id like to think theres more to life that that "sterotype", but unfourtnely the more i think of it, theres just not, and there will never bee, so im not sure about you, but for me, its not that im lazy, i justt see it through the end and realize theres not much out there, so these illusions we like to call video games suit me just well, and i fell just fine


    • #17
      Re: Why do you play?

      Kanji is easy :D;;;.....

      I play because alot of my other friends are playing..some really close online ones..and some offline ones as well. Without them this game would be ALOT less fun...not that FFXI by itself isnt a great game, but you cannot deny that a great part of this game's fun is with your friends. Its what keeps me lvling another job just to sub or do missions, or doing little pointless things or test things out or...just about everything to keep me logging back online. A huge part of it, is some of my closest friends.

      And i like to kill stuff...who doesnt? Damn those bunnies...>D *kills another*


      • #18
        Re: Why do you play?

        Originally posted by Sesshomaru
        why put your self into a sterotype. i feel what your sayin and all, but i also feel its more than that. is it really are fault that we live in this time, in this world? i think not. there are limitless ideas of what life could be and could not, but i think a fantasy such as ff 11 would suit as all just fine. life is pretty damn boreing, whats there to look forward to, get through school, get a nice job, meet some girl/guy and have kids YEEPE!...not, id like to think theres more to life that that "sterotype", but unfourtnely the more i think of it, theres just not, and there will never bee, so im not sure about you, but for me, its not that im lazy, i justt see it through the end and realize theres not much out there, so these illusions we like to call video games suit me just well, and i fell just fine
        Because it's true. You didn't ask why I think other people play, or should play, or what's good about the game. You asked why I play. You also didn't ask why I play video games, but why I play this game.

        The fact that it's Final Fantasy was the initial draw, and the fact that everyone said it was a grind (one of my favorite parts of single-player FFs is the grinding). The idea of exploring a new FF as my first MMO is what got me started. But it's not what keeps me playing. If it weren't for the things I listed, I wouldn't be playing FFXI. It keeps me from thinking about all the things I'm not doing with my life, and it provides a really easy approval/accomplishment fix. I'm not going to waste my time trying to glorify that into something better than it is.
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #19
          Re: Why do you play?

          I play FFXI because:

          ~Wonderful and amazing storylines (#1 reason right there)
          ~That wonderful "I did it!" feeling
          ~Fun to get wiped by an ENM (I'll get you someday Bugboy!)
          ~Great friends who accept you for who you are
          ~Quite a few more....I just can't think of them right now, lol

          And I have a bunch of RL friends who are eccentric like myself, so I don't think I'm a steriotypical online gamer (yet at least o-o)

          Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
          Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
          Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

          My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

          Susan>> Babies are just like people.
          Susan>> Just smaller.
          [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
          [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
          Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
          [GM]Dave>> ...
          [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


          • #20
            Re: Why do you play?

            Originally posted by Ellipses
            Because it's true. You didn't ask why I think other people play, or should play, or what's good about the game. You asked why I play. You also didn't ask why I play video games, but why I play this game.

            The fact that it's Final Fantasy was the initial draw, and the fact that everyone said it was a grind (one of my favorite parts of single-player FFs is the grinding). The idea of exploring a new FF as my first MMO is what got me started. But it's not what keeps me playing. If it weren't for the things I listed, I wouldn't be playing FFXI. It keeps me from thinking about all the things I'm not doing with my life, and it provides a really easy approval/accomplishment fix. I'm not going to waste my time trying to glorify that into something better than it is.
            I could certainly be doing better things with my time. But hey, it's my time to do with as I will, and I do tend to take the easy road a lot. Oh well!


            • #21
              Re: Why do you play?

              To me - aside from the very cool social aspect of the experience - its like a sport. The team work and accomplishment of achieving goals as a team is what makes this game worthwhile and enjoyable to me. Like a summer softball league that lasts all year and everyday! Everyone has a position they play and when played well, you can only win. And to make things all the more exciting - its a traveling team! I do find myself just stepping back, taking a break and enjoying the 'art' of the developers of this game.
              To die by the sword...hurts like hell!


              • #22
                Re: Why do you play?

                I play for the experience of the adventures that you're treated to whenever you log in, be it just skilling up with friends or killing an HNM.


                • #23
                  Re: Why do you play?


                  I started playing because I figured SE could do a MMORPG right (and for the most part, they have); I got burned bad by other games.

                  I've stuck with the game for the social interaction. The areas that I lived/live in do not have much of, if any, people I share common interests with. I've met more people I have things in common with in my 2 years of FFXI then I have the rest of my 22 years of exsistance.
                  To any BLMs complaining about TP Burn parties; What goes around, comes around. Shut up.


                  • #24
                    Re: Why do you play?

                    I play because it's fun, and because I never run out of things to do, and I mean never.

                    There's always a new quest, a new mission, a new job to level, a new craft etc. etc. etc. so really for the amount of money I pay a month I get much more fun than I would doing anything else.
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • #25
                      Re: Why do you play?

                      I play because for the hour or so I'm playing I can escape being traped in a body that dosn't work right. I don't have to be stuck in a chair for long distance travel.
                      and nobody judges you on how you look. Also killing bunnies is a grate stress reliever.


                      • #26
                        Re: Why do you play?

                        It's an FF MMO...what other reason do I need? XD


                        • #27
                          Re: Why do you play?

                          I spend a lot more money than I should on computer games and I heard that MMO's are good enough that one does not buy others games and can play them for years. I prefer console gaming to my pc and so when ffxi came out and it, I got it. It's not really working though, I got a lot of new games when my internet connection was intermittent and I've not been able to get back into the game since it's fixed.


                          • #28
                            Re: Why do you play?

                            Since I started plying FFXI I havent touched my PS2. its been the closet for a year now. Every once in a while when I'm in there looking for some thing I think about geting it back out but then I get caught up in other things and forget about it.


                            • #29
                              Re: Why do you play?

                              Its fun?


                              • #30
                                Re: Why do you play?

                                Originally posted by Ellipses
                                Because it's true. You didn't ask why I think other people play, or should play, or what's good about the game. You asked why I play. You also didn't ask why I play video games, but why I play this game.

                                The fact that it's Final Fantasy was the initial draw, and the fact that everyone said it was a grind (one of my favorite parts of single-player FFs is the grinding). The idea of exploring a new FF as my first MMO is what got me started. But it's not what keeps me playing. If it weren't for the things I listed, I wouldn't be playing FFXI. It keeps me from thinking about all the things I'm not doing with my life, and it provides a really easy approval/accomplishment fix. I'm not going to waste my time trying to glorify that into something better than it is.
                                excuse me for leaveing the realm of video game talk and goin a bit into life, but you shouldn't need a game to keep you from dwelling on the negative, i call that an excuse, but what i really don't get is how your going to tell me all that is wrong, and do nothing about it, just go on like nothing happens because you get a false sense of security out of a video game. i wasn't trying to glorify the reason, just tellin you why

