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Mikan the Invisible NPC?

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  • Mikan the Invisible NPC?

    Well. I was doing besieged today, the trolls, and I was tabbing around H-8 when I targeted a name. ...No person or anything, just a green name, Mikan. I tried to click it but it did nothing, the name didn't even go away. I would have taken a screenshot, but as usual my screenshot space was filled. I just found this to be pretty interesting. I was wondering if anyone else has seen Mikan the Invisible NPC. ^^
    Red Mage 75/ Black Mage 75
    Rank 10 San d'Oria| PM Complete | ZM Complete
    Magnetic Earring: [O]
    Remora Server ~

  • #2
    Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

    isn't that drg's wyvern name? it's a popular one.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

      Yeah, that's a Wyvern's name.


      • #4
        Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

        I swear I saw a couple green Leviathon's in besieged...
        Now that I think about it, I should have screenshotted it. I'll do that next time I see it, if ever...


        • #5
          Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

          I've seen a green Titan message above the bastions just north of where the Qiqirn appraiser is in Al Zhabi. It's not just you.
          guh :D


          • #6
            Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

            Originally posted by Rinaminori
            Well. I was doing besieged today, the trolls, and I was tabbing around H-8 when I targeted a name. ...No person or anything, just a green name, Mikan. I tried to click it but it did nothing, the name didn't even go away. I would have taken a screenshot, but as usual my screenshot space was filled. I just found this to be pretty interesting. I was wondering if anyone else has seen Mikan the Invisible NPC. ^^
            Was someone's wyvern they probably lost in all the lag.


            • #7
              Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

              Originally posted by Rinaminori
              Well. I was doing besieged today, the trolls, and I was tabbing around H-8 when I targeted a name. ...No person or anything, just a green name, Mikan. I tried to click it but it did nothing, the name didn't even go away. I would have taken a screenshot, but as usual my screenshot space was filled. I just found this to be pretty interesting. I was wondering if anyone else has seen Mikan the Invisible NPC. ^^
              If you see it agen would you take a screen shot and post it in my thread Strange Stuff In Vana'diel. I'm sorta trying to make a guide to the wierd and cool things in Vanna'diel.

              Strange Stuff In Vana'diel


              • #8
                Re: Mikan the Invisible NPC?

                You know, something just came to me. Maybe those green names are something like "placeholders"? Normally you can't summon or use pets in towns, right? So maybe, they had to program them in some way.

                It's tough to explain... For instance, moogles. Apparently all areas have moogles, but you can only access them outside MHs when there are glitches, unless they're nomad moogles. Like the moogles people see in Jeuno randomly. Maybe the names we're seeing are something like placeholders for the actual mobs...? I don't know, my thoughts are rather garbled...
                guh :D

