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Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

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  • #16
    Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

    I 'member XP parties in Canyon and Plateau. Now the only time you XP party with anyone below 10 is for the novelty of it or to have someone to talk to so you aren't bored.

    Do people even wear mist silk cape, priest robes, or travelers hat any more?

    I miss standing at selbina zone as a 30whm with my 32 rdm friend, ready to duo any bogy that was trained pass - and geting 6 people sending genuine thanks in tell because one more hit and they were all dead.

    I remember when Pug Ally was dangerous cause there was almost never anyone out farming lightning crystals during NA peak times.

    I remember when you could go days or weeks without seeing your main job running around in thier "god armor" (whm in nobles, for example) - now its a daily occurance (half the time even with new armor it looses its luster because of .dat mining; you've already seen the pictures)

    Yeah. Miss the good ole days. Though I think the biggest one is playing hero at the selbina zone. I used to think I was the shit cause I could duo bogys when I got bored XD


    • #17
      Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

      Those days where people feared Serket, and he was considered the strongest mob in the game... playing as a newb during Beta, watching videos of importers beating Shadow Lord, in awe.

      Considering lv5 PS2 beta players that got their kits early to be 'godly', because they could solo some of the Orcs outside of Sandy (for as short as it lasted XD)


      • #18
        Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

        When i thought 500gil for a teleport is actually decent. Now...good luck on even getting standard food with it Dx..

        When elemental staves seemed like luxury goods.

        When Ballista was just a mere side game with no exp bonus, no items of any sort, and with original battle music.

        When Ballista didnt even exist.

        When having full AF was ok, now its gimp for certain jobs..-_-;a

        Never able to get that damn paper for Genkai 1. Also ph34r1l\lG Maat.

        When WARs actually tanked.(damnit i wish most still do)

        When SMN was surely almost undoubtly...a gimped WHM...and a job where no newb can actually get to play since there was no mini avatar quests.

        When Rank 5 means something only a few can get and meant something

        Maze of Shakrami PTs in Beta and early Retail.

        EDIT: Oh yeah remember the race debates? ;i Galka DRK is best onry or Taru PLDs sucked etc etc etc..


        • #19
          Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

          Originally posted by Randa_The_Kitsune
          I mean 2 years ago my 500k chould have gotten me a nobles tunic with gil to spare. now i need abother 9,500,000 to buy it.
          Huh... On my server, there were very very few noble's tunics around, and they were priced at 14m each back then by a JP crafter in an HNM LS.

          Let's see... I remember the days when people used to do eco-warrior on a weekly basis. I miss seeing the mass-panic caused by trains sometimes too. And the mass examines when you clear them up...

          I still find funny things happen though. Like getting tells from a gilseller (of all things) that they're going to call a GM on me because I tried to MPK them. With a bomb that aggroed me and they were near... I fought it away from them, released my MP-sink fire spirit, they were at the only safe place to cast nearby in ro'maeve. I summoned, it hit me once and exploded. It didn't even injure them, thanks to the changes in AoE damage. I said I was sorry anyway, but they send me the tells...I checked them and saw the gilseller linkshell...

          I can only imagine that GM call.
          Gilseller: "This SMN tried to MPK us because we're gilsellers and people used to do that to us a lot. And even though we didn't get hurt at all, and they even apologized, we want you to take action!"
          Generic Info!


          • #20
            Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

            Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
            Do people even wear mist silk cape, priest robes, or travelers hat any more?
            I have a travelers hat - but it is part of my fishing look....

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #21
              Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

              When leggings and a subligar took the same equipment slot - But I didn't want to be known as a subligar wearer.

              (I paid more money for boots, omitting subligar altogether.


              • #22
                Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                I remember being picked in Valkurm just as the NA version was released simply because I was a Dark Knight, and therefore I was superior beyond all comprehension. And then Valkurm became the hub of all newbie (and noobie...) activity.

                I remember feeling like a god for being able to afford Winged Boots and Emperor Hairpin after weeks of saving. And both of those were only 200k each at the time.

                I remember enjoyably shouting over and over again to do the dungeon-crawler Summerfest 2004 event, proudly sporting my Lord's Yukata as I got as many chocobo tickets and summerfest fans as possible from those lovely moogles.

                I remember actually getting responses when I would shout in Jeuno for a 500 gil teleport.

                I remember being triumphant in gaining my much-wanted Rogue's Culottes after camping out against stupid coffer-rammers hunting for Astral Rings in Castle Oztroja for five or six long hours, perfect dodging through a gaggle of leeches, and instant warp-scrolling myself to sweet, sweet victory, finally adorning my hard-sought prize a week later with a party made up of good friends.
                guh :D


                • #23
                  Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                  I remember spending 5 hours in the necropolis with two DRGs, two BRDs, a PLD, and myself as WHM trying to get papers for all of us. Back before we knew anything about weapons having different damage types, or banish making undead not resist slashing/piercing for short amounts of time...
                  Generic Info!


                  • #24
                    Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                    Originally posted by sevenpointflaw
                    Do people even wear mist silk cape, priest robes, or travelers hat any more?
                    I definately see people in the priest robe and mist silk cape on Garuda server. The cape more commonly it's nice for low level mages. Mages tunic and Barons gear I see more than the priest robe though.

                    Experiences from before hmmm.

                    I know I sure don't miss Gillsellers trying to MPK me while farming in the same zone as an NM their hunting (Even when I'm too low level to threaten their NM).

                    Things I miss
                    1. The dunes being new and exciting. (Replace with sandy spot in hell :+D ok depends on the night)
                    2. People in parties not griping about XP if reasonably above what you'ld get solo.
                    3. Various subjob combinations for Warrior and for Thief
                    4. Testing different job combos without hearing in /say "OMFG ur gimp lolz"
                    5. The 1st sight of Jeuno before it became a common sight.
                    6. The 1st checkfest that your a terget of when in a starting city with 40+ level gear. (Doesn't seem to happen anymore I guess Holy armor is no longer as cool looking to new people /cry)
                    7. Getting gangraped by Quadav while getting Kazam keys (1st time there) because of not realizing I had a train behind me. (thought I had 2 walked one coridor over to a higher level friend and turned around when he said /p Yike zone. I turned arround and there were 20. After I died and managed to stop laughing at my own newbness he got me a raise. just in time to lot on the key drop he was getting me :+D).

                    I'm sure I could think of more, but I'll leave it at lucky # 7
                    Last edited by Theyaden; 06-23-2006, 01:48 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                      Originally posted by Theyaden
                      I definately see people in the priest robe and mist silk cape on Garuda server. The cape more commonly it's nice for low level mages. Mages tunic and Barons gear I see more than the priest robe though.
                      i have a mist silk for when i finally get around to leveling WHM through the dunes, might invest in a priest robes just for pimpyness ^^

                      but travellers hat i wear all the time, it's part of my mind gear as rdm even at 43. Hairpin for converts and combat casters cloak for int.
                      Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                      • #26
                        Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                        Originally posted by ikkleste
                        i have a mist silk for when i finally get around to leveling WHM through the dunes, might invest in a priest robes just for pimpyness ^^

                        but travellers hat i wear all the time, it's part of my mind gear as rdm even at 43. Hairpin for converts and combat casters cloak for int.
                        I went through whm as my 1st job used a cloak +1 until 32 (Ahh I do not miss not knowing how to farm properly)
                        Hope you have as much fun with the low levels of whm as I did.


                        • #27
                          Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                          Originally posted by Theyaden
                          I went through whm as my 1st job used a cloak +1 until 32 (Ahh I do not miss not knowing how to farm properly)
                          Hope you have as much fun with the low levels of whm as I did.
                          if my experiences of 12-16 WAR this week are anything to go by, i'm really not looking forward to heading duneswards with WHM. >.>

                          first party killed two mobs and i died three times, it also took them around an hour to achive this amazing feat.

                          second one disbanded after the first pull when the party prety much wiped (including me) as the rdm decided to pull a pug a second after the nin had pulled a crab.

                          salvaging the ashes of that party a few of us reformed, overestimated ourselves and had to zone when it became apparent that crab we were beating on wasn't taking any damage. anyway after that we switch camps and exp finally satrts to flow. I'm tanking the dark is pulling, we have two whms to heal. that is for about 15 mins until the PL arrives... takes over healing leaving the whm to swing with their staves (not even poles >.<) and trys to take over camping...i continue to tank though. until i get asked to pull instead. i stuck it out for a while... i was sick of waiting around on bad parties and wanted to get out of there.

                          You might look back on things like being shut out of garliage by a hoarde of bats now and laugh, but you probably weren't laughing at the time... especially for the third time in a night...

                          these comedy moments are still happening, but more often than not you're just frustrated by them at the time. (like the rdm deciding he wants to pull too in my party above)
                          Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                          • #28
                            Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                            I miss parties in LTP, roaming around the lakes and killing thickshells, then running like scared rabbits when the elementals spawn. (I never saw the Konschtat zone in the dunes until I was old enough to run through the tunnel on a chicken :D)

                            ...And I miss hanging out at the Selbina gate, pulling aggro off people trying to zone, killing everything from gobs to Marchelute o.O?


                            • #29
                              Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                              I kind of miss being a newb to the game, running around as a Warrior with Sword and Shield... Subbing Redmage when I first unlocked my subjob because it's the highest other-job I'd tried... Kept the sword and shield thing until about level 30... good times, good times...

                              I kind of miss having two-warrior-tank parties, and having to coordinate provokes every 15 seconds.

                              I miss levelling in Maze of Shahkrami, and also Batallia Downs in the bunkers/funerary mounds from 25-30.

                              I miss saving up 8000 gil to buy my friends and myself our first linkshell, and treasuring the accomplishment.

                              I miss the days when hardly anybody subbed ninja, and when ninja weren't tanks. I love the job concept of ninja (Ninja are awesome), just not what it's become... it's... sullied. I like the idea of PLDs and WARs tanking. Not so much Ninja, though they are capable of great things.

                              I -definitely- miss the days when Paladins were held in higher regard. Now we just 'gimp' exp for all the burner parties.

                              I miss the days back before everybody had to parse everything. I realize that the game's based on numbers, and bigger numbers means better, but I don't think we need to focus on it that much, not to the point of elitism and calling people with acceptable equipment gimp.
                              Wevrain - Shiva


                              • #30
                                Re: Remember the Comedy in FFXI? Where'd it go?

                                The game has become far too easy. I miss the days were links were dangerous, entering a new zone was dangerous and guard duty in the Dunes was fun. It was always so exciting when your party got a link and you barely survived fighting the mob you pulled and the link. Now, the puller just zones the extra mob if you get one of those rare parties where doesn't come equipped with a PLer for each member of your team.

                                That's another thing. Lately, everyone leveling a lower job comes equipped with a PLer instead of learning the job on their own while soloing to a decent partying level. I don't know about anyone else, but I've always enjoyed the solo time I got with a new job and thought of it as a chance to learn a bit about it and the abilities it comes with.

