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Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

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  • #31
    Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

    Originally posted by Matera
    The first time I saw him was just where the big map starts from the Western Altepa entrance. I was shocked. I thought, wow, who is he after?

    He just ran down the hall, about to fork away from me.

    Then he decided to take a morsel on his way.
    You can't help being so tasty. I have the same problem.


    • #32
      Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

      Originally posted by Aelathir
      You can't help being so tasty. I have the same problem.
      Aren't all your jobs too low to be in Kufal anyway Aelathir? Or did he jump you going to garuda?
      [GM]Dave>> Last question.
      Player>> Shoot.
      [GM]Dave>> Don't tempt me.


      • #33
        Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

        Back before gilsellers were rampant I used to camp Amemet with my LS once in a while when we were bored, so we had a few close calls and a couple of disasters due to Guivre. When most of us hit 75, we went back and beat him down for revenge.



        • #34
          Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

          I believe Aelathir is just recently restarting the game, so it was probably on his last charater. That or he's been trolling these boards for ages, learning all there is to know about the game before even buying it. But the first option seems more likely to me.
          Generic Info!


          • #35
            Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

            It's the first option. Listing my current job levels in my sig means having to explain that from time to time when someone pops up to tell me I shouldn't know something about something because my highest is 30.

            I've been to Kuftal Tunnel many times. Most annoying was as WHM, becuase no one ever wanted to bring oil and powder, so that meant carting several melee through the zone (and getting aggro myself becuase theirs wore in a stupid spot).


            • #36
              Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

              Originally posted by Aelathir
              I've been to Kuftal Tunnel many times. Most annoying was as WHM, becuase no one ever wanted to bring oil and powder, so that meant carting several melee through the zone (and getting aggro myself becuase theirs wore in a stupid spot).
              I never leave home without Sneak Oils. I'm a ninja too, so I always carry my Tonko tools everywhere also!


              • #37
                Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

                Originally posted by Eohmer
                I never leave home without Sneak Oils. I'm a ninja too, so I always carry my Tonko tools everywhere also!
                Most NIN seem to be pretty well prepared for stuff like that. I shouldn't generalize, really, but obviously the mages didn't need me to Sneak/Invis them around, so it was usually the melee jobs that didn't have NIN subbed that I had to do it for (and even some of them didn't bring Silent Oil).

                Regardless, Kuftal isn't very much fun if you have to worry about more than just your own Sneak/Invising.


                • #38
                  Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

                  First and only time I met Guiver was as a whm 34-36 (Somewhere within that). I was Sneaking through to get the supplies quest run through there. Was loads of fun with no map but finally made my way near the exit and then a thief agroed that [Bastard Sword] past me and died a short distance away. Right then my sneak and invisible wore out leaving me to try to recast and run before he came back. I didn't make it and became an Elvan squeeky toy for a dragon. I got raised and hid somewher in the caves for my weakness to wear off. (Sneak and invis both up) A Haunt decided to wander by just as weakness wore off leaving me low hp and agroed *squish* I hped back to Altep and went back through the cave again completing my supplies quest. I'll definately have to pay this NM back once I'm 75.


                  • #39
                    Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

                    my last meeting with it was few weeks ago when i made a pt trying to get to the end of the exit zone to camp and while i was moving i saw it running towards me and i turn back right on and type nigeru!! with my jp ime but still the blm in my pt die while i live somehow.


                    • #40
                      Re: Well hello there, Mr Guivre!

                      Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                      A fat lot of good it does. I've had it for like 30 levels, can't use until 70.

                      I was told it was 60, then 65, now 70...I'm starting to think the warptaru is playing with my head.

                      My Guyver story:

                      He's trusight, right? Well not all the time. I read something somewhere that said that he agros to motion, so if you stop running and stand perfectly still when he's facing you, you're safe.

                      So I'm running through the tunnel, and lo and behold I rum smackdab into this guy coming down into the big cavern he lives in. Stop dead cold.

                      Guyvere comes up, sniffs me, stands quite literally ontop of me for a tense minute (While sneak was wearing off! no good coming of this) then turns around and wanders away.

                      I recast sneak from my pecarious position, which catches his attention, so I stand still awhile until he turns around again, and start running.

                      Guyvere turns. I stop.

                      Turns again. Off I go.

                      So I'm working my way along, congratulating myself on knowing how to escape this guy, when the puller for a PT huddled up against the wall catches his attention.

                      So I think GLEE a distraction, now I make a break for it...

                      I must have caught his attention when I was running away, then, because I was a long way down the tunnel (stopping and waiting for Sneak to finish wearing off so I could recast) when he lumbered up behind me and 'tapped my shoulder'.

                      Haha, awesome.

                      I have a neat story myself while my party was in Kuftal Tunnel too. We were exp'ing on the robber crabs on that one ledge in the big area. After we were in the middle of fighting, Guivre came into the room, aggro'ing nearly everyone except my party, at first glance anyways. So, someone dies near us from Guivre's assault. WHM and RDM sneaks everyone up, we get close to the West-Altepa zone, and somehow a bunch of players just run by us, right into Guivre. They all run back to the West-Altepa zone, most die within literally seconds.

                      Another time, we were exping on the robber crabs near the Cape Terrigan zone. Well, there was three exp parties total. But what do you know, someone zones Guivre to the Cape Terrigan zone! After we all zone, I zone back in, wanting to get some screenshots. >< I nearly die.

