What is the most gear dependant job?
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The most gear dependant job?
The most gear dependant job?
FF Tribute - Chocobo Mix
Hililen of the Diabolos server. Current residence:San d'Oria
40 MNK 22 WAR 15 BLM 13 WHM -
Re: The most gear dependant job?
BRD and BST are clearly the least dependant, BST being able to level to 75 solo naked, and BRD being able to get a PT and go RSE--AF---Errant as long as they have an instrument.
Of the others, i would put NIN and SMN next next, since NIN can tank with shadows with minimal gear if they know their job, and SMN is asked to main heal most of the time.
After that....I say is acrap shoot, but here is the best order I can think up from least to most dependant, my decisions are mostly based on being able to do the job with sub par gear i nthe general 1-75 grind, straight AF--->AF being the least geared:
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
mages performance relies more on spells and the players' concentration imo. Good gear will boost your potential further, but you can really get away with an ok gear if you play good. There are expensive spells here and there but over all I don't think you need as much gil as fighters.
attackers' performance relies more on gear. How much damage you do is a straight factor to the gil you spent.
I know how this feel. When I level my Rdm and Blm up to 75 I didn't care much how much damage I was doing. As long as I kept my enfeeble and refresh, or not missing MB I'm happy. But when I play warrior and mnk I really felt bad when other war consistantly doing more damage than me. Because that is my job, at least I want to be up to par with others.
Blm to 75 Rdm to 75 I saved up my gil to 70 million.
War to 75 my gil was down to 15 million.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
See, I based mine on how far the job could push itself with gear, rather than how little gear they could get away with (because I simply don't believe in playing that way). But I can see where the latter might make more sense.
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
Getting away with as little gear and not really having new gear to get is what makes mages easier than melees to level cheaply. People will fight eachother over NIN, BRD, RDM, WHM, regardless of gear. PLD I have maybe too high up, was thinking endgame some when I did this, would move it a step above DRG, but am too lazy (RDM too i bet). Anyway, the basic thing is, it is okay for mages to go from AF-Errant/relic, melees have to go AF-thick/SH-relic. BST and BRD are the undisputed kings of cheapassness though. I leveled BST with RSE-AF-ogre-thick with no Hauberk/Huabergeon until months after 75, and BRD did RSE-AF-errant/shair-relic, nevermind that only 1 BRD AF is worth using. I stand by that BRD can get a PT naked with an instrument, and that BST can level naked period.
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
I don't think anyone is disputing that. I was just looking at the initial question (which provided very little info for us to go on) in a different way.
BST can wear whatever they choose because they are very rarely grouped with others. And BRD can wear whatever they choose because people will take them no matter what. I'd post a screenshot of Mifaco (of Bahamut) having reached 75 BRD never having touched a Stringed Instrument, but I doubt that's necessary as anyone who has snatched up a LFG BRD can attest.
Most high-demand jobs can probably get away with murder when it comes to gear. DD jobs that are fighting for one or two slots in a party have to really go above and beyond to get an invite most of the time.
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
I would think drk and rng would be high up on the list. Both rely heavily on accuracy gear to put out their big numbers. Of course, accuracy gear is important for all DDs.
And it's hard to go just by job, when you take in to account things like Taru PLD and Galka mages.
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
My first post was looking at the question as "Who can use gear to really push the limits of what they can do" rather than "Who can get away with wearing at little as possible." Since the OP didn't elaborate, I felt it was up to interpretation.
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
well if you look at it that way
monks can punch
gears push up their punching damage.
' ')vThere are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
As far as actual dependence on EXPENSIVE gear to perform acceptably:
DD jobs take the most heat for being expensive. Particularly RNG and DRK, but the others (WAR, DRG, SAM, MNK, THF) suffer from a dependence on at least adequate gear to perform decently.
Ninjas "can" perform OK without tons of expensive gear, but I'd say even the baseline for reasonable performance still breaks the bank at least as much as the less dependent DD's.
Paladins would be gear dependent, but their AF is so good they can ride it for the majority of their journey to 75, so it ends up being a not terribly expensive job overall unless you really want to splurge to excel.
BST is surprisingly gear dependent. Sure you "can" go out without the best gear, but unlike other jobs, you have no one else to pick up your slack, so in that sense, BST are pretty gear dependent (though fortunately for them, most of their gear, even the good stuff, is relatively inexpensive).
Likewise, Blue Mages seem to be very gear dependent - certainly more so than the other MP-users, since they gain a lot of power from specific stat boosts (notably +STR).
The 3 major support jobs (Red mage, Corsair, and Bard) are moderately dependent on key pieces of gear (guns and accuracy gear for corsairs, staves and enfeebling gear for RDMs, instruments and staves for Bards), but otherwise don't have huge issues with the rest of their gear.
Black mages get a lot of power from certain pieces of gear (basically anything with +elemental, +magic attack, or +magic burst damage) but as with the support jobs can typically get by with just about anything in the other slots.
White mages require very little gear to be functional. Cure potency, auto-refresh, and +hMP stats are nice of course, but you could live without them and still perform reasonably.
Summoners, aside from a couple of pieces of artifact/relic armor, Carbuncle Mitts, auto-refresh armor and HQ elemental staves, have zero dependence on gear.
Puppetmasters .. well... if they had some sort of defined role in a party, I'd guess they'd be more gear dependent, but as things stand, it doesn't much matter what they wear.
I'd say overall, the least dependent job is Summoner, if we discount Puppetmasters pending their (expected) tweaks in the next update.
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
on my personal note, there are certain things I'm looking for from each job. Of course before we can go into "who do more damage" all jobs need to meet the requirement of "doing their job right." IMO skill > gear in this respect to me applies to Rdm, Whm, Blm, Brd, Thf.
Then there's the second class which needs *both* skill and gear which would be Ninja... it's hands down the most gil dependant jobs out of all. You can be the best players in the world but if you can't buy your ninja tools you're not going to hold hate appropriately.
And then there's the DD jobs which like i stated their ability to do damage relies on their gear. Of course they still need to have enough skill to report their TP, use their JAs and connect skill chains. But those are so easy I can do them while typing this reply.
Anyway, if you are a good player you will know what your job needs. If you are playing warrior there's no denying that you want hauby. I mean, seriously, I'm a Rdm, I look at the AF2 head and I SO WANT it. You know it's good for your job there's no reason not to try to get it. But a Rdm without AF2 hat will not suffer as much as a War without Hauby. Those gears really improve DD too much to be ignored.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: The most gear dependant job?
If you're looking for a cheap job, go with BRD BST or PLD.
BRD, people don't care as long as you have songs.
BST, people don't care because you're never in their PT
PLD, even the best gear is fairly cheap, since DEF/VIT tanks are rare anymore. Not to mention you can basically use your AF from the time you get it until you quit PLD.
BLM is also fairly cheap depending on how you play it... but in general, each job is only as expensive as you want it to be.
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