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Greivances with "The List"

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  • Re: Greivances with "The List"

    Originally posted by Feba
    Wonder Why.
    Let me see, the post where I said I did not read the previous posts had 26 posts beforehand. None of them have you asking for a WP. And since you did not PM me asking for one, or copy the one I had in the real List thread before it was edited, I will oblige you here.


    Should have 75 hours and 4/5 uses left if the one person who asked for a WP already has used it.


    • Re: Greivances with "The List"

      It has not yet after god knows how long,

      And what exactly did Terencedo here which is unreasonable, and supports RMT?

      Double Post Edited:
      That's nice, but you still haven't answered my question. Not to mention my desktop is offline for the moment, and both of my mules are full of items I don't care to lose. Some of us aren't obsessed enough over this to spend real money on it.
      Last edited by Feba; 06-26-2006, 02:51 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


      • Re: Greivances with "The List"

        Originally posted by RunningDemon
        It has not yet after god knows how long, so why would it? I have safeguards and inform people before they are put up. And like I said, the point of argueing over a list of 35 names, most of which are over a year old and more likely than not, half do not play anymore, when the GS now only GS-burn for exp with a few random exceptions, is just nuts. There is occassionally a PT with a GS caught and the people have action taken against them. This happens once every few months. You people are all acting like I am adding people to all parts of this list every day.
        Put it this way, I've found out in an after-the-fact that I've partied with a Gilseller group before. I know I myself if I had someone tell me the group I was with were gilsellers not knowing that guy I would blow them off. From what I see that would of landed me on the list.

        I'm not saying you are adding people left and right on it, but I am sceptical of this list being 100% and any innocent people that may be on it can be getting needless harrassment. If they are getting harrassed then of course they can end up providing ammo for people to post to make them look like a total jerk. Then gets people saying well it seems like he was part of the issue, when it's purely what was posted that presented him to look that way. Truth could of been something something totally different.

        So far I haven't seen a case strong enough on that list to fight it, just if one does come up appropriate proof better be ready to constitue that lists validity.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • Re: Greivances with "The List"

          "First of all let me say this: you've really gone off the deep end Cole. You've taken this way too far by posting people's names that party with gilsellers. Thats just wrong. What business do you have sending /t's to people that are in parties that have a gilseller in them and threatening them by putting them on this list or threatening to MPK them? NONE! Do you think that these people know that they are gilsellers and should believe some gamenazi that sends a /t to them saying that they have to leave a party just because you say they should or they will be added to your list? NO! You're crazy man and you really need to seek some mental help. Seriously man you need to stop eatting hot pockets, move out of your parents basement, get a job, and get a life. I didn't buy this game to be harrassed by people like you. Like other people i just wanna play the game, level, and make gil. I don't give a crap who I do it with as long as it gets done. I would recommend getting rid of the list of people who partied with gilsellers and stop threatening people before you get in trouble. Secondly that last entry you made was bogus. The only person you said anything to was me. When I told the others 10 minutes later they had no clue what was going on. If you wanna keep my name on the list fine, your gestapo methods don't scare me none, but take off Saereal and Ayashira because they had no clue what was happening. This thread is offensive and slanderous to a lot of players including me. I think you've let this go to your head BIG TIME!"

          Once again, I do the work for Feba who could have gone and seen this admission from Teranceanthony on the allak thread and saved a post for someone with a point.

          Double Post Edited:
          Notice that screenshot you reposted of mine Feba, before you point out the 'no one in the PT knew what was going on' part? Saereal was in that PT.

          Double Post Edited:
          Originally posted by Macht

          So far I haven't seen a case strong enough on that list to fight it, just if one does come up appropriate proof better be ready to constitue that lists validity.
          There is and will be, should they ever follow up on going to the list location that I tell them all before they are added.
          Last edited by RunningDemon; 06-26-2006, 02:58 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • Re: Greivances with "The List"

            So Terence disagrees with the list, and adding people who PT with sellers, just like the majority of people here? Basically, he's on there for disagreeing with you?

            Double Post Edited:
            Saereal was in that PT.
            And? That's a reason for adding Terence why?
            Last edited by Feba; 06-26-2006, 03:01 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • Re: Greivances with "The List"

              Because he PTed with a RMT

              edit.....Feba post disappeared.

              Edit again, Feba post is back, wacky forum See first line.
              Last edited by RunningDemon; 06-26-2006, 03:08 PM.


              • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                Originally posted by Yuanlung
                Vigilante is not the answer, whatever the problem maybe. The list is not helping the RMT situation. It is creating a new set of problems itself.
                Actually you're wrong, this list helps and hurts if it's not used. For example: we were camping the Minstrel's Coat NM the other day against the regular 24/7 RMT crew, and a couple other legit players. The RMT got claim, but they were fighting another 2 Sahagins at the time it popped. Another Sahaign popped and they suddenly had 3 sahagins plus the NM on top of the two of them, and they wiped, but not before the Called for Help on the NM. We /random'd with the other groups and we rolled a 112 - we obviously lost so they got to take a shot at it once it went yellow again. In the meantime, a random player came by, raised the RMT (after I refused to raise them for 100k), who then proceeded to train as many sahagin's as they could on the next guys fighthing it. Unfortunately, the MPK attempt worked and they tank went down and shortly thereafter the BLM used Sleepga II, the NM went yellow at about 25% because of the -ga (I'm assuming), and the RMT got claim back and then gingerly fought the NM while it took out the BLM and there was nothing he could do about it.

                If this list was used to NOT raise the RMT, the legit players who agreed to /random would have got the NM fair and square. Instead, they died and the RMT got the goods AGAIN from another player. THIS is why I use this list. I let the RMT rot if they're dead, and will do nothing to aid them.

                Originally posted by Yuanlung
                The members of Ku Klux Klan believed that the African descendents were the cause of all the problems in "their society", and believed that they could do a better job than the rightful law-enforcement at removing these "problems". See how well they fared?

                Don't take 'justice' into your own hands, no matter how rightious you may feel.
                Why is it that people feel the ignorant need to bring in the holocaust, McCarthy, KKK, and all forms of extreme examples of human depravity to try and illustrate their simple point. Do you think that it gives your argument more weight? You have no clue about these things if you can mention them in the same context. Try not to insult those of us who KNOW the ramifications of war, genocide, and/or racism, etc. (usually these are all in the same bucket) by equating a petty list to RL horrors. That's just a polite request - I'm not trying to flame.
                LS: Valinor
                WHM99 | WAR99 | THF99 | BLM99 | BST99 | BRD75

                Fisherman! Visit us at:
                Guild Item Tool:


                • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                  Originally posted by RunningDemon
                  I never said I will flat out MPK people. I have said probably close to a DOZEN TIMES in this thread and the other that I tell them they are with a GS and inform them of the web site where there list is located and what it is for.

                  MPK them yourself, or add them to a list for more 'justice' to be served... not much of a difference. Frankly, I would not take your words for it when you call someone a gilseller. If I am busy exping in a party, I will not disrupt the party for 5 other people and myself because a random guy called a member in my party a gillseller. Most likely, I'd dismiss you as a raving lunatic and blist you right on the spot. Any further action you and your accomplices may take against me and my party will be reported to the next availible GM to be resolved.

                  Does this make me a RMT supporter? Maybe you'd like to think so, but no. I just do not trust you, your associates, or any other player bent on a quest of dishing out vigilante justice to tell me who is a bad guy.

                  I agreed to SE's TOS when I signed onto FFXI. So did every other player. That's what gives their GM's the right to uphold rules. You on the other hand, did not win an election. You were not appointed king, emporer, or supreme judge by the rightful officials. So why would I even listen to you, the raving lunatic random guy, when you tell me to leave my party?
                  Junior Member?

                  Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                  • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                    Actually RD it seems like he was just a little pissed that a random person came up to him, and interrupted his party to say that theres gilsellers in his party, and that he should get out now, or else he'll MPK him and ruin his endgame.

                    Actually he reall just sounds like he was defending himself. He mighta gotten abit mad, but if you were threatend to be MPK''d and have your endgame reputation ruined wouldn't you be abit pissed?

                    I will live, and die by the Sword


                    • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                      dammit, thread is getting funky. Flipping RD's posts and mine around, now apperently mine has disappeared...weird.


                      • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                        Originally posted by ValisOfValefor
                        Actually RD it seems like he was just a little pissed that a random person came up to him, and interrupted his party to say that theres gilsellers in his party, and that he should get out now, or else he'll MPK him and ruin his endgame.

                        Actually he reall just sounds like he was defending himself. He mighta gotten abit mad, but if you were threatend to be MPK''d and have your endgame reputation ruined wouldn't you be abit pissed?

                        Good for him he was pissed. But did he later deny what he did? The answer is no.


                        • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                          Because he PTed with a RMT
                          But the reason he didn't leave is because he didn't agree with the list, or trust you.

                          Double Post Edited:
                          But did he later deny what he did? The answer is no.
                          He told the truth? FOR SHAME!
                          Last edited by Feba; 06-26-2006, 03:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                          • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                            And good for him Feba. It's his right to PT with RMT if he wants. It is my right to tell people about it. Call me the paparatzi.


                            • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                              Yes, but if his motive has nothing to do with helping RMT, he should not be added to the list.

                              The people who very deliberately sell themselves to help RMT get NMs, raise them, get paid to help them, yes, they don't deserve equal treatment. People who PT with them accidently, or because they don't agree with you have no place being there.


                              • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                                RD, in the screenshot with Saerael, both people acknowledged that they knew they were partying with a gilseller. I think the way the conversation after that point was unnecessarily rough, but it serves as proof that knew they they were helping a gilseller and didn't care.

                                In contrast, have you ever contacted someone partying with a known gilseller who was unaware that the person in question was a gilseller and was added to the list after reacting negatively to your threat of defamation or MPK?
                                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

