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Weird Habits

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  • #61
    Re: Weird Habits

    Originally posted by Kametame
    How rude... Calling us tarus "inanimate objects." Just because we're small doesn't mean we're not living things! >_<

    hehe. Sorry. I meant the taru NPCs and the Nomad Moogles and such. Like the ones at the lil flag outposts in Altepa. I was waving at him everytime I ran past yesterday.

    Sorry I wasn't clear. I was having a pretty blah day last night.
    "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

    ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


    • #62
      Re: Weird Habits

      I /sea <t> people instead of checking them, too, though I don't consider it weird.

      I wave to people's pets almost more often than I wave to other people. Especially wyverns and Carbuncles.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #63
        Re: Weird Habits

        Hmm, let's see...

        I go through about 3-4 of the animated emotes when somebody levels in XP PTs. Gotta have /cheer, /clap, /psych, /salute...

        When waiting for PT members and whatnot, I will make my character walk slowly, pacing back and forth

        If I'm in S. Sandy, I have to stop at the tavern near the MH. Sometimes I buy a cheap drink and drink it right away, but mostly I go up to the balcony and stand there like effing Batman or something.

        Also in S. Sandy (I'm from Windy; not sure why all my rituals take place in SanD) I buy at least one firework from the resident crafter perched on the steps near the AH and pop it off. If my brother is online, I will trade him a papillion just to make him use it. Big ol' Elvaan guy with butterfly wings is the best. He will use it immediately without question.

        I can't walk past crawlers. I have to kill them. I think it is their ugly little mouths that piss me off so bad. It could be the hunks of silk that fall from their butts though.

        In any of the starter zones, I will /comfort motion on nearly everything, just to give them a little pat on the head. This is my daughter's fault; she won't let me kill goblins or bunnies if she catches me playing.

        That's all I can think of right now.


        • #64
          Re: Weird Habits

          No matter what else I may have planned, or where I'm headed, if I get offered the task of returning to choco from San dOria >> Bastok or Bastok >> San dOria, I WILL receive the Page of Dragon Chronicles, and come on. Who am I to pass that up?
          You know, they are on a schedule. You don't have to randomly check it. I use the Firefox FFXI extension. It has schedules for choco return quests.


          I also wave to pets. Mostly Beastmaster pets.

          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


          • #65
            Re: Weird Habits

            Originally posted by Amovorite
            Whenever I'm running through San d' Oria and I go to the garden, I always kneel before the late Queen's grave.
            I do that too and when I'm in Bastock metalworks I stop by the shrine and cross myself. I also do this right be for NM fights.


            • #66
              Re: Weird Habits

              I like to go to Ghelsheba Outpost with level 32 RNG and just shoot anything within range. I dont know why but I hate Orcs and killing all the ones there makes me feel good about myself.

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #67
                Re: Weird Habits

                Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                You get dragon chronicles from Choco Quest?? O_O

                All I've gotten in 40+ tries is glyshal greens. I only check the chocobo people to see if I can get a free ride outta it.

                Tell me your technique, o wise one.
                I do the Windurst<->San d'Oria runs for Page from Miratete's Memoirs. 1400-something exp for it yesterday. The record (27min, 05sec) was a minute faster than my time (28min, 03sec), but I still got the page with some time to spare. I could mark up some maps of the route I take if you'd like, or perhaps there are already some floating around the 'net.


                • #68
                  Re: Weird Habits

                  Originally posted by Tirocupidus
                  I do the Windurst<->San d'Oria runs for Page from Miratete's Memoirs. 1400-something exp for it yesterday. The record (27min, 05sec) was a minute faster than my time (28min, 03sec), but I still got the page with some time to spare. I could mark up some maps of the route I take if you'd like, or perhaps there are already some floating around the 'net.
                  Dang I never get anything good like that, and I came close (about 30 seconds) to beating the record for windurst/jeuno, and not quite so close to beating the record for Bastok-Windurst (very very long run, that was. Whitemages should be able to teleport their chocobos.) Do you have to trade them something to get the memoirs, or what?

                  Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                  If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                  *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                  • #69
                    Re: Weird Habits

                    Nope, just run in front of the city entrance, and it will dismount you and give you your time. If your time is under a certain amount, you'll get the good reward. To complete the Windurst<->Bastok run, you need to have chocobo riding time+ gear, since it's longer than 30 minutes. But it's the same reward as Windurst<->San d'Oria, so I just do that one. I tried the Bastok run before I knew of the chocobo limits, and I got to about the area where Leaping Lizzy spawns before my 30 minutes were up. At first I thought that my quest timer was up, but no. hehe

                    A Chocobo Riding Game (Windurst)


                    • #70
                      Re: Weird Habits

                      Originally posted by Tirocupidus
                      I could mark up some maps of the route I take if you'd like, or perhaps there are already some floating around the 'net.
                      Here is a guide with marked-up maps on that other site.
                      Ellipses on Fenrir
                      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                      . . .


                      • #71
                        Re: Weird Habits

                        Originally posted by Tirocupidus
                        Nope, just run in front of the city entrance, and it will dismount you and give you your time. If your time is under a certain amount, you'll get the good reward. To complete the Windurst<->Bastok run, you need to have chocobo riding time+ gear, since it's longer than 30 minutes. But it's the same reward as Windurst<->San d'Oria, so I just do that one. I tried the Bastok run before I knew of the chocobo limits, and I got to about the area where Leaping Lizzy spawns before my 30 minutes were up. At first I thought that my quest timer was up, but no. hehe

                        A Chocobo Riding Game (Windurst)
                        Ironically enough, I wasn't even aware it took more than 30 minutes. I did it in about 26 minutes, if I remember right.

                        Then again, I major major shortcut through meri mountains and saru champaign. I have /that/ run down to peas and quince.


                        By that guide, I should have gotten at LEAST the memoirs, if not a gate glyph. I didn't even get a ticket though...

                        Tell me, are the new rewards an update? I did all my chocobo runs very shortly after the quest was introduced.

                        Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                        If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                        *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                        • #72
                          Re: Weird Habits

                          Originally posted by Ellipses
                          I /sea <t> people instead of checking them, too, though I don't consider it weird.

                          I wave to people's pets almost more often than I wave to other people. Especially wyverns and Carbuncles.
                          I /cheer pets on more often than not. Wyverns mostly though.


                          • #73
                            Re: Weird Habits

                            Originally posted by Irisjir Callard
                            Ironically enough, I wasn't even aware it took more than 30 minutes. I did it in about 26 minutes, if I remember right.

                            Then again, I major major shortcut through meri mountains and saru champaign. I have /that/ run down to peas and quince.
                            I'm quite certain the Windurst<->Bastok run is impossible to do in 26 minutes. I've seen the Windurst<->San d'Oria record at 26min, some-odd seconds, though. At any rate, I suggest you give it another go since you haven't tried in a while.

                            And sorry for getting off topic. hehe

                            I can't think of any weird habits I have currently, but when I played an Elvaan a few years ago, I would always give the Port San d'Oria residential guard a kiss before entering.


                            • #74
                              Re: Weird Habits

                              Originally posted by Tirocupidus
                              Nope, just run in front of the city entrance, and it will dismount you and give you your time. If your time is under a certain amount, you'll get the good reward. To complete the Windurst<->Bastok run, you need to have chocobo riding time+ gear, since it's longer than 30 minutes. But it's the same reward as Windurst<->San d'Oria, so I just do that one. I tried the Bastok run before I knew of the chocobo limits, and I got to about the area where Leaping Lizzy spawns before my 30 minutes were up. At first I thought that my quest timer was up, but no. hehe

                              A Chocobo Riding Game (Windurst)
                              Even if it takes more than 30minutes (which I know it doesn't take that long), I've never been forcefully dismounted from my chocobo on a ride between any of the four cities unless I was riding with a job below lvl 20.


                              • #75
                                Re: Weird Habits

                                Originally posted by Aelathir
                                I /cheer pets on more often than not. Wyverns mostly though.
                                I always /cheer Courier Carrie, and follow her around a little. If I ever level a BST, it will be to get Courier Carrie.

                                Double Post Edited:
                                Originally posted by Draco Dagon
                                Even if it takes more than 30minutes (which I know it doesn't take that long), I've never been forcefully dismounted from my chocobo on a ride between any of the four cities unless I was riding with a job below lvl 20.
                                I think it's possible to do Windurst<->Bastok in under 30 minutes, but you'd have to know a route that I don't know to do it. I'm sure I could get to Bastok Markets given another minute with my current route. The quest makes you go to Mines, though, so I'd need a little more.


                                Actually, I'll bet Bastok->Windurst is easier than Windurst->Bastok - In E. Saruta otw to Windurst, you can just run down the cliff, whereas you have to run around it otw from Windurst.
                                Last edited by Tirocupidus; 06-27-2006, 07:57 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

