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Another rant...!

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  • Another rant...!


    I think this may have to go along the lines of bad party etiquette <sp>.

    A couple of LS pals want to get the Grotto Coffer Key for his GF, they ask me if I want to tag along because they know I need it as well.

    Everything is going fine for a while. She's 75RDM and he's 75MNK. I'm 50THF. I need the Coffer for my NIN.

    She accidently aggroes an Elemental, so her and I die, but I delevel. She HP's and comes back as WHM, to give me Raise III. Everything is still cool though. Stuff like that happens.

    She stays as her 70WHM. We continue killing, and the Coffer Key drops. I offer to let her cast lot and get that first key.

    I'm still lvl 49, with about 26 tnl.

    She DC's, and is unable to log back in. Major networking issues. Her bf stays though to help me out.

    Here comes another THF, 68, to "help out" because apparently he needs it too. This was already about 5 hours after the MNK and I try for MY key. We were already get irritated at the fact that it's taking so damn long.

    Another hour passes, and the key finally drops. I jokingly tell the other THF, "You know, that key is mine, right?"

    Here is where I get pissed. He tells me to cast lot.... 511. He then proceeds to cast lot himself, and wins over the key. I was pissed. He knew we had been there hours. He knew I died and deleveled (because we joked about it alot.) He was even there when I got my lvl back.

    Blah. I asked him why he lotted.

    "I thought we were both lotting?"

    Yeah, thats why he tells me to lot on it. That to me says he's going to pass on it so I can get it. Bleh...


    Bleh... is it wrong of me to get pissy about what happened?

  • #2
    Re: Another rant...!

    I'm sure that sucks, though I'm mostly clueless about coffer keys. :/

    All I can say is keep with it. You'll get your key and it could be all the sweeter, or maybe you'll find something else worth while, while attempting to get it.


    • #3
      Re: Another rant...!

      I got it just before I had to log... like 2 minutes before! >.<


      • #4
        Re: Another rant...!



        • #5
          Re: Another rant...!

          Nobody likes people without a little common courtesy, who also happen to have incredible luck with casting lots. It's just not going to happen.

          Having helped camp the Bedeaux coffer key more times that I care to count, I can't believe the amount of people who'll stay just until their key drops, and warp out, disbanding without a word. The party was good enough to support you for your key, but you don't have time to support them back?

          It sucks, it happens way too often. As long as there are other people playing this game, it's not going to be a sunshine magical rainbow paradise of altruism, like some offline console RPGs are. People's morals have gone awry (and I'm not going to say I've been pristine either, for I'd be a liar if I did so).

          Should we get mad at these situations? It certainly is infuriating.

          Should we let it get to us, and bog us down long after the fact? No, I don't think so.
          Wevrain - Shiva


          • #6
            Re: Another rant...!

            I'm with you PTT, I will help anyone I'm acquantences<SP> with get what ever they need, but I expect the same treatment in return. It only takes once for me to decide to not help again. :D


            • #7
              Re: Another rant...!

              I think his idea was to see if you had a beatable lot, and save his rep if he had no chance.

              I dislike pricks like that, but when you get your key, you'll be all the better-off, as you'll have a clean conscience.

              He'll get his come-uppance.
              Last edited by Matera; 06-25-2006, 11:25 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Another rant...!

                Originally posted by Telal
                I'm sure that sucks, though I'm mostly clueless about coffer keys. :/

                All I can say is keep with it. You'll get your key and it could be all the sweeter, or maybe you'll find something else worth while, while attempting to get it.
                Coffer keys:

                There's two types of keys in some zones, coffer key and chest key. Some zones only have one of each.

                I beleive only dungeon areas have coffers and chests, the kinds of areas that are all tunnels and narrow passageways, as opposed to the kind of areas that just have a big empty splat of land you can run all over on.

                Chest keys nobody makes much of a deal about. They drop plentifully...often annoyingly so...and there are rarely any worthwhile items to be found in chests. There are three exceptions to this rule that involve a quest in Jeuno, though. The mobs that drop chest keys are usually soloable at the mid-range levels, so you rarely see someone asking for help to get a chest key.


                Coffer keys are rare. They dont' drop very often, maybe one in fifty or a hundred mobs will drop a coffer key. If you're actually LOOKING for a key, it drops to one mob in five hundred. (not really, but it sure feels that way) Coffer key mobs are usually very high level and IF they are soloable (some aren't) it will take an endgame player who knows their job pretty well to do it.

                Treasure Coffers also contain some of the best items in the game. Usually, about three pieces of every jobs five-piece AF set are located in coffers. For me, four of them were, since I had to get a key item out of a coffer in addition to doing the quest (RDM has to coffer hunt for a key item for their boots, too). Treasure coffers also contain maps, which are desireable for the obvious reason (most of these areas are EXTREMELY confusing).

                Thus, in Lower Jeuno, you see peple shouting for help with coffer keys ALL the time. Heck, one might be me, I need a Garlage Citadel coffer...level 63 and I still haven't got all my AF.

                And just in case you have an extra coffer key lying around (in some areas people level off coffer-key dropping mobs) and decide to go find the coffer and open it just for kicks, there's usualyl a decent item or a worthwhile amount of gil inside.

                Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                • #9
                  Re: Another rant...!

                  Originally posted by Matera
                  He'll get his come-uppance.
                  QFT. Whenever I run across a jerk like this, I always take comfort in the fact that Karma will level the playing field. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day it will come full circle and bite him in the ass, that I can promise.


                  • #10
                    Re: Another rant...!

                    Originally posted by Irisjir Callard

                    RDM has to coffer hunt for a key item for their boots, too.
                    Wrong its a normal chest. I had to get that af and it was a normal chest key and chest you need for crawler blood
                    [GM]Dave>> Last question.
                    Player>> Shoot.
                    [GM]Dave>> Don't tempt me.


                    • #11
                      Re: Another rant...!

                      Yeah, for RDM AF it's just a normal chest key and with the quest logged you get some blood or something.
                      ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
                      PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain


                      • #12
                        Re: Another rant...!

                        Originally posted by Matera
                        He'll get his come-uppance.
                        Yes yes. Someone will butter HIS bean and serve it to him cold, they will!

                        Really old Conan O'Brian reference aside...

                        to Telal: Coffer keys are one of the main 'work together' tests of faith in this game, the others being the limit breaker quests, and Chains-Of-Promathia missions.

                        C.O.P. missions are just really really hard, and one screw up can set the mission for failure. Many people don't want to do them, or are clueless as to how the mission progression works. So finding a party to do it, let alone complete the mission...

                        However, the other things are basically "Try to get the really rare drop for as many people as you can in one sitting."

                        For Limit breaker quests, it's essential if you want your character to level up past level 50, and every 5 levels afterwards, so everyone's gotta do it at some point. They're just a pain, so people leaving or not wanting to help is a major problem. For example, the first one has you collecting 3 different items from 3 different enemies in 3 different areas.

                        Coffer Keys are less mandatory, but often recommended. Once you reach level 40, you begin your quest for your Artifact weapon. This unlocks a quest begun at level 50, where you start questing for your artifact armor, the armor that defines your job. 2 Pieces (the first and the last) are gained through a story driven quest, with fights tacked on at the end. One piece (the second) is your hands-piece, and starts with you finding a key item in a treasure chest?/Coffer?, then defeating an NM. The remaining two are found by opening certain Treasure Coffers while being that job. Also, oftentimes the last AF piece requires a key item from a coffer opening (Paladin did, anyway).

                        So as you can see, lots of coffer camping is happening by the people in their mid-50's. Lots of keys required, and Irisjir Callard is not lying, the game somehow KNOWS when you're looking for one, and intentionally makes the drop rate abysmal. It KNOWS. (Not really, but it sure seems to!) If you're camping for anything but coffer keys, one drops like every 2 mobs
                        Wevrain - Shiva


                        • #13
                          Re: Another rant...!

                          Karma can work both ways. The other night, I was hunting for coffer keys in Castle Ostroja(sp?) and won the first lot. I stuck around for the next four hours while everyone got theirs, and coffers were found.

                          Once we were done, I mentioned I was headed to Garliage to try to get that key. Two of the group decided to take the time to accompany me and we met a couple others down there, we spent the next hour or so getting both keys. I thanked them profusely and told them I'd find the coffer later. These guys took time out to help me for no other reason than I'd done the same for them, even though they didn't need a key themselves.

                          So I went and stood on the first gate, hoping someone would turn up. Someone did, an alliance hunting coffers no less. They let me join in and I managed to get the first coffer, seeing I already had the key. After all the help I'd recieved, I naturally stuck around for everyones key to drop, even though it was getting rather late (past 4am -.-).

                          If I had warped as soon as my first key dropped, I would still need the Garliage key and coffer. Karma can work both ways, and it can pay off straight away ^^

