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Besieged Alliances.

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  • Besieged Alliances.

    While not everyone joins them, some make them out of shout, some make them with their LS and friends, if you're going to join a group, fight with the group!

    Do you have any idea how annoying it is to have all the alliance fighting in one spot.. except for three members over in chocobo alley? I didn't invite you so i'd have another HP bar to look at. The point of an alliance is making it easier for mages to cure and buff you, and easier for you to recieve said effects.

    Seriously, what good is being in an alliance doing you if you're minutes away from the rest of the alliance?

    I got tired of spamming /p <call><name>{Gather Together} and just kicked him and replaced. And then HE got bitchy. Who do you think you are to DEMAND entry back in to a PT you weren't helping in the first place? If it had been the start of besiege, sure, but half way through, and you're still across the map?

    If you don't want to work WITH a group, don't JOIN a group.

  • #2
    Re: Besieged Alliances.

    Feba, don't make assumptions.

    (1) It's fucking laggy. Or you didn't notice because you're playing FFXI on an SGI workstation (Quad 6800s) 5 feet away from the actual server somewhere in SE's office in Japan...

    (2) Monsters are over har. Monsters are over thar. Monsters are everywhar.

    (3) Any of the above, but most of the time all of the above, can impede a player to get from where he is to wherever you may be.

    Instead of worrying about him, just do your job and keep your little 6'x6' grid clear of any Astral Candysense mobs. Basically the only reason I can think of for forming an alliance is so that people can look for you when you need a raise.


    • #3
      Re: Besieged Alliances.

      Uh, if he had trouble getting to the location, that would be fine. It's that he REFUSED to. He didn't make any effort, he just stayed there.

      And like I noted above, if the mages are minutes away from you, it's not doing anyone any good.


      • #4
        Re: Besieged Alliances.

        Besieged, as nearly as I can tell, has an open claim system. Any person and any 10 persons and any 500 persons can all attack the same mob if they please.

        By the same coin, any whitemage, red mage, paladin, or anyone subbing any of the three, can cure anyone in sight if they so please. (it's just a bit less efficent than being in party/alliance with them.)

        It could be useful to join a PT and get a good Protect IV befopre Besieged starts. But after that, it's down to chaos and bitsies. There's not realy any reason to even be in a PT at all.

        If I"m in a Besieged, I almost PREFER to have my group sprayed across the map, because that way there is a very high likelihood that I know where each general is and what they are doing. If I hear Zazarg is low on health, and moving west, I can /map for that person's location and run there in as much of a hurry as the server will allow.

        But bottom line, I don't need a PT to do besieged, infact sometimes I don't take one at all, and just run around randomly curing, raising, and enfeebling.

        And having done it both ways, I dont' really see a lot of advantage to having a huge alliance.

        Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
        If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
        *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


        • #5
          Re: Besieged Alliances.

          *sigh* the advantage, as I pointed out, was to help mages find melees to cure/buff, and melees to be cured/buffed.

          Of course, this also doesn't even add in the bonuses of BRDs and refresh and such.


          • #6
            Re: Besieged Alliances.

            It seems as if once Besieged kicks in everyone forgot what Dynamis is, I gotta freaking repeat "/assist "Insert general name" over and over again or people would just let them die.

            And everytime I tell someone to alliance they just plain say no, or just ignore it.

            It's very frustrationg seeing parties of 3-6 people trying to kill 5 mobs at the same time.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #7
              Re: Besieged Alliances.

              Originally posted by Feba
              *sigh* the advantage, as I pointed out, was to help mages find melees to cure/buff, and melees to be cured/buffed.

              Of course, this also doesn't even add in the bonuses of BRDs and refresh and such.
              I never have much difficulty finding someone to cure in my viscinity, alliance or no.

              Yes, a party would make it alot easier for BRDs and CORs, but after the initial "Scattering" of peole once the event starts, I personally don't really find songs to be alot of use to me.

              That's not to say nobody else can group up with a BRD for minuet, just that I wont' join the collective. Kick me if you want.

              The thing someone else already pointed out...we already HAVE dynamisis. Which I for one am not looking forwards to. Stand here. Do this now. Wait. Move. Watch out. What are you doing! Do this. Don't lot.

              I"m not a rulenazi. I dont' look forwards to the anal retentive structure of Dynamisis.

              I love Ballista BECAUSE it's a giant free-for-all. It's the FFXI equivalent of a barroom brawl. If I don't cure someone, my entire LS won't be hounding me about it for the next two weeks. If I decide I don't feel like casting haste today, you know what, nobody freakin cares.

              I mean, I've seen level 17s running around in Besieged trying to do something helpful.

              If I zoned into Besieged and a bunch of level 75 snobasses told me to get out, this was their LS doing besieged and I couldn't join because I wasn't 70+, and when I did join I had to do exactly what they said when they said without any deviation, I would stop doing besieged.

              Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
              If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
              *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


              • #8
                Re: Besieged Alliances.

                Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                The thing someone else already pointed out...we already HAVE dynamisis. Which I for one am not looking forwards to. Stand here. Do this now. Wait. Move. Watch out. What are you doing! Do this. Don't lot.

                I"m not a rulenazi. I dont' look forwards to the anal retentive structure of Dynamisis.
                Eh... you should really try Dynamis before saying stuff about it, it depends on what ls you get, some are way better than others. But even so, if you have troubles following a strategy then I agree, Dynamis isn't for you.

                Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                I mean, I've seen level 17s running around in Besieged trying to do something helpful.

                If I zoned into Besieged and a bunch of level 75 snobasses told me to get out, this was their LS doing besieged and I couldn't join because I wasn't 70+, and when I did join I had to do exactly what they said when they said without any deviation, I would stop doing besieged.
                The problem with players lower than 65 in besieged is that unless they are support there ins't much they can do to help defend the city.

                That wouldn't be a bad thing really, they just create some extra lag but it's ok. The problem is when you have more than 700 people trying to do besieged, in those case many players level 65+ who could've helped can't enter.

                That's just wrong .
                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                • #9
                  Re: Besieged Alliances.

                  Originally posted by Raydeus
                  The problem with players lower than 65 in besieged is that unless they are support there ins't much they can do to help defend the city.

                  That wouldn't be a bad thing really, they just create some extra lag but it's ok. The problem is when you have more than 700 people trying to do besieged, in those case many players level 65+ who could've helped can't enter.

                  That's just wrong .
                  Yes, it is, however I haven't yet seen a Midgard besieged go over 550 people. And I"m usually on at peak times, too.

                  Then again, maybe my computer lags so badly it can't 'see' everyone.

                  So if the cutoff point is at 700 people, we're still a bit shy of that.

                  But I do agree, a level 17 isnt really going to be able to do jack squat, and might actually hurt things by being there, soaking up raises from other players who could be raising/curing/saving other people (/check is a lost cause, at least for me, in Besieged), but I do defend their right to come and be part of the chaos if they so please.

                  It's similar to the old argument "I don't beleive in what you're saying but I believe in your right to say it."

                  As to dynamisis, we'll see if I mature any between 63 and 70, but unless (And this is a very valid hope) Fellowship is still doing dynamisises when I'm to my endgame, I expect I will simply give up on relic armor and upgraded weapons and call it even steven for not having the aggravation.

                  Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                  If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                  *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                  • #10
                    Re: Besieged Alliances.

                    There are a few reasons I don't join alliances in beseiged. I usually go with LS buddys, and I make it a point to discuss where we will meet and who will choose our target. Even with that plan in place, due to lag, we sometimes still get seperated and end up fighting two different mobs with the same name. When I do get in a big group, I always make it a point to tell party members that I will not hunt them down to raise them; if they aren't close, they stay dead. I pay attention to the shouts, go where the generals are, raise the dead and keep hymnus up on my pt. To be honest, my ideal setup is going with a particular RDM from my LS. We always meet at the same spot, she refreshes and I ballad 2 + hymnus. We cure, raise, and debuff mobs.. it's just more fun for us in small groups.

                    OK I got sidetracked. I do agree with Feba that if you're going to join an alliance you should work with the alliance. Honestly, what's the point if you stay on the other side of the zone?
                    75 Bard and holding..
                    San d'Oria Rank 7
                    Sky: O / Sea: X


                    • #11
                      Re: Besieged Alliances.

                      I always stay in Chocobo Alley and Springserpent Square and plain refuse to venture into Uhhalam Parade. Why? Answer is 2 fold.

                      First of all, my video card can't take much of the open area of Uhhalam under beseiged. I get POL error in about 5 min of staying there.

                      Then there is the fact that you have easy access to early mobs in Chocobo Alley when people start pulling them south from the gate.

                      Besides, I don't find it a big deal to fight all in one place. Often what I get is little pockets of 3~4 people from my alliance on a mob here and there. Which is fine, as long as someone can find and raise me when I get flattened into the floor. That, in my opinion, is what beseiged party/alliance is for.
                      Junior Member?

                      Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                      • #12
                        Re: Besieged Alliances.

                        Yeah, expecting to much out of an alliance for an event that basically intentionally spreads everyone out. Not only that is so data heavy that it's barelly supported with a 56Kbps modem.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Besieged Alliances.

                          What I don't understand is why everyone alliances up BEFORE the scattering. It would be alot more efficient to stay solo until after the beginning cutscene, and then alliance according to whose standing infront of you.

                          Now if you want an alliance that can work together, that seems to be the most efficnet way to get it.

                          Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                          If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                          *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                          • #14
                            Re: Besieged Alliances.

                            Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                            What I don't understand is why everyone alliances up BEFORE the scattering. It would be alot more efficient to stay solo until after the beginning cutscene, and then alliance according to whose standing infront of you.

                            Now if you want an alliance that can work together, that seems to be the most efficnet way to get it.
                            Not as efficient either, with so much going on attempting to form a party after the fact is harder. So many players all crammed around not all of them load up to be visible. I've found some besiege were I see none of the other players just the mobs, yet I see the mobs health dropping.

                            Benefit with the alliances is mostly just to see how players in another area are doing, whms just find you and restore you after deaths. Aside from that the time you'd waste too if you try forming after the battle's started.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #15
                              Re: Besieged Alliances.

                              Originally posted by Macht
                              Not as efficient either, with so much going on attempting to form a party after the fact is harder. So many players all crammed around not all of them load up to be visible. I've found some besiege were I see none of the other players just the mobs, yet I see the mobs health dropping.

                              Benefit with the alliances is mostly just to see how players in another area are doing, whms just find you and restore you after deaths. Aside from that the time you'd waste too if you try forming after the battle's started.
                              maybe it's just luck or my connection, but there's always been a certain lag time between the end of the cutscene and the spawning of the monsters.

                              But yes I can see your point about people not showing up, as well as similar issues of lag and sorting out 40 invites that you got in the 20 seconds between cuscene and battle.

                              Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                              If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                              *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*

