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Besieged Alliances.

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  • #16
    Re: Besieged Alliances.

    Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
    What I don't understand is why everyone alliances up BEFORE the scattering. It would be alot more efficient to stay solo until after the beginning cutscene, and then alliance according to whose standing infront of you.

    Now if you want an alliance that can work together, that seems to be the most efficnet way to get it.

    I find it better to party/ally before the fight starts so I have time to get a group I might know and trust. It allows us time to plan rally point and mage camping to make best use of BRD songs. When besiege starts you're going to be constantly busy, if you're not busy in besiege, you should just leave the zone cause you're not worth the space. After besiege starts, sometimes I get stuck all the way at Astral Candescence and have to run to Chocobo Alley, you can make it there quick if you know the path. The point of it is, organized battle tactics. If you focus your group on a single mob, you can remove damage sources from the fight faster.


    • #17
      Re: Besieged Alliances.

      Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
      maybe it's just luck or my connection, but there's always been a certain lag time between the end of the cutscene and the spawning of the monsters.

      But yes I can see your point about people not showing up, as well as similar issues of lag and sorting out 40 invites that you got in the 20 seconds between cuscene and battle.
      Nah, not a lag time. The monster actually spawn from the gate and start pathing toward the available open paths to the Astral Candescence. If you run to the gates they come in from at start you might see them spawning and pathing.

      With the volume of mobs that show up it isn't a smart idea to gather everyone at 1 point either, leaves to big a chance of mobs getting through. Kind of like Starcraft if you ever played those "Hold the Fort" kind of player made scenarios. If all the attackers gather together sheer volume of mobs wins out, but if they are intelligently spread out volume looses.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #18
        Re: Besieged Alliances.

        I would be happy if we could set at least an alliance to assist and protect each general, then the rest of the force in alliances just focus on killing invaders (1 mob per alliance).

        With those 2 simple organization steps defending the city would be much easier, less deaths and also easier to get 700 points.

        But that's just me, in reality I doubt players have the capability to organize like that.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #19
          Re: Besieged Alliances.

          Originally posted by Raydeus
          I would be happy if we could set at least an alliance to assist and protect each general, then the rest of the force in alliances just focus on killing invaders (1 mob per alliance).

          With those 2 simple organization steps defending the city would be much easier, less deaths and also easier to get 700 points.

          But that's just me, in reality I doubt players have the capability to organize like that.
          As the number of players needed to accomplish an organized goal is needed the increased chances you'll get the ones that lack comprehension abilities, difficulty with instructions, and careless jokers to were if the number is too high becomes impossible to obtain.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #20
            Re: Besieged Alliances.

            Originally posted by Raydeus
            I would be happy if we could set at least an alliance to assist and protect each general, then the rest of the force in alliances just focus on killing invaders (1 mob per alliance).

            With those 2 simple organization steps defending the city would be much easier, less deaths and also easier to get 700 points.

            But that's just me, in reality I doubt players have the capability to organize like that.
            I donno how it is on your server. Usually in our beseiged fights, there are always a bunch of healers crowded around those gerneals and other NPC's to cure them. Cure, imo, is the simplest way of getting xp in beseiged, and those NPC's got huge HP bars to cure and fight with such valor... diving head first into AoE's and such.. XD
            Junior Member?

            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


            • #21
              Re: Besieged Alliances.

              Irisjir Callard is a WHM, and is therefore not particularly bound by the rules of being in a party, but in general, it makes no sense to be in an alliance and fighting in different parts of the map. If you're a Bard, Corsair, Red Mage, Blue Mage, or other job that is dependent on having people in your party to be effective, then the picture is much different - you need party members nearby to be fully contributing.

              Sure, sometimes it happens that a few people will get lost and stuck in a corner of the map, but it's far less effective. If I'm a mage with Raise and you're half a map away from me, there's no way I'm going to take the time and leave the people closest to me to go Raise you.

              Generally speaking, when my LS organizes for Besieged, we gather an alliance first then pick a spot or specific NPC to defend and we hold that spot as best we can - after everyone gets scattered we immediately beeline for our rendezvous point. There's usually plenty of time to do so, since we don't choose to defend the outer parts of the fortress, as a rule (too many people there = too much lag to act cohesively).



              • #22
                Re: Besieged Alliances.

                If I zoned into Besieged and a bunch of level 75 snobasses told me to get out, this was their LS doing besieged and I couldn't join because I wasn't 70+, and when I did join I had to do exactly what they said when they said without any deviation, I would stop doing besieged.
                There's a big difference between joining an alliance and wasting a slot/hurting the group, and a bunch of people just telling you to get out of the zone.


                • #23
                  Re: Besieged Alliances.

                  Originally posted by Feba
                  There's a big difference between joining an alliance and wasting a slot/hurting the group, and a bunch of people just telling you to get out of the zone.

                  Relax, there are 700 slots availible, and we've won these things with as few as 200 people in the zone (including the leeches). I seriously doubt letting a few lv 70's play will hurt the group.

                  The way SE set up beseiged made it a public event with a first come, first serve basis. It's kinda... baseless to ask anyone to get out. Even a lv 1 mule vending meds has the right to stay there and keep on vending if they choose to. Trying to monoplize beseiged for one or a few LS's is just... retarded.
                  Junior Member?

                  Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                  • #24
                    Re: Besieged Alliances.

                    Relax, there are 700 slots availible, and we've won these things with as few as 200 people in the zone (including the leeches). I seriously doubt letting a few lv 70's play will hurt the group.
                    Have you read a word of what i've posted?

                    I'm talking about people who are wasting alliance slots and hurting said alliance by not following directions like "Come to <pos>" and "/assist <name>"


                    • #25
                      Re: Besieged Alliances.

                      Originally posted by Feba
                      Have you read a word of what i've posted?
                      Apperantly not, since I was trying to reply to the person you quoted. XD

                      I am too used to forums that handled nested giant super fun nested quotes. ^^b
                      Junior Member?

                      Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                      • #26
                        Re: Besieged Alliances.

                        Originally posted by Icemage
                        (too many people there = too much lag to act cohesively).

                        Therein lies a problem with this. You're randomly placed upon the start of conflict in Beseiged (Note, there is a difference between the cue-in of a start and the actual conflict itself) No alliance has complete control over this.

                        This is why I said, situations can be made difficult in events like this. Normally by things outside of a player's influence or control (Well, the influence is the sum of all players being in the same zone and lagging each other out)


                        • #27
                          Re: Besieged Alliances.

                          Well, 2cents. I'm with Feba on this one. My LS generally parties up, and sometimes we form an alliance. We always, -always-, make sure that everyone is clear on the fact we are fighting in the Parade just skip, jump, and a hop away from the AC. Why? This puts our healers close to two generals.

                          When the fight starts, we head there. It doesn't matter where you start, thats where we go. Everyone gets capped XP - so not enough to do isn't an excuse - and the lag is usually perfectly managable where we fight. When the shouts go up that the mithra general needs help, it only takes us about 15-30 to get there and cure her butt.

                          People who don't fight with us; they're welcome to form another alliance.


                          • #28
                            Re: Besieged Alliances.

                            Originally posted by Yuanlung
                            Apperantly not, since I was trying to reply to the person you quoted. XD

                            I am too used to forums that handled nested giant super fun nested quotes. ^^b
                            ...I'm well below 70+, I usually Raise about 8-10 people during any random Besieged, I usually spend my entire MP bar (about 800, which at pure Cures calculates out to 3200 HP each bar) seven or eight times, more if it drags on, its so nice that you say I'm "not hurting anything" by being there.

                            The generals thank you for allowing me to stay, I'm sure.

                            Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                            If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                            *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*

