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A question about pronouciation.

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  • A question about pronouciation.

    My friend and I got into a small argument on how to pronounce the word Jeuno.

    Is it prounounced like "June-o"

    or is Prounced like "Way-no"

    I can see how both COULD be accururate... but which is right?

    Personally I cast my vote for "Way-no"
    Windurst Rank 5
    <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
    Originally posted by
    spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
    adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
    1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
    2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.

  • #2
    Re: A question about pronouciation.

    I gotta go with "June-oh" like the town in Alaska. "way-no" es no bueno.


    • #3
      Re: A question about pronouciation.

      I too prefer "June-o", but I can't help, but overhear my brother's LS mates on ventrilo saying "Way-no" all day. Headset ftw...

      With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


      • #4
        Re: A question about pronouciation.

        I like "June-o" much better. =P

        Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

        Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

        80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


        • #5
          Re: A question about pronouciation.

          june-no is how i say it.
          Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
          ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


          • #6
            Re: A question about pronouciation.

            If you listen to the voice over in the cutscene at the begining of the game it says June-oh.


            • #7
              Re: A question about pronouciation.

              Its true! =o

              Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

              Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

              80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


              • #8
                Re: A question about pronouciation.

                Originally posted by fallenintoshadows
                If you listen to the voice over in the cutscene at the begining of the game it says June-oh.
                That's right. I used to watch that when I got bored. I used all those pronunciations except "Bass-toook" because it sounded bizarre. I sitll say "Bass-tock." Dangit, bass like the fish, and not the guitar.


                • #9
                  Re: A question about pronouciation.

                  Originally posted by fallenintoshadows
                  If you listen to the voice over in the cutscene at the begining of the game it says June-oh.
                  Did it?

                  hmm I'll have to listen to it again. How is it pronounced in the Japanese version?
                  Windurst Rank 5
                  <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
                  Originally posted by
                  spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
                  adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
                  1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
                  2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.


                  • #10
                    Re: A question about pronouciation.

                    Originally posted by Hantz
                    That's right. I used to watch that when I got bored. I used all those pronunciations except "Bass-toook" because it sounded bizarre. I sitll say "Bass-tock." Dangit, bass like the fish, and not the guitar.
                    Hehe, ya I caught that as well, but I actually started using Bast-oo-k and almost 2 years later it's still a little funny to say.

                    With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


                    • #11
                      Re: A question about pronouciation.

                      I just checked the Japanese Square-Enix site, and they use Jiyuno as the katakana for Jeuno. That means June-o is the winner.
                      Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. - Dark Helmet


                      • #12
                        Re: A question about pronouciation.

                        Yeah Bas-toook annoyed me too so I say Bas-tock.


                        • #13
                          Re: A question about pronouciation.

                          Jesus christ, Way-no? Seriously folks.


                          • #14
                            Re: A question about pronouciation.

                            Luckily for us, the Japanese version has these spellt out phonetically.

                            Jeuno = ジュノ (jyu no)
                            Junior Member?

                            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                            • #15
                              Re: A question about pronouciation.

                              Ok thank you very much! I also found this at Dont know how accurate it is, but it sounds fair enough

                              FFXI Towns/Cities/Locations
                              Final Fantasy XI: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Ih-lev-un

                              Bastok: Bass-toohk
                              Chateau d'Oraguille: Sha-toh Dh'Oh-ra-geeyu
                              Heaven's Tower: Hev-un's Tow-ur
                              Jeuno: Joo-noh
                              Jeuno Ru'Lude Gardens: Joo-noh Roo-loo-de Garh-dns
                              Kazham: Kuh-zam
                              Mhaura: Mau-ra
                              Norg: Nohrg
                              Rabao: Rah-bah-oh
                              San d'Oria: San-doh-ree-uh
                              Selbina: Sell-bee-nuh
                              Tavnazian Safehold: Tahv-naz-ee-uh Sayf-hold
                              Windurst: Win-duhrst
                              Al'Taieu: Ahl-tie-yu
                              Altepa: Ahll-teppa
                              Attohwa Chasm: Ah-toh-wa Kaz-uhm
                              Batallia Downs: Ba-ta-lee-uh Downs
                              Bearclaw Pinnacle: Bear-klaw Pin-uh-kul
                              Beaucedine Glacier: Boh-suh-deen Glay-shur
                              Behemoth's Dominion: Be-he-muth, Bi-he-muth Duh-min-yun
                              Bibiki Bay: Bee-bee-kee Bay
                              Purgonorgo Isle: Pur-goh-nor-goh Il
                              Buburimu Peninsula: Boo-boo-rih-moo Puh-nin-suh-luh
                              Cape Teriggan: Kayp Tehr-ih-gun
                              Carpenters' Landing: Kar-pun-tur's Lan-ding
                              Diorama Abdhaljs - Ghelsba: Dee-oh-rah-mah Ab-dahl-jiz Gehl-ss-bah
                              Garden of Ru'Hmet: Gahr-dn of Roo-Mett
                              Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi: Grand Pal-is of Hoo-Zoi
                              Gustaberg: Goos-tah-burg
                              Horlais Peak - Hor-lace Peak
                              Jugner Forest: Jug-nur For-ist
                              Konschtat Highlands: Kohn-shtat High-lands
                              La Theine Plateau: Luh-Tayn Pla-tow
                              Limbus - Apollyon: Lim-bus Uh-poll-yun
                              Temenos: Teh-meh-nos
                              Lufaise Meadows: Loo-fay-zeh Med-ohs
                              Manaclipper: Mah-nah-klip-ur
                              Meriphataud Mountains: Meh-riff-uh-toh Moun-tns
                              Misareaux Coast: Mee-za-reh-oh Koast
                              Monarch Linn: Mon-urk Lyn
                              Pashhow Marshlands: Pash-how Marsh-lands
                              Phanauet Channel: Fah-noh-eh Chan-l
                              Qufim Isle: Koo-feem Il
                              Ro'Maeve: Roh-mayv
                              Rolanberry Fields: Row-lan-ber-ee Feeldz
                              Ronfaure: Ron-fohr
                              Ru'Aun Gardens: Roo-ohn Gardens
                              Sanctuary of Zi'tah: Sangk-choo-ehr-ee of Zee-tah
                              Sarutabaruta: Sah-roo-tah-bah-roo-tuh
                              Sauromugue Champaign: Soh-roh-moog Sham-payn
                              Sealion's Den: See-ly-un's Den
                              Tahrongi Canyon: Tah-rohn-gee Kan-yun
                              Uleguerand Range: Oohl-goo-rahnd Raynj
                              Valkurm Dunes: Vahl-kroom Doons
                              Valley of Sorrows: Val-ee of Sor-ohs
                              Xarcabard: Zar-kah-bahrd
                              Yhoator Jungle: Yho-ah-tohr Jung-guhl
                              Yuhtunga Jungle: Yuh-tahn-gah Jung-guhl
                              Altar Room: Ol-tur Room
                              Balga's Dais: Bal-gah's Day-is
                              Beadeaux: Bay-doh
                              Boneyard Gully: Bone-yard Gul-ee
                              Bostaunieux Oubliette - Bohs-toh-nyoo Oubliette
                              Boyahda Tree: Boh-yah-dah Tree
                              Castle Oztroja: Kas-ul Oh-stro-yah
                              Celestial Nexus: Suh-les-chul Nek-sus
                              Chamber of Oracles: Cham-bur of Or-uh-kuls
                              Crawler's Nest: Kro-lur's Nest
                              Dangruf Wadi: Dahn-groof Wah-dee
                              Davoi: Dah-voy
                              Delkfutt's Tower: Delhk-futt's Tow-ur
                              Den of Rancor: Den of Ran-kor
                              Dragon's Aery: Drag-un's Ar-ee, A-uh-ree
                              Eldieme Necropolis: Ehl-deem Nuh-krop-uh-lis
                              Empyreal Paradox: Em-pir-ee-ul, Em-puh-ree-ul Par-uh-doks
                              Fei'yin: Fay-yin
                              Full Moon Fountain: Full, Fool Moon Moun-tn
                              Garlaige Citadel: Gahr-leyj Sit-uh-dl
                              Ghelsba Fort: Gehl-ss-bah Fort
                              Giddeus: Gih-day-us
                              Gusgen Mines: Goos-gen Mines
                              Gustav Tunnel: Goos-tuv Tun-l
                              Hall of Transference: Hol of Trans-fur-uns
                              Hall of the Gods: Hol of the Gods
                              Horutoto Ruins: Hoh-roo-toh-toh Roo-ins
                              Ifrit's Cauldron: Ee-freet's Kol-drun
                              King Ranperre's Tomb: King Ran-pear's Toom
                              Korroloka Tunnel: Koh-roh-loh-kah Tun-l
                              Kuftal Tunnel: Koof-tuhl Tun-l
                              La'Loff Amphitheater: Lah-lohff Am-fuh-thee-uh-tur
                              Labyrinth of Onzozo: Lab-un-rinth of Ohn-zoh-zoh
                              Maze of Shakhrami: Mayz of Sha-krah-mee
                              Mine Shaft #2716: Mine Shaft Num-bur Too Thou-zund Sev-un Hun-drid Siks-teen
                              Monastic Cavern: Muh-nas-tik Kav-urn
                              Newton Movalpolos: Noot-n Moh-vahl-poh-los
                              Oldton Movalpolos: Old-un Moh-vahl-poh-los
                              Ordelle Caves: Or-dell Kaves
                              Palborough Mines: Pal-boh-roh Mynes
                              Phomiuna Aqueducts: Foh-myoo-nah Ak-wih-dukts
                              Pso'Xja: Soh-jee-ah
                              Qu'Bia Arena: Kooh-bee-ah Uh-ree-nuh
                              Quicksand Caves: Kwik-sand Kaves
                              Qulun Dome - Koo-loon Dome
                              Ranguemont Pass - Rahn-goo-mohnt Pass
                              Riverne - Site #A01: Riv-vur-n Site Num-bur 'A' Zeer-oh Wun
                              Sacrarium: Suh-krar-ee-um
                              Sacrificial Chamber: Sak-ruh-fish-ul Cham-bur
                              Sea Serpent Grotto: See Sur-punt Grot-oh
                              Shrine of Ru'Avitau: Shrine of Roo-Ah-vee-toh
                              Stellar Fulcrum: Stell-ur Fool-krum
                              Temple of Uggalepih: Tem-pul of Ooh-gah-leh-pee
                              The Shrouded Maw: The Shrouded Maw
                              Throne Room: Throne Room
                              Toraimarai Canal: Toh-rye-mah-rye Kuh-nal
                              Ve'Lugannon Palace: Vay-looh-gah-nun Pal-is
                              Waughroon Shrine: Wah-roon Shrine
                              Yughott Grotto: Yoog-hoht Grot-oh
                              Zeruhn Mines: Shay-roon Mynes
                              Zvahl Castle Bailey: Zvah-l Kas-ul Bay-lee
                              Windurst Rank 5
                              <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
                              Originally posted by
                              spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
                              adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
                              1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
                              2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.

