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What useable items do you carry?

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  • #61
    Re: What useable items do you carry?

    Depending on the job, I carry different things. Mage jobs I always carry at least 2 stacks of Echo Drops, or WAR/NIN. (Even though I don't really require Blink too much as WAR these days.)

    If my food stacks, I'll carry at least 1 stack of that, for RDM I generally carry 3 Glace just in case. Melee jobs I carry Sneak/Invis oils/powders if they're needed. I generally build my parties, so I know where we're going, so I make sure to bring Cloaking items if needed.

    I ALWAYS have my 8 Elemental Staves on me. I've never purchased a Warp Stick, but sometimes I will buy a Scroll of Instant Warp if I'm going out to the 2nd Jungle, but I usually walk back, (Trying to burn off all those Mage Pies I've eaten over the years.) or Warp back since I sub BLM for RDM. I usually have my EXP ring on me, but I'm often in Statics where I'm ahead of the other so I don't get to use my EXP ring too often. But if I'm not going to use it, I don't carry it with me.
    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
    RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

    Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
    SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


    • #62
      Re: What useable items do you carry?

      Originally posted by Spinnthrift
      And I shall quote...

      maybe it's just because I barely use my Emp Ring, and find being well equipped more worthwhile to a party than a free 1k exp.
      I dont wear it as equipment, I remove it once I use it. My equip is very good as well. Dont judge me. I already said sorry for the old food/sneak/invisi mistake o.O
      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • #63
        Re: What useable items do you carry?

        Originally posted by Aeolus
        If a mage gets silenced they should have an anditote no?, and Im not telling ppl how to play their jobs but really, come on. It is the role of the mage.
        No - if the mage gets silenced, they should have echo drops - but so should you if you're a Nin, a Thf/Nin, a Blu or any caster. Why's that - because...

        Basically... if you're the tank Pld or Nin - you need Utsusemi or Cures now. Sometimes the mage is trying to cast, or doing something else - it can save party.

        If you're the Thf, the mages shouldn't be worrying about you. Period. I've gone through five hour party's without being healed once. When things get hectic - you want to keep that self reliance up.

        If you're a casting DD, the healers are concerned about their tanks as priority, not you.

        Same principle. Every step more prepared you are for a party is a step in making a session run smoother. You may bring only your emp ring to the party - but it will be noticed, or rather - the person who brings 100% to the party will be noticed, and you'll be skipped over for someone who brings a little bit more.

        Any questions?

        Edit - I noticed your saying about the sneak/oil issue... but as for the rest - there's a huge margin between what's barely acceptable and what's the norm for a reliable party member. I guess I'm spoiled with plenty of the latter, and minimal of the former.


        • #64
          Re: What useable items do you carry?

          Topics called "What useable items do you carry?"

          I am a thf. I get poisoned, I cost like what, 10mp? Not even noticable if your party doesnt suck. I get silenced, big deal. My equip was shit hot, not that you considered that. I pull without utsusemi, dont get hit. My question is why do you insist on wasting you money, albeit only maybe 1k-10k a party when the mage can do this and cost you nothing? Its not like the mage is complaining, they still have full MP at the end of the fight.
          75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
          Woodworking 91.9+2
          ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


          • #65
            Re: What useable items do you carry?

            Originally posted by Aeolus
            Topics called "What useable items do you carry?"

            I am a thf. I get poisoned, I cost like what, 10mp? Not even noticable if your party doesnt suck. I get silenced, big deal. My equip was shit hot, not that you considered that. I pull without utsusemi, dont get hit. My question is why do you insist on wasting you money, albeit only maybe 1k-10k a party when the mage can do this and cost you nothing? Its not like the mage is complaining, they still have full MP at the end of the fight.
            I don't see me listing poison's as a must have.. unless you're fighting the Uragnite mobs on the Manaclipper - then they're essential.

            Basically - the better a job you do, the more likely you are to get reinvited. Conversely - the worse job you do, the less you get invited.

            I mean - if I was fighting a mob with a poison move that could tick for more than 2 - 3 hp's a tick, damn skippy I'd be carrying Antidotes. You'd be suprised how little time it takes to chunk out a large quantity of hp's a 20 - 30hp tick poison will drain when you're not on the mages 1st priority list.

            Sure - it can cost you a little bit of gil... and sure, you're equipment is probably great. And I'm sure HNM's are where you make the effort, but - being well equipped with expendables can easily be the difference between a good party and a great one.


            • #66
              Re: What useable items do you carry?

              I don't carry exp ring, I use it at HP and keep it in mog house XD

              Reusable items:
              Warp stick.


              I started out with something light - A slice of raw sole served on a small portion of sweet vinegar rice. Then I'll have a tasty hot sandwich made with succulent coeurl sautee and soft white bread. For the main dish, I got a juicy stab of medium rare Bison meat with mash potato... no mash potato (I have a baked popoto though); Finally a San d'Orian cake made for Starlight Celebration; Buche au Chocolat for desert.

              = I don't eat all of those at once but I carry them all, and eat them depending on my job =

              Echo drops - I don't want to be silenced in front of a big monster casting AM on.
              Silent Oil - nothing beats getting stuck in an area with sound and magic agrro.
              Shinobi Tabi - cheap prism powder
              Antidote - rarely carry but I do sometimes when I get on lv30 cap or play Bst. Mnk can erase Poison on thier own.

              Because of the massive amount of food and equips I carry, I rarely have enough space for something else. Maybe 11~12 extra space for loots.


              • #67
                Re: What useable items do you carry?

                Originally posted by Spinnthrift
                I don't see me listing poison's as a must have.. unless you're fighting the Uragnite mobs on the Manaclipper - then they're essential.

                Basically - the better a job you do, the more likely you are to get reinvited. Conversely - the worse job you do, the less you get invited.

                I mean - if I was fighting a mob with a poison move that could tick for more than 2 - 3 hp's a tick, damn skippy I'd be carrying Antidotes. You'd be suprised how little time it takes to chunk out a large quantity of hp's a 20 - 30hp tick poison will drain when you're not on the mages 1st priority list.

                Sure - it can cost you a little bit of gil... and sure, you're equipment is probably great. And I'm sure HNM's are where you make the effort, but - being well equipped with expendables can easily be the difference between a good party and a great one.
                What is it you dont understand about the mages having almost-full MP at the end of a battle, constant chains, no downtime? Melee using nothing but food and having good equip. Mages eating food/popping those ginger cookies they so love.
                I understand 6-8k an hour/ sometimes 10k. I understand these parties working to full potential without the need for silly items that probably increase weapon delay/make people miss ws cause theyre busy messing around with them. The mage can use echo drops if theyre silenced so can the ninja if he doesnt trust the mages But apart from that no one I've ever PTed with has used any of the other items or complained about not having them. I think just getting a good PT would cure your need to use all these items.
                75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                Woodworking 91.9+2
                ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                • #68
                  Re: What useable items do you carry?

                  I'm well aware that you don't need to use these things in every exp party, but it's good to have (in my opinion). Which is all this is - opinions..

                  You're determined to state that an exp ring is all you need. That's fine. Go with that. Doesn't affect me, you're not on my server.


                  • #69
                    Re: What useable items do you carry?

                    I deleted what I was originally going to say after I read all this thread. But I will say one thing. Don't diss the mages too much. We do miss things - I personally have to have a ton of filters on or I get headaches in sky etc, and sometimes I miss things. I do my best, but I might just miss you have poison on you. Now if you ask me politely, and don't take that kind of attitude which I sometimes see, I'll say sorry and poisona you, even getting up from my resting, losing the timing. But don't forgot, poison is only 10hp a tick - unless you are a taru summoner, or are already in low hp, you probably won't die from it before it wears off. Its a judgement call, like that call when you pull.
                    Last edited by Kirsteena; 06-30-2006, 04:40 AM.

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi
                    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                    • #70
                      Re: What useable items do you carry?

                      hmmm... i am prepared to bring a little extra to a party... things like juices (pre-41 on my RDM) while not needed sometime help the party to stretch the chain that extra one. As RDM/BLM i don't have poisona, but i do carry antidotes. If the WHM is on the ball and cast on me fine... if not 300 gil to stop him from having to get back up once he's taken a knee is worth it to me. I like to think things like that go noticed. I notice when other people do them. I wouldn't complain if they didn't (although i wouldn't be happy about S?Iing half the party, but thats a separate debate) but i'd notice and appreciate when they did spend that little bit of effort to help things run more smoothly.
                      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                      • #71
                        Re: What useable items do you carry?

                        I'll say this because it bears mentioning. Drinking potions during battle creates enmity in a manner similar to casting a Cure spell--I have no idea how much, just that it does (I've drawn hate by drinking them); if you have a Taru WHM and you're taking massive damage, his Cure "X" spam is going to get him killed and then, you might die too. In lower level parties, you won't be able to raise your own WHM, so you'll have downtime while you wait. Drinking a potion to heal yourself takes the heat off of the WHM and gives you hate--where hate should be if you're tanking). Even if you're a DD Melee, it's better for you to have hate than the WHM...

