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Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

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  • #46
    Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

    If the monster hasnt aggrod anyone shadowbind will claim it tho right? Its only when it aggros multiple ppl or just one other person and you try to claim it this pops up? So like when NMs spawn if you get it quick enough Steal would still draw enough hate to claim?
    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
    Woodworking 91.9+2
    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


    • #47
      Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

      Originally posted by little ninja
      so why does a puller lose hate over distance for normal exp set ups to the point the mob depops? if running does cause eminity over time. mobs would "NEVER" depop. yet they do (hole1). ever voke a mob in a pt setup an try to zone it. you will notice you sometimes lose hate over distance, an the mob will stop chasing, an go to the second highest hate holder. if a mobs eminity grows over distance. over a long pull a tank in a pt set up would find it next to impossible to pull the mob off the puller. thus the puller would die almost everytime, or mages would waste a good chunk of mana keeping him alive. (hole2). eminity causes all actions to become more potent. spells, ja, vokes, thus why tanks stock up on it, mages an bst buy gear to get rid of it. becauses its a factor on lvl 1 mobs, an lvl 85 mobs.
      Like I said, I'm not sure what constitutes as running, but it's obviously a one time thing. I'm not sure if I've ever seen an enemy chase after somebody in my own party when I tell them to run, but I do often see it returning back to camp... though that could be the product of me repeating "Please don't kill me." over and over in my head while I break loose for the nearest zone.

      I have never had any problems pulling, nor has anybody I've partied with since the update, barring the same old issue with enemies forgetting what they're doing an becoming unclaimed which was present before the fix.

      Ziero, have you ever seen a Bst deal with multiple enemies? It's not uncommon while soloing to link enemies by accident, and while dealing with those links it's not uncommon to build up hate without actually claiming it. The Bst could have been dealing with that particular Goobbue on the side even if it wasn't a link, thus building unclaimed hate.


      • #48
        Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

        Lol regardless running is suppose to lessen hate, especially when the mob thats chasing you has not hit you. its basically as if the mob finally goes "AWW RUCK IT" an depops. an what if that puller has utsue up? shadow loss is suppose to lessen hate as well. so technically there is no reason why someone else can not claim that mob, as for your situation is your cured or another player in your pt has atked it, the mob will then atk the person with the next highest hate, an go down the list til all are dead or zoned.

        ive leveled low lvl jobs an its not as bad. but once you get into those crazy 20k an hour merit parties, its way to common. i mean every other mob common.

        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


        • #49
          Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

          Okay, I mentioned this in another thread but bares repeating, as yesterday I succesfully MPK'd my roomate.

          I was in the Boyhada tree waiting for my duo partner to arive so we could duo aquarius. My roomate was in a manaburn party, and I was sitting there watching.

          One of thier BLM's mistargeted and cast AM on a mandragora. We will call this now-damaged mandragora MandyA. It linked a second mandy, we will call MandyB.

          The bard casts horde Lullaby on MandyA to put them to sleep. In that time, I cast flash on MandyB and -got- claim. The mob turned red, and came after me. Lullaby went off and MandyA went to sleep while I pulled MandyB further away.

          At this point, a BLM has enmity generated from MandyB -only- from the initial link, and I have enmity generated and claim from my flash. I start to attack MandyB. Someone casts cure on the BLM who got the link.

          My -claimed- MandyB runs away from me and attacks the person who cured the BLM outside of my party, killing them. I cast holy, and get hate back and get MandyB running back to me. I have never lost claim at this point; just enmity.

          MandyA wakes back up, and and attacks the BRD. A BLM cures the BRD. MandyB - who I still have claim on - runs back to the BLM and kills him. My flash is back up, so I flash it again, and the Mandragora runs back to me.

          Finally escape goes off, and the other party disappears. Of course, escape generates a lot of hate, and so as they are disappearing my still claimed MandyB runs away from me again and hits my roomate for one last go. Now my MandyB - still claimed - is sitting next to MandyA. They -link- and then both come after me.

          So yeah. I MPK'd two people with a normal mob, while I had claim. And they MPK'd me by escaping and causing my mandy to link with thiers.

          Fucked up I say.


          • #50
            Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

            Originally posted by ImpactionActionHero
            Ziero, have you ever seen a Bst deal with multiple enemies? It's not uncommon while soloing to link enemies by accident, and while dealing with those links it's not uncommon to build up hate without actually claiming it. The Bst could have been dealing with that particular Goobbue on the side even if it wasn't a link, thus building unclaimed hate.
            Yes, I have. That didn't happen. It POPPED right in front of me when I attacked. The Bst was on the other side of the screen and his pet hit it from behind AFTER it swung at me.

            This new system is broken.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #51
              Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

              Oh, I have some grievances with the "Anti-MPK" system.
              In fact, I have A LOT of grievances.

              I can definitely see the bug when the PUP attacks a mob. I was very tempted to attack it just to piss him off for kicks, but I didn't. That Automation just attacked and attacked and NO claim was made throughout the ENTIRE battle.

              Oh yes. And I do get pissed about my EXP mobs depopping. It happened MANY times in Quicksand Caves (West Altepa) when I Dia cast for pulling. I run, and run, and run, ready for my EXP mob to come so we can beat the snot out of it. Then it just stops about 90% of the way, stands there for a few seconds, and depops. This also happened to me in Kuftal while EXPing off of Robber Crabs in the big room. You know that tunnel from the right? Yes, I pull from there also. Note that the distance is considerably shorter than half of the pulling distance from QSC--the camp in QSC was beside the zone. I Dia-pull, run it back to my party, and whoop! I lose claim and it depops!

              Or someone has the intelligence to kill steal my EXP mob. >.>;

              Now, why do I Dia-pull? Because of distance. There is also a shorter casting time and a very short delay in which you can move again.

              Yeah, SE should remove their Anti-MPK system and replace it with mine. (Search for post by me and the word "Gilseller". You'll see it).
              Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

              Get creative and pretend these happened.
              Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



              • #52
                Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                LoL when you want a mob to follow you for party exp, it usually depops on you 95% of the time. but heaven forbid you aggro a mob an run for an hour to zone, the darn mobs never lose aggro of you then.

                funny you should mention the pup thing. my ls mate an i both had our pups fighting a unclaimed mob at the same time. we almost killed it too, but at the very last moment it went purple on me. wonder if i would have gotten exp for that?

                Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                • #53
                  Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                  PL took a mob in the dunes a few days ago and it killed our blm. I guess this is a error that might fall under the point of this thread.
                  Turn your sadness into kindness, and your uniqueness into strength. It's okay to get lost in the process, begin to walk.


                  • #54
                    Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                    Y'all should submit bug reports about the PUP attacking and not getting claim. I already posted about having same exact problem in this thread or another like it.


                    • #55
                      Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                      sevenpointflaw, the mandy (MandyB) you were fighting was acting as if the BRD's Horde Lullaby had actually hit it. What is going on with SE's new system? I just read Jei's thread on claim testing. Strange results.

                      edit: And regarding depops on pulls...I know there is a minimum distance required before you can engage a mob. And if you have your weapon out and you actually outrun a mob chasing you, you'll put your weapon away automatically. Maybe the depops occur, not because the mobs have technically lost hate, but because some maximum distance between player and mob has been achieved. I suppose this could be tested with pullers actually engaging (having weapons out but not really meleeing) and then see when (or if) their weapon gets sheathed automatically as they pull the mob to camp.
                      Last edited by Nakti; 06-27-2006, 05:57 AM.
                      They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                      • #56
                        Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                        Just experienced another minor glitch with the claim system over the weekend...

                        In Promyvion, the party is not fighting any other mobs, and we're in an alliance of 18.

                        My party member gets aggro off a nearby weeper, and I voke it - it stays yellow. Not my alliance member, but my own party member. It's now running towards me instead of my party member though (so I have hate).

                        I run up to it, and hit it with my axe, crit for 150 damage, still yellow and now definately fighting me... as no one else has done *anything* to it.

                        Second swing connects for 100ish damage and it goes red to me.

                        The other two alliances were on a different floor of the Promyvion.

                        Disbanded the alliance, repeated the test again - I now seem to have to compete against my own party to get claim.

                        Broken claim system.


                        • #57
                          Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                          yea, pup needs to be fixed, and alot of exp de-poping mobs are usally leeches for some reson o.o


                          • #58
                            Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                            As far as aggro and loosing hate on a pull. I can answer that the peoson thinking you'll resheath your weapon if the mob looses aggro to you before the change to the mobs despawning when they lost hate that was false. If you got out of range for the mobs tracking method it would lose hate on you, yet you'd still be in an attack stance till it got out of the draw distance range.

                            After the update with the mobs despawning if you lose aggro, yes now you do disengage just before the mob despawns.

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #59
                              Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                              Ugh been skilling up archery on worms. Every now and then the worm will randomly turn from red to yellow in the middle of the fight. The next arrow would reclaim it. It wasn't even because I was missing. I'd shoot, land a hit, it'd turn yellow, next shot would turn it red again. This wasn't a problem, but then I had some really stupid worms just now. I was shooting at it, then I landed an arrow, then it turned yellow and buried itself in the ground, and it despawned...
                              Next worm (might have been the same one when it respawned) I thought it might have been a problem because I wasn't engaged in combat, so I do that first, then I shoot an arrow, no claim. It casts stoneskin, and I silence it, no claim. I miss, no claim, I land a hit for 0, no claim, Dispel, no claim, land 3 more arrows, no claim. I run up and hit it with my staff... finally turns red. A while later, I miss an arrow, then before I can shoot again, it despawns. No one else is anywhere close to me... Now this is broken if anything.


                              • #60
                                Re: Let Square-Enix know their MPK fix is broken

                                Originally posted by Tirrock
                                SMN don't have this problem, oddly enough. Even a missed hit from an avatar claims. I've played PUP though...I've had people take stuff from me even though I attacked first. :x Although, not nearly as interesting as two PUP beating it to death while not being partied.
                                Not sure if that's what he meant but when I camp Leaping Lizzie, I'll often do "Assault Rock Lizard" then a few seconds later "Dia Rock Lizard" and then I'll use my staff to attack a third Rock Lizard.

                                IMO I should have 2 lizards red attacking me as hard as they can, and one a few meters away fighting with Carby.

                                But the last one Carby OR I hit will turn red with the other 2 turning yellow. It didn't used to be like this.

                                What if I was killing a L.L. placeholder and saw Lizzie? I could get claim and start killing her only to have her turn yellow and be stolen by a Lvl 10 BLU passing by?

                                Seems broken to me. There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to fight 2-3 mobs at once if we can handle it (and we're not stealing exp mobs from others of course...)

