Re: Weird Habits
I agree with people who say windurst-bastok is if not impossible EXTREMELY difficult to do in 26 minutes. Meriphad mountains is a terrible place to ride a chocobo, there are so many little plants that one gets stuck behind instead of bumping around. also, the twisty winding canyon that is the road makes staight-line travel impossible, and off the road, any little patch of ground with the striped texture is usually a wall that can't be crossed.
My tips...
Swing north immediately upon entering the zone. Go right through the middle of the first patch of plants, with the pink flowers. Too far north or too far south, you'll get hung up. You can't efficently circle north OR south of the entire patch.
Cross the bridge over the road, so you're now south of the road. Angle a bit more north to make sure you don't get hung up on the edge of the cliff directly east of the road. Run in a straight line down the southeast side of the mountains. This is the easiest shot of the whole trip. Come out from the northeast corner of the mountain, and striaght north should be a clear path to where the road crosses dragoras spine. THIS SPOT IS THE ONLY EFFICENT CROSSING. Dragoras spine has a huge cliff directly underneath it that basically must be crossed there. You cannot shave off seconds by trying to swing west at this point. Basically follow the road north, but after crossing under the spine, you are free to start edging west again. There is a path that involves crossing the road twice near the north edge of hte map, and running right past the outpost. This path is VERY hard to hit without hanging up on the round cactuses or falling into the road-canyon though. If you fall into the canyon here, it's game over. Those seconds cannot be made up. If you can't hit the zigzag path, just stay west of the road the whole way up to the zoneline. There are no cactuses near the canyon wall, and you can avoid a hangup by staying reasonably close to this area.
In saromuge champaign, I think the path around the back side of guasebit mountain is pretty well known. It takes a memorization of which rubble can be run over and which detoured around. Watch out for lizards, they hang up your chocobo hideously, worse than yags, gobs, or beetles.
I bleieve there is also a secret back passageway along the west edge of rolanberry feilds, although getting down from it (it dumps you out in an area with a lot of fences, like the one right outside CN) is difficult to do quickly. Take the narrow route through Pashow (if you have the map, you know what I'm talking about. It's not too hard to find fromt his direction, as long as it's not raining). don't try to run straight from the pashow-konschat zone to the pass area. Run for the crag, and from the crag make for the westerly pass. Less obstacles this way. Follow the right wall until you're past the big open area, then stay left and don't stumble over a sapling. north gustaberg is a straight shot and very relaxing. Stick to the left wall in south gustaberg until you're past the lizzy spawn area and the wall turns to run west (I think), then keep in a more or less straight line, on the other side of the road AWAY from the wall. The hill is not difficult to climb at a very very shallow angle.
Anyway, that was how I did it.
Originally posted by Tirocupidus
My tips...
Swing north immediately upon entering the zone. Go right through the middle of the first patch of plants, with the pink flowers. Too far north or too far south, you'll get hung up. You can't efficently circle north OR south of the entire patch.
Cross the bridge over the road, so you're now south of the road. Angle a bit more north to make sure you don't get hung up on the edge of the cliff directly east of the road. Run in a straight line down the southeast side of the mountains. This is the easiest shot of the whole trip. Come out from the northeast corner of the mountain, and striaght north should be a clear path to where the road crosses dragoras spine. THIS SPOT IS THE ONLY EFFICENT CROSSING. Dragoras spine has a huge cliff directly underneath it that basically must be crossed there. You cannot shave off seconds by trying to swing west at this point. Basically follow the road north, but after crossing under the spine, you are free to start edging west again. There is a path that involves crossing the road twice near the north edge of hte map, and running right past the outpost. This path is VERY hard to hit without hanging up on the round cactuses or falling into the road-canyon though. If you fall into the canyon here, it's game over. Those seconds cannot be made up. If you can't hit the zigzag path, just stay west of the road the whole way up to the zoneline. There are no cactuses near the canyon wall, and you can avoid a hangup by staying reasonably close to this area.
In saromuge champaign, I think the path around the back side of guasebit mountain is pretty well known. It takes a memorization of which rubble can be run over and which detoured around. Watch out for lizards, they hang up your chocobo hideously, worse than yags, gobs, or beetles.
I bleieve there is also a secret back passageway along the west edge of rolanberry feilds, although getting down from it (it dumps you out in an area with a lot of fences, like the one right outside CN) is difficult to do quickly. Take the narrow route through Pashow (if you have the map, you know what I'm talking about. It's not too hard to find fromt his direction, as long as it's not raining). don't try to run straight from the pashow-konschat zone to the pass area. Run for the crag, and from the crag make for the westerly pass. Less obstacles this way. Follow the right wall until you're past the big open area, then stay left and don't stumble over a sapling. north gustaberg is a straight shot and very relaxing. Stick to the left wall in south gustaberg until you're past the lizzy spawn area and the wall turns to run west (I think), then keep in a more or less straight line, on the other side of the road AWAY from the wall. The hill is not difficult to climb at a very very shallow angle.
Anyway, that was how I did it.