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You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

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  • #46
    Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

    What I meant is like Impaction said it, "force down their throats".

    Double Post Edited:
    Argh elipsis, just read the rest of my post, says enough about it.
    Last edited by Neo Geo; 06-28-2006, 09:58 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


    • #47
      Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

      I don't try to force information down anyone's throat Neo Geo, no worries. What you see in the chat logs is how I always chat with folks in the game. I try my best to be as polite as possible, but during that conversation with the BLM that wanted me to duo with him, I probably could have been friendlier.

      Re: Making my own parties - Ideally, of course. You'll note at the bottom of the first post I mentioned that I was the only person LFG for a long stretch there. And I don't mind soloing while waiting for an invite. I find it to be pretty peaceful, really. The only problem was that my inventory was so stuffed that I could barely fit any of my drops in there.

      Regarding PL parties - I'd rather just solo, thanks. A party with a PL that hangs out just in case, and keeps us from adds and makes sure that we move faster than a normal party, I can handle. But one that just has the PL tank (with a bunch of subless folks in the group) isn't one that I'm going to stick around in.

      I've leveled several jobs through the dunes levels on this character. Some went from 10-20 with only one or two invites (MNK), and others partied nearly the entire way (BLM, WHM). Yesterday was just exceptionally bad. I still don't mind the dunes, but I'd prefer to make my own party and group elsewhere.


      • #48
        Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

        As a follow up to my last post, I'd like to add:


        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        We got fun 'n' games
        We got everything you hate
        Honey we know the names
        We are the people that can find
        Whatever you may need
        If you got the money honey
        We got powerleveling


        In Valkrum Dunes
        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        Watch it bring you to your shun n,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,n,,n,n,,n knees, knees
        I wanna watch you bleeeeeeeeeeed

        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        We take it day by day
        If you want a level you're gonna bleed
        But it's the price you pay
        And you're a very sexy mithra
        That's very hard to please
        You can taste the bright light
        But you won't get it for free
        In Valkrum Dunes
        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        Feel my, my, my serpentine
        I, I wanna hear you scream (LVL 10WAR/2 BLECK MAGE LFG!!!)

        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        It gets worse here everyday
        Ya learn ta live like an animal
        In the jungle where we play
        If you got a hunger for a new ability
        You'll take it eventually
        You can have anything you want
        But you better not take it from me (Dood u stol my snipper!)


        And when you're high level you never
        Ever want to come down,

        so down,

        so down,

        so down


        You know where you are
        You're in Valkrum Dunes
        You're gonna die
        In Valkrum Dunes
        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        Watch it bring you to your shu n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,,n knees, knees
        In Valkrum Dunes
        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        Feel my, my, my serpentine
        In Valkrum Dunes
        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        Watch it bring you to your shun n,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,,n.n, knees, knees
        In Valkrum Dunes
        Welcome to Valkrum Dunes
        Watch it bring you to your
        It's gonna bring you down!



        • #49
          Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

          Places I hate for XP:

          Valkurm Dunes
          Qufim Island
          Crawler's Nest

          Invite me to any party in the above zones and I'll probably decline. There's better and less idiot-prone alternatives to all of them. Bibiki Bay, Garlaige Citadel, and Yhoator Jungle almost qualify, but I'll at least entertain the notion of partying in those zones.

          Places I adore for XP:

          Maze of Shakrami
          Korroloka Tunnel
          Bhaflau Thickets
          Caedarva Mire
          Wajaom Woodlands
          Gustav Tunnel
          Ru'aun Gardens

          Chances are, if a party is going to any of the above zones, it'll be at least decent or better. I've had almost universally good experiences in these zones.

          Places I'd love to try but haven't had a chance to yet:

          Misareaux Coast
          Mount Zhayolm
          Carpenter's Landing

          I think the above all have a lot of potential, but haven't had the right jobs in the right level range to try them.



          • #50
            Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

            I've only ever duo'd in Carpenter's Landing. BRD and RDM. It was pretty good times.

            If there's anywhere I really hate for exp it's probably either Crawler's Nest (unless we're referring to the lower level near where the coffers spawn) and the second Jungle. Heck, the first Jungle too.


            • #51
              Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

              You must be good. When ever I try and solo I useally die, or give up and look for party cause it takes forever. Then I join party and die.

              I die a lot.

              Originally posted by Raydeus
              Did I mention I usually solo most of my subs to 25 at least? (Although in most cases I've gone all the way to 37 solo most of the time)

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #52
                Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                the dunes used to be a very good place for levelling back in the old days.
                For now it's rare to get a good PT there : /
                I solo like 6 jobs to 20. never touch the dunes.
                There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                - Pablo Picasso


                • #53
                  Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                  Heck, I'm soloing right now!

                  Last edited by Murphie; 06-28-2006, 09:30 PM.


                  • #54
                    Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                    Originally posted by Aelathir
                    Heck, I'm soloing right now!
                    Get out of there! You might get a party if you stay!! >.<
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • #55
                      Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                      Originally posted by Raydeus
                      Get out of there! You might get a party if you stay!! >.<
                      I've already turned down four blind invites.


                      • #56
                        Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                        Good old blind invites.

                        I have a bone to pick with those.


                        • #57
                          Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                          You have way more patience than me. I'd probably just as soon take my chances and accept one of those blind invites.

                          I have the patience of a gnat when it comes to FFXI.
                          guh :D


                          • #58
                            Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                            Well, I was getting 75-120 per kill, so it really wasn't bad. And it was peaceful.


                            • #59
                              Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                              Ok, I trired to party in dunes again....

                              Leader had left party that was right next to us and resued to leave spot.

                              We fought 2 mobs and then I afk to bathroom and when returned he has gone and I was leader.

                              someone left and I invited two people ater 10 rejects.

                              We went throught about 5 others players rotating until I finally gave upo, gave someone else leader and logged.

                              500 exp for about 3 hours in Dunes

                              Then I came here and told all of you

                              Which FF Character Are You?


                              • #60
                                Re: You know how I said not to hate the dunes so much? Yeah...

                                I have to say, having partied with Aelathir a couple of times he is unfailingly polite - way more so than me. One party we were in in the dunes were complaining that the odd mob I pulled was T (no choice to create a path), but they were getting the best xp per hour they had had...

                                Bahamut seems to be having a rash of total noobs atm - there is the odd gem, but in general levelling lowbie jobs is absolute hell. Blind invites all over (I even put blind invite, no thanks in my comment - it makes no difference). I've given up and decided my rdm needs merits, waiting it out a bit. It's been bad before, but not this bad... Mind you - I even got a blind invite on my rdm to a merit party...

                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

