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Most bizaare pt experiences?

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  • Most bizaare pt experiences?

    Mine is happening to me right now. Don't get me wrong, I prefer to get over 3k EXP/hour. But when you get invited to a party... and ASKED to leach, well... Thats not something you see every day.

    Originally posted by Ellipses
    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
    Originally posted by MCLV
    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
    More Sig:

  • #2
    Re: Most bizaare pt experiences?

    Asked to leach? What does that mean? XD

    Thinking back, I can't really remember any really weird parties that I've been in. There have been some real stinkers, sure, but just usually just run-of-the-mill crappy parties.

    Actually, come to think of it, I did have one bizarre experience when I was leveling WHM. I got invited to a JP party of monks... five of them. They were killing VT spiders in the tree. It was kind of odd. The exp wasn't bad (certainly nothing to write home about), considering how many times someone died from sickle slash. Oh well, I guess goofy is as goofy does.


    • #3
      Re: Most bizaare pt experiences?

      I had a rather strange party just last weekend, on saturday night. It was a 2 Thf group, my first one (besides the many in valkurm heh) and at lv 72 was very unorthodox. I've heard stories of a few multi-Thf parties does quite well. Like a 4 Thf party in which SA and TA are constantly landing for 150-250 dmg the entire fight. We ended up making a SC of Evisceration > Dancing Edge = Distortion. The DoT as you can imagine was pretty slim though we were able to throw down a large number of SA and TAs (seperately of course).

      The other Thf would begin with SA+Evisceration from behind the mob; I from behind the Nin would do TA+Dancing Edge, and the damage came out to the average SC damage overall (about 2500ish including MB). Fun party,
      I hope for more,
      perhaps with 4,
      and I coulda swore,
      that i was gonna stop rhyming randomly...

      With great power comes complete disregard for any and all responsibility.


      • #4
        Re: Most bizaare pt experiences?

        A couple nights ago I had a party that was rdm/blm (me), pld/war, drg/whm, drg/whm, drg/blm, drg/blm. I actually had no intention of partying that night and didn't even have my staves on me, but I figured an invite like that would be an interesting experience if not fruitful. Actually, it might have been decent exp if one of the drgs wasn't level 66; we were doing 3k an hour chaining VT Defoliators in Aydeewa. So it wasn't a very good experience party, but on the bright side they didn't care if I meleed so long as I was doing my refreshing and dispelling, so it was also a sub-par skillup party. I'll say this though: 4 wyverns on main heal is freakin SCARY.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Most bizaare pt experiences?

          I think the most bizarre pt experience I had was when i was leveling my thf sub for samurai. I was constantly asked to tank in valkurm and a few times in qufim...I didn't do too bad considering I had voke but man was I mp sink when I got hit (if I wasn't /nin for utsu) but I did dodge a lot with evasion being capped from samurai .

          That's about as bizarre as I've had really beyond being told to tank as samurai at around lvl 50 O_o. Needless to say we abandoned that concept since I wasn't exactly in possession of tanking gear :/.


          • #6
            Re: Most bizaare pt experiences?

            I just had a party where a pt member provoked a wipe just because he didn't like the xp per hour,then turned on into noob mode and started blaming everyone for the wipe on 1337 SP34k... Is that bizzare?
            WAR57 THF43 BRD38 NIN36 MNK32 BST32 RNG31 DRK28 BLU43 WHM23 RDM19 SMN19 BLM18 DRG12 SAM13

            Say gay or homo one more time and you're gonna aggro the back of my hand.

