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Vilma Ring (Rose Garden)

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  • #46
    Re: Vilma Ring (Rose Garden)

    Yeah, it's not that great. But at lvl 40, alot of people don't do ring swaps, so it's good until you decide to start ring swapping. It's also free, although personally I wouldn't bother and just get an electrum rather than all the hassle of getting this one. Astral isn't worth the money imo at lvl 40 (the main reason astrals are so good is the early lvl equip)


    • #47
      Re: Vilma Ring (Rose Garden)

      Sorry this Vilma's Ring spawning method is really horrible. I saw Rose Garden once when I was a level 60 smn, but I didn't know what it was and I just left it alone, I didn't think I could kill it. Best time to get it would probably be right after maintance, since maintance time also counts into the 9 hours. (supposidly, since I saw it the first time they implemented it in the game, which was right after a maintenance).

      Atleast it's not Shikigami Weapon, where you need to come back every 21:15 hours to check for it, and can't do that because of work. Also it's the best JSE for SMN at higher levels. *sigh* DAMN YOU S.E. WHY CAN'T YOU MAKE MORE NM'S POPABLE WITH A ITEM!
      Hacked on 9/9/09
      FFXIAH - Omniblast


      • #48
        Re: Vilma Ring (Rose Garden)

        A single player on Sylph camps the PH constantly, at least from what I hear. He has the ring and when someone comes down to camp the Rose Garden, he kills the placeholder out of spite.

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