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Greivances with "The List"

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  • Re: Greivances with "The List"

    Originally posted by ValisOfValefor
    Ok it is pointless to post this once again but note i was paraphrasing from this (seing as this has been the only SS of him dealing with a person)

    Note the scentances that include. if you are Pntig in 10 minutes. Your pts names will be noted as people who help gilsellers on a public forum for all to see, and ruin your pt's endgame reputation.

    I dont care who is who... this is plain harasment, I would have reported his ass right away......
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • Re: Greivances with "The List"

      Im sorry RD but this is not professional or ethical

      Thanks to Kazuki for the amazing sig pic ^^


      • Re: Greivances with "The List"

        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        In my view you do, if you choose to party with sellers you choose to receive the same level of consideration as they show to us. It is anyone right to play the game how they see fit, this is the whole point. It is our right to object to players partying with sellers, it is our right to inform them of what they are partied with, it is our right to label them as such if they do this.

        You defend the right of one person but not of others to play the way they wish, is this not somewhat one eyed.

        If I wish to walk up to you in game and abuse you and your family back to the first of its line I can. I have a right to do it, free speach and all that in the real world if it was harmful and untrue you cry slander here you'd call a GM. It is still my right to do so, like it or not. Thats what freedom is about.
        You are wrong, in so many ways you are wrong.

        It's not opinion, it's SE's rules. You are NOT allowed to actively hinder another's playing experiance who ever they are. You are not allowed to go an eye for an eye, not even in real life.

        You have every right to not party with them, not raise them, not cure them, and completely ignore them. That is your right, you are not forced to assist people in any way shape or form. You do NOT have the right to threaten someone who does something you do not agree with. That is NOT within your rights, real life or game.

        You are violating someone else's rights because you do not agree with them. That is NOT your right to do.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • Re: Greivances with "The List"

          Originally posted by Tsingtao
          In my view you do, if you choose to party with sellers you choose to receive the same level of consideration as they show to us. It is anyone right to play the game how they see fit, this is the whole point. It is our right to object to players partying with sellers, it is our right to inform them of what they are partied with, it is our right to label them as such if they do this.

          You defend the right of one person but not of others to play the way they wish, is this not somewhat one eyed.

          If I wish to walk up to you in game and abuse you and your family back to the first of its line I can. I have a right to do it, free speach and all that in the real world if it was harmful and untrue you cry slander here you'd call a GM. It is still my right to do so, like it or not. Thats what freedom is about.
          no.... that is not free speach, it is abuse of free speach, that is harasment, and you should be banned if you started to do somethign like that to someone

          this thread, the other thread with the list, and the user needs to be banned -.- and the thread list deleted, there is no reason to sit there are do this sort of thing.......
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • Re: Greivances with "The List"

            Originally posted by Kailea
            I dont care who is who... this is plain harasment, I would have reported his ass right away......
            oops you beat me with the pic and Right on!!!!!!!!!!
            Thanks to Kazuki for the amazing sig pic ^^


            • Re: Greivances with "The List"

              It's not opinion, it's SE's rules. You are NOT allowed to actively hinder another's playing experiance who ever they are.
              hate to keep using BST references, but this is not true. SE does not give a crap if others are hindering your playing experience. Unless it's an MPK or "holding" a desireable HNM, it's not against SE's rules.

              Us BSTs have been shafted so many times by people hindering our playing experience to know.

              Hell, you can go clear out the entire zone of Valkurm as a high level job and it's not against SE's rules.

              Thanks Yyg!


              • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                Or it is posting the truth. If they want to PT with sellers, good for them. It is their right to do so. It is my right to note when they do so. The fact that I inform them of what they are doing and give them a chance to stop is just crazy. I'm not allowed to be logical, i'm an evil, power hungry madman, according to everyone argueing here.

                Once again, innocent people caught up on this list: 0


                • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                  Originally posted by RunningDemon
                  i'm an evil, power hungry madman
                  sounds good to me
                  Thanks to Kazuki for the amazing sig pic ^^


                  • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                    Originally posted by Kailea
                    this thread, the other thread with the list, and the user needs to be banned -.- and the thread list deleted, there is no reason to sit there are do this sort of thing.......

                    Banning me now, eh? Now who is harassing and threatening who?


                    • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                      Originally posted by RunningDemon
                      Yeah, the people who were left on the BST forum on allak are real, real whiners. They actually got mad after I refused to pay for my premium and backed up the Anthologies and moved them here.

                      And a real BST does not respect everyone. A real BST gets camped on, yelled at, spit on, pets stolen, mobs stolen, NMs stolen. A real BST gets yelled at for 'zomg BST MPKed me with bomb!' in Garliage Citadel back in the day. A real BST, hell a real player does not respect RMT and people who act like assholes. That's a doormat, not a BST.
                      'Real' Bst also MPKed at will back in the day. They come into palces where other players have been camping for hours and 'steal' their mobs. Often times releasing highly aggressive or linking monsters right on top of the pt.

                      An ass is an ass, whether they sell gil or not. I have been in parties that have been MPKed by bsts who showed up hours after we got there. Who camped on top of US and took things we were fighting and just held them to slow us down.

                      I do not respect 'assholes' either, but I will NOT become one out of some sick sense of twisted 'justice' from an over inflated ego. I will ignore these people and say that others should do so too because of the DIRECT actions they take. But I will NOT condemn those who party with these people, help these people, talk to these people or are even friends with these people.

                      If you really wanted to help your server you would list the people who COMMIT the actions, not the ones who are just trying to lvl up.
                      "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                      • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                        Originally posted by RunningDemon
                        Banning me now, eh? Now who is harassing and threatening who?
                        where as that person had not the power to do it its not a threat. Its a suggestion. You seem to still be cloudy on what threat means. Please go back and read the definition on it that was posted in this thread.
                        Thanks to Kazuki for the amazing sig pic ^^


                        • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                          Originally posted by RunningDemon
                          Or it is posting the truth. If they want to PT with sellers, good for them. It is their right to do so. It is my right to note when they do so. The fact that I inform them of what they are doing and give them a chance to stop is just crazy. I'm not allowed to be logical, i'm an evil, power hungry madman, according to everyone argueing here.

                          Once again, innocent people caught up on this list: 0
                          you are wrong.... every person on that list that you have marked as "helped" a Gilseller, by just being in a party with them, are inocent, and you are a very sick person......

                          You are running an old fashined witch hunt here...and I find it very disterbing. You should find better things to d then make a "list" and go back to just plying the game..... I request again that RunningDemonbe banned,and his list be deleted, I am not on his server... but thank god I am not -.-
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                            Originally posted by neighbortaru
                            hate to keep using BST references, but this is not true. SE does not give a crap if others are hindering your playing experience. Unless it's an MPK or "holding" a desireable HNM, it's not against SE's rules.

                            Us BSTs have been shafted so many times by people hindering our playing experience to know.

                            Hell, you can go clear out the entire zone of Valkurm as a high level job and it's not against SE's rules.
                            Us bsts?

                            Bsts aren't the only ones who get shafted in large numbers in this game. The job is not what causes it the player is. For every Bst that had their mobs stole there's a pt that was MPK'd by a Bst.

                            Intentionally hindering another person's game play IS harrassment

                            Edit: Though I disagree with the 'Pts with sellers' part, the actual GSer list is perfectly valid imo. I do not feel RD should be banned, but that specific part of the list should be removed in my opinion. It causes innocent, and yes they are innocent as they just want to gain a simple lvl and not worry about harrassment, people to suffer due to someone's opinion.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                              Originally posted by Kailea
                              you are wrong.... every person on that list that you have marked as "helped" a Gilseller, by just being in a party with them, are inocent, and you are a very sick person......

                              You are running an old fashined witch hunt here...and I find it very disterbing. You should find better things to d then make a "list" and go back to just plying the game..... I request again that RunningDemonbe banned,and his list be deleted, I am not on his server... but thank god I am not -.-
                              Unfotuneatly i dont think the request will help... PiNG seems to support it for some unknown reason. We do not know why because he has not seemed it nessissary to make a post to explain nor to try to calm the waters. all we can do is keep showing our dislike of what this list stands for and hope that it will be taken care of.

                              Double Post Edited:
                              Originally posted by Ziero

                              Intentionally hindering another person's game play IS harrassment
                              yes it is I saw a post where someone was jailed in game for stealing all the mobs from a pt and there was a screenshot as well.
                              Last edited by Lyceius; 06-29-2006, 09:26 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                              Thanks to Kazuki for the amazing sig pic ^^


                              • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                                Originally posted by Ziero
                                Us bsts?

                                Bsts aren't the only ones who get shafted in large numbers in this game. The job is not what causes it the player is. For every Bst that had their mobs stole there's a pt that was MPK'd by a Bst.
                                well now, that's a generalization. I certainly never MPK'd anyone, but got my mobs stolen many times.
                                Intentionally hindering another person's game play IS harrassment
                                Yes, but it's not against SE's rules.

                                Thanks Yyg!

