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  • Doh!!!

    I was partying with my GF, the RDM, and this WHM...

    Through out the PT, we start noticing the WHM isn't doing much. Couple of fights, didn't move at all.

    During a VERY tough battle, the Manthra WHM stands next to me and examines me, yet still not participating in the rough battle.

    I already told her in the party chat that he needs to be more active. I then asked in PT chat why he was examining me during that fight. Then the /tells started, as you can see in the attachment.


    I posted this in my LS's forum, and my GF replied to the post by saying this...

    "lol.. i wish i can save the conversation i had with her.. lol

    she sent me a tell.. saying.. " hey, you cast haste, refreash and Cure2, and i'll cast enhancement and cure1"

    um.. ok.. so i have to cast all spells basically while she supposedly back up heal. and yeah.. enhancement.. i had to cast protect 3 on all party members.. maybe she'll remember that she needs to cast protectra 3 on us.. but yeah.. um.. she just sits and heal.. oki..
    gah, and i dont give her a chance? omg, i even tried not healing someone, i held back on healing to see if she'll do it.. but noooooo.. she just stood there.. so what am i to do, eh?
    let the party die?

    i love our whm last night though, she's a great whm!!!"
    Last edited by Eohmer; 05-02-2007, 01:25 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Doh!!!

    While I do hate it when someone else cures over me as the main healer, I think she was taking it to a ridiculous extreme by not doing anything.


    • #3
      Re: Doh!!!

      My GF was only stepping up her game to make up for WHM we didn't have. :-P


      • #4
        Re: Doh!!!

        Originally posted by Eohmer
        I was partying with my GF, the RDM, and this WHM...

        Through out the PT, we start noticing the WHM isn't doing much. Couple of fights, didn't move at all.

        During a VERY tough battle, the Manthra WHM stands next to me and examines me, yet still not participating in the rough battle.

        I already told her in the party chat that he needs to be more active. I then asked in PT chat why he was examining me during that fight. Then the /tells started, as you can see in the attachment.

        A stain on the reuptation of all WHM.

        Oh well! At least he'll (?) have full MP and zero enmity when it comes time to Raise all of you!


        While I do hate it when someone else cures over me as the main healer, I think she was taking it to a ridiculous extreme by not doing anything.
        For some reason it's always Bards that do this. That and Cure III everybody I've just Regen II'd.
        "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

        My job levels and goals.


        • #5
          Re: Doh!!!

          Well, you said the right stuff. Guess it just wasn't getting through.

          Main heal or leave. Simple as that. Also, I wasn't there, so idk, but was he really not getting a chance to throw in cures? It is true that a RDM would have an easier time lander cures more quickly, but his should at least start casting around the same time as hers.

          With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


          • #6
            Re: Doh!!!

            Sweet sassy molassy, insta-kick. If you don't have an itchy -na trigger finger, GTFO and play some other job. Unused MP is wasted MP.
            Ellipses on Fenrir
            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
            . . .


            • #7
              Re: Doh!!!

              Originally posted by Eohmer
              My GF was only stepping up her game to make up for WHM we didn't have. :-P
              Oh, I have no doubt. This person was clearly in the wrong. I was just saying that having someone else in the party doing your job (because you aren't doing it) isn't a reason to stop doing anything at all.


              • #8
                Re: Doh!!!

                Originally posted by Ryddr
                Well, you said the right stuff. Guess it just wasn't getting through.

                Main heal or leave. Simple as that. Also, I wasn't there, so idk, but was he really not getting a chance to throw in cures? It is true that a RDM would have an easier time lander cures more quickly, but his should at least start casting around the same time as hers.
                I just eddited my main post showing what my GF said elsewhere. She, he, or whatever the hell it is WAS given a chance.

                Double Post Edited:
                Originally posted by Ellipses
                Sweet sassy molassy, insta-kick. If you don't have an itchy -na trigger finger, GTFO and play some other job. Unused MP is wasted MP.
                I'm VERY hesitant in kicking people. I'm too nice. :-P I HAVE before though. heh! :D
                Last edited by Eohmer; 06-22-2006, 12:46 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9
                  Re: Doh!!!

                  Honestly, I fancy myself a pretty capable WHM, and I've had parties where a RDM or SMN was a little too ambitious and it was frustrating... especially RDMs with their fastcast. That said, the answer isn't to do nothing, but talk to the RDM or SMN in question and ask them to please back it off a little bit.

                  Sounds like you picked up a real winner there. XD


                  • #10
                    Re: Doh!!!

                    Originally posted by Aelathir
                    Oh, I have no doubt. This person was clearly in the wrong. I was just saying that having someone else in the party doing your job (because you aren't doing it) isn't a reason to stop doing anything at all.
                    Yeah, hunger strikes are one thing, but atleast they make it known why they're doing it, heh.

                    If you refuse to main heal because the RDM is doing it, say something about it instead of just being a lazy shmuck and do nothing.

                    Double Post Edited:
                    Originally posted by avhmia
                    Honestly, I fancy myself a pretty capable WHM, and I've had parties where a RDM or SMN was a little too ambitious and it was frustrating... especially RDMs with their fastcast. That said, the answer isn't to do nothing, but talk to the RDM or SMN in question and ask them to please back it off a little bit.

                    Sounds like you picked up a real winner there. XD
                    Did I? Or was *I* the real winner. It was the 2nd night we PTed with it. >.<

                    Atleast the first time around wasn't nearly as bad as the 2nd (and last) time.

                    Never again... :-\
                    Last edited by Eohmer; 06-22-2006, 12:49 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                    • #11
                      Re: Doh!!!

                      Unused MP is wasted MP.
                      Whoa there! That might be taking it a little far. Imagine my party's displeasure if I started Hasting the BLM, spamming Banish II and Holy, and casting Cure IV for 30 HP.

                      "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                      My job levels and goals.


                      • #12
                        Re: Doh!!!

                        Originally posted by Eohmer
                        I just eddited my main post showing what my GF said elsewhere. She, he, or whatever the hell it is WAS given a chance.

                        I'm VERY hesitant in kicking people. I'm too nice. :-P I HAVE before though. heh! :D
                        Ah, I see now. Hey, can't be too nice, heh. I don't rush to judgement either because you have to factor in the possibility that you could be talkin to a 10 year old . Not that it would change my choice of vocabulary.

                        With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


                        • #13
                          Re: Doh!!!

                          Originally posted by samarium
                          Whoa there! That might be taking it a little far. Imagine my party's displeasure if I started Hasting the BLM, spamming Banish II and Holy, and casting Cure IV for 30 HP.

                          Heh! I don't think they meant it in that way. I think they meant that if you're a WHM in a PT, and not using your MP at all, then it's wasted.

                          I suppose maybe it should be unused mp= Wasted party slot? I don't know. :-P


                          • #14
                            Re: Doh!!!

                            Originally posted by Eohmer
                            Heh! I don't think they meant it in that way. I think they meant that if you're a WHM in a PT, and not using your MP at all, then it's wasted.

                            I suppose maybe it should be unused mp= Wasted party slot? I don't know. :-P
                            Yeah, I know he (ah.... she?) wasn't being serious about that, I'm jus' ribbing him (er.... her?) a little.

                            Not doing anything at all is generally termed 'leeching'.


                            Edit: Punctuational gender uncertainty
                            "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                            My job levels and goals.


                            • #15
                              Re: Doh!!!

                              Heheh that WHM went on a strike because someone else was healing. It was just a tantrum really.

                              I usually start healing people at yellow-orange, but if I see the WHM is running out of mp and I still have some left before Convert I just tell em to rest while I main heal for a bit.

                              Same with Haste, most of the times I ask the WHM how many people does he/she want me to haste and we stick to it, it works better and saves mp.

                              Although when I forget to ask I usually find the WHM casting Haste on a melee I just Hasted, that's when I remember we didn't talk about it
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.


