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What useable items do you carry?

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  • #16
    Re: What useable items do you carry?

    squid sushi
    various bullets/arrows
    echo drops
    return ring
    warp cudgel
    empress band
    mea ring
    kingdom staff

    that's just for rng stuff.
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #17
      Re: What useable items do you carry?

      I always carry a Warp cudgel and or Republic stables medal or Scroll of warp.
      Olduum Ring Its a quick way to aht Urghan without havin gto take the boat.
      various reraise items from potions to earings.

      Echo Drops, antidotes (you might need that extra MP), holy water, Pinneapples(2stacks) a water crystal, ginger cookies, Rice Dumplings, I may start carrying more mulsum also they come in handy for short MP/hp needs. 2 Hi-potions, 2 ethers. Thats the min I carry With me.
      It pays to be prepared.
      People I PT with think I come prepared to fight a BC/ENM when I do level up Since Im always pulling something outa of the gobbie bag heh.
      It's Official Promathia Hates me....
      それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
      A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

      BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


      • #18
        Re: What useable items do you carry?

        ALWAYS carry antidotes with me...
        As a newbie, leveling PLD, I died from Poison so many times- situations where you're fighting, by the time the fight's over, you're low on MP & HP, so you use your last MP to cure yourself, but you STILL die from poison... horrible.


        • #19
          Re: What useable items do you carry?

          Shinobi Tabi
          Two axes, a shield, and a great axe (Allows me to use my main weapons with my main subs)
          Moogle Rod (Typically leave this in my offhand until the PT starts pulling)
          Scroll of Instant Warp (I prefer these over cudgles, simply because i'm a cheapass with a lot of CP)
          Rice Dumplings (Will switch these out for later of course)
          Goblin Die (Leave this in my inventory, a gift from an old friend)


          • #20
            Re: What useable items do you carry?

            Repeatable: Signal Pearl, Empress Band, Treat Staff II. Don't leave home without 'em.

            Consumables: Silent Oils, Shihei, Shinobi-Tabi, Warp Cudgel, Trick Staff II, Brilliant Snow (fireworks item)

            I normally use my Treat Staff II, which has a 5-day recast. When I can't use that, I rely on my Trick Staff II, atleast for its remaining 2 charges. The cudgel is for emergencies. As for the brilliant snow, I use them very seldomly, like for weddings or for an extra special level up. I make shinobi-tabi, and shihei is imperative to a thief/ninja in times of great need.
            guh :D


            • #21
              Re: What useable items do you carry?

              Warp Cudgel:O
              Empress Band:O
              Silent Oil:O
              Skeleton Key:O (does that count? I always have a few on hand just in case i find something locked)
              Olduum Ring:O

              With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


              • #22
                Re: What useable items do you carry?

                I carry:

                1 Fire Cluster
                2 stacks of Echo Drops
                1 stack of Wizard/Ginger cookies
                2 Warp Crudgels (for those times when I'm on smn and there's nobody there to D2 me)
                Olduum Ring (for when I set my HP anywhere else besides Al Zahbi)
                Tavnazian Ring (quick way to get to a town)
                Empress Band (though it's always sitting there with 0/7 charges because I forget to recharge it...)
                Hi-Potion+2 (got it from assault, not worth much from the AH, but it could come in handy)
                Last edited by Kametame; 06-28-2006, 11:15 AM. Reason: forgot my band
                Server: Lakshmi

                75 BLM | 75 SMN | 37 WHM

                Summoning Skill 262/269 (ZOMG! 7 to go!)

                w/Equips and Merits 304/269


                • #23
                  Re: What useable items do you carry?

                  Originally posted by Icemage
                  P.S. What on earth is a "stack" of marron glace? It's not a stackable food item.
                  I always call my stack of Liz tails, Water Crystals, Sage, and water a "stack" of Potions...

                  A stack of Marron Glace would be:

                  Dark Crystal x 24
                  Maple Sugar x 12
                  Chestnut x 24
                  San D'Orian Grape x 48

                  Though why one would need 12 180-minute food items is quite beyond me--especially since it consumes 9 inventory slots (saves 3 slots though)... I suppose if you were going on a hard-core 36-hour EXP party and didn't want to go home for more...


                  • #24
                    Re: What useable items do you carry?

                    I always carry:

                    Stack of Prism Powder
                    Stack of Silent Oil
                    Stack of Antidotes
                    Stack of Echo Drops
                    Two stacks of whatever food I need, and if necessary a stack of backup food.
                    Empress Band
                    Return Ring
                    Clay Tablet in case I have time to grab an impression somewhere.
                    If lower than 20, I bring two stacks of Selbina Milk.
                    If on a casting job I bring a few stacks of Water Crystals and fruit for juice.
                    Sometimes I bring a Warp Scroll (or later on a couple Warp Cudgels).

                    I'm sure there's more I'm not remembering right now.

                    Oh, until yesterday I dragged my Carbuncle's Ruby with me everywhere.


                    • #25
                      Re: What useable items do you carry?

                      Lately I have been playing my white mage. (lvl40)
                      On that job I carry---

                      A handfull of Yagudo drinks from AH (even though i can make them, im lazy)

                      Perhaps some leftover alchemy made stuff that flowed over form stack making (some hi-ether drops and/or hi potion drops)

                      echo drops

                      2 mana healing tunics/tunicas, I use them simultaneously when im in a mp crunch. I make them myself, they are cheap to make and are like having a ton of ethers on hand.

                      Wizard or Ginger Cookies

                      Rolanberry pies for or if I run out of cookies

                      A reraiser to save mp and time at the start of an xp camp

                      For blm I ussually carry (lvl 75)

                      A marron glace to start my activity with unless i know I could die soon then I just use a Wizard or Ginger cookie.

                      I ussually have some pies but hardly ever use them unless I am feeling too lazy to use cookies and when im not using a marron glace

                      Hi-reraiser dispenser of some kind, and a hi-reraiser to start with. lvl 75 death is not cool.

                      sometimes carry a few yagudos to take the edge off soloing a little.

                      Might have some hi-potion drops on me, though hardly ever use them as blm and sometimes have some sort of ether on me aswell, though I seldomly use Ethers or potions with a blm unless for the fun it or rare emergency while they are inhand.

                      Usable items I like using that I have used on other jobs oftenly.

                      Any weapon that is current in lvl use per job that does en-spell on itself. (I make alot of those) They are just plain fun and can lay on some considerable extra damage if used at the right lvls per intended job for use.

                      FIREWORKS I can make any firework makeable, yes even the ones that require woodworking and goldsmithing... I used to spam them everywhere I went in game but got bored of it though I still sit on alot of them in my mule. I still carry a handfull of something sparkly around to help sprite things up sometimes.

                      This is all i can think of right now, now back to work^^

                      edit: I bring oils and powders where I cannot cast magic
                      Last edited by supersimian; 06-28-2006, 01:14 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: What useable items do you carry?

                        Because I carry around 50~55 peices of gears on my BLM, I don't really have much room to play with on consumables. I like to carry toys, but I can only do that with other jobs that require less gears.


                        Echo Drops - no excuse for mages for not having these. I carry 2 stacks usually, more if going to places like QSC and Dynamis-Windurst.

                        Oil&Powder - even mages should have them. IMO, people who die on quests and missions because they can't be bothered to bring these should just take a HP.


                        Poison Pots
                        Holy Water
                        Juices and Cookies
                        Food for current job (pie, kabob, taco, etc.)
                        Signet Staff
                        Signal/Tactics Earring
                        Oddum Ring
                        Empress Ring
                        Warp Club

                        I also carry various enchantment items on other jobs... mostly just for fun. I don't use them much.
                        Junior Member?

                        Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                        • #27
                          Re: What useable items do you carry?

                          The stuff I have on me at all times:

                          Ginger Cookiers
                          Maron Glace
                          Mushroom Stew
                          Carp Sushi
                          Echo Drops
                          Silent Oils
                          Prism Powders
                          Signal Earing
                          Tactics Earing
                          Empress Band

                          Anything else I have on me is situational.


                          • #28
                            Re: What useable items do you carry?

                            Originally posted by Icemage
                            P.S. What on earth is a "stack" of marron glace? It's not a stackable food item.
                            My bad, I was tired <.<. I meant two. Not two stacks.
                            ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
                            PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain


                            • #29
                              Re: What useable items do you carry?

                              I always carry:

                              Silent oils
                              prisim powder
                              warp cudgel
                              Treat staff 2
                              sole sushi
                              1 hi potion
                              selbina clay (I'll finish that quest one of these days)
                              My crowning achievement:

                              who avesta is


                              • #30
                                Re: What useable items do you carry?

                                (1) 2 Hi-Potions
                                (2) 12x Echo Drops
                                (3) 12x Antidotes
                                (4) 4x Remedy
                                (5) 6x Holy Water
                                (6) 99x Ginger Cookies
                                (7) Return Ring
                                (8) Warp Scroll
                                (9) 12x Silent Oil
                                (10) 12x Prism Powder
                                (11) Empress Band

                                Needless to say, I have little room in my inventory. Even with 50 slots. Gonna work on getting to 60 slots >_>

