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Before I get the new expansion...

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  • Before I get the new expansion...

    I have a few questions

    What level do you have to be to enjoy it?

    That promathia expansion was a b1tch and a total waste of money for me since I was never able to beat all the promyvions..

    Are there some big cities/cool places to go that I don't have to be like level 63 to enter etec..?

    Who still sells it?

    Can you do any of the new jobs without the expansion? (probably not)

    How do you do the new jobs/how hard are they?

  • #2
    Re: Before I get the new expansion...

    You can enter the new city solo if you're able to solo a bogy. The zones are all targeted at high level players though. So you can certainly explore them, but you won't be exping there until the 50's at the very least.

    You can buy it at any popular software type store. I got mine at Best Buy.

    You can't get the new jobs without the expansion.

    There's other threads that go into specifics on how to get the new jobs. None of them require killing. Most of them require maps. (
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      Re: Before I get the new expansion...

      So I should probably wait around 10-15 levels before buying the expansion?

      Did they make it so there's anything where it's like pulling teeth just to enter it like the promyvions?


      • #4
        Re: Before I get the new expansion...

        Originally posted by blueoakleyz
        So I should probably wait around 10-15 levels before buying the expansion?

        Did they make it so there's anything where it's like pulling teeth just to enter it like the promyvions?
        You should think about purchasing the expansion when you're at or around 30, since that's the point at which you'd be able to get the items required to access Aht Urghan in the first place, and you can also unlock the expansion jobs at that point as well.

        It's very easy to get to Aht Urghan. There are levels of difficulty that range from paying a fee, to turning in subjob quest items, to getting a beastmen coffer key or a testimony. So it's avaialble to everyone, really.


        • #5
          Re: Before I get the new expansion...

          I'm lvl 42 already

          do people still party at crawlers nest at that level anyway?


          • #6
            Re: Before I get the new expansion...

            Yeah, I'm afraid you'll be chilling out in Crawlers' Nest for a little while longer.
            guh :D


            • #7
              Re: Before I get the new expansion...

              Originally posted by blueoakleyz
              I'm lvl 42 already

              do people still party at crawlers nest at that level anyway?
              My apologies, for some reason I read your request as "at level 10-15". You shouldn't have any trouble getting access to the expansion areas.

              As for doing anything other than questing or crafting there, you've got a few more levels to go. Around 50 (I think) you can start doing Assaults, and exp parties seem to do pretty well from 55-75 there.


              • #8
                Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                It's not that it's not fun it's just hard to get parties
                at least I have guitar to play with until I get a party

                before it was just pointless to leave the game on and wait for PTs


                • #9
                  Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                  Originally posted by blueoakleyz
                  It's not that it's not fun it's just hard to get parties
                  at least I have guitar to play with until I get a party

                  before it was just pointless to leave the game on and wait for PTs
                  That's why you don't just sit around and wait for a group. Grab a warp scroll, set your homepoint to Jeuno, put your comment and flag up, and find something else to do in-game. A mission, a quest, farming, crafting, NM hunting, bodyguard...whatever you want. It's a lot better than standing around Jeuno waiting for a group for 3+ hours, and you actually get ahead in the game instead of stagnating while waiting for groups.

                  Only works past 30+ though. For some damned strange reason, I've never been successful in getting a group while doing other things prior to that point. I guess even the {Veteran} {Party} people go newb once they get back to the Dunes. It's a shame, too; I tend to work hard on whatever job I happen to be levelling at that given moment, but hey, who reads search comments anymore?

                  (Yes, I'm bitter. Sorta.)


                  • #10
                    Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                    You're just about the level to start enjoying the expansion right now. Once you hit 50-55, parties start exping around Al Zahbi.

                    None of the ToAU so far have been of the 'Chains of Promathia' level of pain. In fact, I think you can do all the released missions without fighting at all. The quests (for maps and items and such) often require a little running around, and fighting an NM suitable for a party of your friends. Nothing big.

                    Once you do a quest for a man in the Tenshodo in Jeuno, which involves bringing items or money to buy your pass into Aht Urghan, then you're cleared to take the ship from Mhaura (which cycles between the ship to Selbina, and the ship to Aht Urghan Whitegate now). There's no monster infested areas you have to trudge through to get there. And Al-Zahbi (the non-port area of Aht Urghan Whitegate) is directly connected to Whitegate. Better still, the other town/city released so far, Nashmau, has a ship running from Aht Urghan directly to it, so still no monsters (not counting the ones on the ship).

                    Who still sells it. Well, if your local software shops don't still have any copies, you might try or or something like that.

                    You must have the expansion to unlock the new jobs. All the quests originate from Aht Urghan and Al Zahbi. Bummer I know, but that's the way it is. There is however, no fighting involved in unlocking them, so if you've got the maps (either through quests or printing them off of Vanadiel Atlas), are good at using Stealth Spells, and know how to avoid true-sight mobs well, then you can unlock them without too much effort. I've found that in order of ease-of-unlocking, Blue Mage was easiest, Puppetmaster, and Corsair was most difficult (because you have to travel farther for it).

                    When you say how do you do the new jobs, d'ya mean how to unlock them? If so, check the Job Board (underneath Race and Job type discussions). If you mean how to perform the jobs or how they handle, Also check the job boards. ^^

                    Here's a little flavor text for you though, to give you an idea:

                    Blue Mage: Blue Mages are the elite soldier bodyguards of the Empress of Aht Urghan. They're completely loyal, and act as a sort of Police Force for the nation. They are able to learn Monster TP moves, and use them right back at them, with the same effectiveness. They also tear it up with all the Scimitar looking swords.

                    Corsair: Corsairs are sanctioned pirates from long ago, patrolling the waters for enemies. However, that has long since run out, and their dubious ways are always at odds with the Empire's Blue Mages. They wield Swords, Daggers, and Guns, as well as magic cards and dice to enhance their party members.

                    Puppetmaster: Battle Automatons (Think Robotics) were developed in Aht Urghan to wage war against the beastmen. Unfortunately, it seems they could be charmed, and used right back against the people of AlZahbi! Thus, they experienced a falling out of Automaton use, and now they are little more than the toys they resemble. But some people still practice the art, and perhaps you can learn from them.
                    Wevrain - Shiva


                    • #11
                      Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                      I heard to enjoy it u should be level 60+


                      • #12
                        Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                        Originally posted by Blade-San
                        I heard to enjoy it u should be level 60+
                        You can be a bit lower than that. Several of my LS members regularly exp in there at 55ish, and I did all of the expansion job quests as a level 20 BLM (although I used my WAR to start them, of course). There are also crafting guilds there which you can enjoy at any level, and I think you can start doing Assault at or around 50, so there's no reason to stay away until 60 or higher.

                        Unless you want to, I guess.


                        • #13
                          Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                          with this new expansion is there like a new nation you can switch to?


                          • #14
                            Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                            Nope. It's a city like Jeuno (but fancier) in that you can set your HP there, and there are crafting guilds and moghouses (and more) but you can't change your nation to Aht Urghan.

                            There are, of course, missions, however. Much like CoP and Zilart.


                            • #15
                              Re: Before I get the new expansion...

                              You can definetly start getting the most out of the expansion at 50.

                              At 30, you can get the new jobs, and do the missions, but thats all.

                              At 50, you can start doing Assault.

                              At 54ish, you can start EXPing on Lesser Colibri's (Not sure if you can exp on other things before that); they're easy and give good EXP. Did this myself the other night, was loads of fun, minus when I took hate and got Snatch Morseled/ Feather Tickled

                              I'd definetly recommend it even before 50; the new areas are fun to explore, if you have the means to do so (sneak and invis), the new jobs are great, especially BLU if you have the patience to get all the spells.

                              Also, provided you have RDM or WHM at at least 30 (38 for RDM, possibly), you're not deadweight in Beseiged; you can go around healing and raising people, which is a lot more helpful than it sounds, especially the latter part. This gets you EXP and Imperial Standing, and it's fun to participate. (If you join in as a melee though, I will have to hurt you. If the zones full, you keep people who could help out x.x

                              Basically, if you have the cash, get it, if only for the new jobs till you hit 54ish. It's worth it. Plus, extra mog house space is always good
                     - My FFXI Blog

