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Greivances with "The List"

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  • Re: Greivances with "The List"

    Ok, if it's not a big deal, why does the list need to exist in the first place?

    If RD doesn't want to look up the names, he shouldn't say we're full of shit for asking for proof.

    RD, i'll take an order of Proof de Ovia, please.


    • Re: Greivances with "The List"

      Originally posted by RunningDemon
      Anarchie- Aug 3rd 2005. Cape Terrigan. PTed with 4 other ppl on the list, Kemuel, Pochan, Xania, Nehterlynx. RMT was Gimya on the NIN levels if my memory serves me right, was in the gustav area of Terrigan. I went there and talked to all of them. They promptly 'called GM' on me, then I left after 10 minutes of seeing if they would disband and pulling raptors for the other PT and releasing so they could exp beter than the RMT, and added them.

      Beyondyy is a GS and I have on the wrong part. I will be moving beyondyy/Cedric/Snanp, and any others when July comes around. The original report is Sept 23rd 2005 on them.

      And I apologize for not having screenshots for all. I have had several computer formattings over the last couple years, some involuntary due to fried HDDs.
      Hmm that hurts your case.. Not haveing rock solid evidents wont get these ppl off your back.

      You might ask them to give you time to re-gather the evidence? Go and check in on them and find out new proof?

      Originally posted by Taskmage
      We can't rely on the accused to defend themselves when such a small fraction of the server's population even knows these forums exist, much less the thread that's causing them to be unable to party or get MPKed, assuming the list has the intended effect. Furthermore, it shouldn't be the burden of the accused to prove themselves innocent, especially when to do such a thing would be practically impossible. All they could do is come and post "no I didn't" at which point it would be their word against RD's.
      If thats the case, no one will see this to have any good nor bad effects on either. However it's up to PiNG I guess...

      Originally posted by Taskmage
      Ok, if it's not a big deal, why does the list need to exist in the first place?
      You know, thats probably the best question you have asked thus far.

      Last edited by Medalink; 06-25-2006, 09:37 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


      • Re: Greivances with "The List"

        Guess I'm not so crazy after all.

        Also this person is a thief who stole a Noble's Tunic from Empyre when it was still around, but I digress.


        • Re: Greivances with "The List"

          Ok, so let me get this straight. The Anarchie case, you went all the way out to Terrigan to talk to them, then when they responded hostile to you trying to accuse them of helping RMT, you put all of them on the list?

          Or were all the other 4 on there before that?

          So basically, we have the word of you, who went to terrigan and harassed them (keep in mind you said you spend a few minutes a week maximum in the original thread), and when they didn't trust/beleive you, they were added?

          Because that's exactly the shit we've been arguing against.

          Double Post Edited:

          Woah. Woah. Woah.

          "If you don't disband within 10 minutes, you'll be added as a list of people who help gilsellers"
          "Don't threaten me"
          "That's not a threat, that would be me MPKing you"
          "I don't care if you MPK me."
          "Don't have time, so i'll just ruin your reputation"

          This is EXACTLY what we've been against with your PTing with section. Not only that, but you are crazy afterall.

          Would you reply nicely if someone tried to add you to a list of gilsellers? Probably not. Would you reply kindly if after that they threatened to MPK you? ......
          Last edited by Feba; 06-25-2006, 09:42 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • Re: Greivances with "The List"

            Originally posted by RunningDemon

            Guess I'm not so crazy after all.

            Also this person is a thief who stole a Noble's Tunic from Empyre when it was still around, but I digress.
            I'm not really interested in HNMLS drama. That has nothing to do with this thread.

            I'd like to see proof of the name Mattzatar, please.


            • Re: Greivances with "The List"

              Suiciderob, Lindsayy, Ovia, Yanling, Tonupboy

              PTed with sellers Aug. 4th 2005.

              Once again, the agreement with PiNG did not need screenshots for the old people. And I probably had at 1 point, but a couple fried hard drives loses some data.

              And for the record. Should PiNG ask, I will contact each and every person who I do not have a screenshot or admission on allak for and inform them of the list moving and current situation.


              • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                Hey Medalink, in a post above you quoted me on something somebody else said. Not that it matters terribly, but I just wanted to point that out.

                "Ok, if it's not a big deal, why does the list need to exist in the first place?" was Feba
                Last edited by Taskmage; 06-25-2006, 09:52 PM.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                  Suiciderob, Lindsayy, Ovia, Yanling, Tonupboy

                  PTed with sellers Aug. 4th 2005.

                  Once again, the agreement with PiNG did not need screenshots for the old people. And I probably had at 1 point, but a couple fried hard drives loses some data.

                  And for the record. Should PiNG ask, I will contact each and every person who I do not have a screenshot or admission on allak for and inform them of the list moving and current situation, providing they still play. Hell, half the RMT list has been banned, but I do not have time to check it all out.

                  Double Post Edited:
                  Saerial and Matzatar, you guys going for the easy ones tonight.

                  "This is mattzatara here, and I just have to say if we're gonna be talkin smack about me on the forums i may as well tell my view on this whole thing. Cole I'm sick of ur vigilante bullsh*t, if you dont like gilsellers then thats ur own problem, make a damn linkshell or something, but Chrismeng was in my party yesterday not hurting anyone, when suddenly i'm getting threats of MPK for exping. Thats bullsh*t. I could give a @#%^ less what anyone on this damn KIDS GAME thinks about me, so mpk me, make my gaming time a living hell, go for it, i wont care because ITS A @#%^ING KIDS GAME. All gilsellers are are people that sit on their ass spamming enter all day to claim mobs, if anyone else that did that that hates gilsellers people would be cheering them on, admiring how rich they are, ever think of it like that? Gilsellers make the game more challenging, i dont mind them one bit. Cole is just the kind of person who likes to buy a new game, put on invincible, and step on the first stage monsters over and over to make himself feel powerful."

                  Copied from first page of the old list on allakhazam.

                  Anyway, I am going to sleep now. Better luck next time kiddies.
                  Last edited by RunningDemon; 06-25-2006, 09:48 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                  • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                    Suiciderob, Lindsayy, Ovia, Yanling, Tonupboy

                    PTed with sellers Aug. 4th 2005.
                    All 5 of them in seperate PTs, or the same one? If it's the same day, i'm guessing all 5 of them in a PT, and one seller.

                    So, again, you come out of nowhere and tell them to either disband, or be subject to reputation slaughter (which you're also admitting the list is for now), and mpk and such , or take the word of a total stranger and leave a perfectly good PT?

                    And your proof in this case is a few names and a date? "Aug. 4th 2004" is not proof, it's a *date*.


                    • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                      Well let's see, I have proof for those who responded on allakhazam confirming me, and those whose screenshots I photobucketed before I fried my HDD over the summer.

                      God forbid I get an ounce of confidence here.


                      • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                        That Saerael screenshot meets with what I would consider to be acceptable proof.

                        I'm still concerned about the "Feel free to MPK them" business. That's directly encouraging a ToS violation, which is something hirtorically prohibited on this site, with the only exception of dat modding, which was deemed benign.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                          Originally posted by RunningDemon
                          Saerial and Matzatar, you guys going for the easy ones tonight.

                          "This is mattzatara here, and I just have to say if we're gonna be talkin smack about me on the forums i may as well tell my view on this whole thing. Cole I'm sick of ur vigilante bullsh*t, if you dont like gilsellers then thats ur own problem, make a damn linkshell or something, but Chrismeng was in my party yesterday not hurting anyone, when suddenly i'm getting threats of MPK for exping. Thats bullsh*t. I could give a @#%^ less what anyone on this damn KIDS GAME thinks about me, so mpk me, make my gaming time a living hell, go for it, i wont care because ITS A @#%^ING KIDS GAME. All gilsellers are are people that sit on their ass spamming enter all day to claim mobs, if anyone else that did that that hates gilsellers people would be cheering them on, admiring how rich they are, ever think of it like that? Gilsellers make the game more challenging, i dont mind them one bit. Cole is just the kind of person who likes to buy a new game, put on invincible, and step on the first stage monsters over and over to make himself feel powerful."

                          Anyway, I am going to sleep now. Better luck next time kiddies.
                          Soooo, how do we know that was really Mattzatar posting? Everyone knows that creating sock accounts at Alla isn't exactly difficult. Your evidence is pretty freaking thin, Cole.

                          But tomorrow I'd like your evidence for the name Kemuel, please.

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          That Saerael screenshot meets with what I would consider to be acceptable proof.
                          Agreed. But the Terrenceanthony part is exactly the scenario we've been talking about here. Some random guy contacts you and threatens you with MPK and a reputation ruin because you don't automatically believe him. That's ridiculous.


                          • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                            You're missing the most important part Task, the only place that MPK can happen now is up in sky with detectors spawning caretakers that do not despawn. Oh, the GS know that trick, hell they taught everyone else. 6 minutes until i sleep if ppl want any parting shots tonight.


                            • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                              Originally posted by Medalink
                              If thats the case, no one will see this to have any good nor bad effects on either. However it's up to PiNG I guess...
                              I hope you're right, but there's not really a way for us to know without being on Seraph. I don't want to be responsible by inaction for ruining another player's game experience needlessly, whether that means being kicked out of a party one time or being blocked out so totally that they can't reach endgame.
                              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                              • Re: Greivances with "The List"

                                God forbid I get an ounce of confidence here.
                                If confidance mattered, legally, Jackson would be in jail, OJ would be in jail, and eBaum's would be out of business.

                                If you want to condemn characters, you damn well better be riding on a little more than "I said so, have condidence."

