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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Ciros
    3. When so many people use too many abbriviations to the point where you can never understand what they're saying. Example: lol k omw 2 u @ dunes sve pt spt 4 me kk??
    There are a few folks that I know who talk like that, and I have to really strain to understand what they mean. Half the time I end up asking them to spell it out anyway, because I don't care to play detective.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Ciros
      3. When so many people use too many abbriviations to the point where you can never understand what they're saying. Example: lol k omw 2 u @ dunes sve pt spt 4 me kk??.
      I understand that although I suppose I have more incentive to as most of my friends send me e-mails and texted like that.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Another thing that bothers me is the fact that not every sheep has a pelt apparently. Not every bat has wings. Now, I can understand the rationale that battle may have damaged the wing so badly that it is unusable. However, if you use a stick, your fists, or a hammer to kill the sheep, where, exactly, is the sheep's pelt? Did it just magically disintegrate upon death? Is there widespread mange going around? Or are we only looking for premier, milk-fed sheepskin? And why, suddenly, do I feel like I'm saying things that are naughty...
        Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. - Dark Helmet


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Oregonaut
          Another thing that bothers me is the fact that not every sheep has a pelt apparently. Not every bat has wings. Now, I can understand the rationale that battle may have damaged the wing so badly that it is unusable. However, if you use a stick, your fists, or a hammer to kill the sheep, where, exactly, is the sheep's pelt? Did it just magically disintegrate upon death? Is there widespread mange going around? Or are we only looking for premier, milk-fed sheepskin? And why, suddenly, do I feel like I'm saying things that are naughty...
          I've felt your pain on this issue many times. Especially farming Yagudo necklaces, which they are all quite clearly wearing. And yet only every now and then (unless I have treasure hunter, which - does that mean that I magically notice them?) do I get one.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            my ultimate peeve is not to do with people but with a simple game mechanic.

            How can i be unable to see a bloody great dhalmel when it is right in front of me


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Level 50 assualt min Assualt Excavation Duty.

              How can you MISS a WALL.... :/


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                It takes 51 levels for a monk to learn how to kick something.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  - BST on anon
                  - Skilling up peoples outside of a skill up PT
                  - Peoples asking you to cast a spell even if you already casted it or are casting it right now because you were not able before
                  - Rude peoples

                  Most of the times when something upset me I try to get fun out of it. The game is funnier if you say "Gobelin are farming my PT." rather than "One more wipe for the n00b's PT".


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Here's another one. Kids who go AFK for Lunch or Dinner and expect the other five people in PT to wait on them. Find a replacement and log out when it arrives, I don't care what you parents want from you, there's no excuse to leave a PT with unnecessary downtime.

                    If you have RL needs you know you need to attend to, DO NOT FORM OR JOIN A PT! Its rude, inconsiderate and wastes people's time.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
                      Here's another one. Kids who go AFK for Lunch or Dinner and expect the other five people in PT to wait on them.]
                      Or just eat at you PC/PS2/Xbox.

                      Funny thing is i have a friend who does that with us, we don't really care we make fun of him when he goes to eat.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Yagami Kunoichi
                        It takes 51 levels for a monk to learn how to kick something.
                        Well, technically you kick as soon as you get Combo. But I guess you don't specialize in kicks until later?


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Crappy KSNM drops when it takes you nearly a year to farm up 30 seals ;_;


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            ooo, a repost of an ancient thread.

                            well, I have a few recent additions:

                            - getting warpped to random locations in Whitegate because there are 700 people, many of which are AFKers, already in Al Zhabi

                            - getting POL Error near the end of a long beseiged battle and get nothing.

                            - getting POL Error in a Beseiged battle and get warpped to random location in Al Zhabi upon logging back because there are 700 people, many of which are AFKers, already in Al Zhabi.

                            And so on and so forth.
                            Junior Member?

                            Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Lol. I can't stand the bloody thing.

                              I remember back in the day, someone would make a humourous comment, and another would reply with a witty retort, resulting in hours of jovial banter. Now someone is funny, and all you get is a chatlog full of 'lol' 'roflcopter' as if it means ANYTHING.

                              Haha, try it, its the sound you make when you laugh out loud. Oh, and laughing not out loud isn't laughing, so lol is redundant and should just be l.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Okay, these are my FFXI pet peeves.

                                1: Gilsellers. That's a given.
                                2: Rank 10 people who are so anal because they are Rank 10.
                                3: Icebreaker. You know. That guy on FFXI (Ramuh server) who acts like a prick 24-7, and was a reason why my HNMLS broke. (I was in it for a week. Then he came. Byebye HNMLS). And he admitted to selling his account in /say.
                                4: The "need" for a Refresher to get things going. Especially 41+. I can proudly say that I was killing mobs in Kuftal--Sand Lizards and Robber Crabs-- and getting Chain 4s. Of course, I went in as BLU/ BRD.
                                5: SE's broken beyond repair Anti-MPK system.
                                6: SE's limit to sending gil. I felt the sting of it after never being able to get my share of the BCNM cash. Never could catch the guy.
                                7: lol, u, 1d10t, dam, wut, da, plz, etc. The TXT TLK....
                                8: Botters.
                                9: Slow EXP parties.
                                10: Parties that you get in, die, lose exp, and they disband.
                                11: JP players who are "JP PT ONLY" or "English pt [No thanks]/ [Thanks for the offer, but I have to pass]". I mean, come on--you know what you have to do as a White Mage or PLD, it's like they hate us---oh wait. The Bush Administration.
                                12: Thugs/ gangsters/ ghetto people in game.
                                13: Rising AH prices. I tried to start a crafting skill (for once) and see that it will cost me 50k to even start Alchemy... Well, i can proudly say that my highest craft skill is....4.
                                15: Exping in the same areas. There are TONS more areas to kill in.
                                16: People who won't help you complete something. I never finished ToAU as of yet. And I haven't been able to complete my AF because of--Gilsellers MPKing my coffer alliance (They actually can still MPK you...) and people not wanting to help. *sighs* So I'm 68 without AF. =D
                                17: Having to wait for an EXP party and the length depending on your job.
                                18: Failing solo missions. =D
                                19: Dying.
                                20: Dying.
                                21: Dying.
                                22: Did I say Dying?

                                Well, that's it for me.
                                Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                                Get creative and pretend these happened.
                                Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!


