Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
- New players that ask for advice then expect you to hold their hand through the rest of the game. I love new players but when they ask how to do something and they're told, they should attempt it themselves instead of expecting everyone to drop what they're doing to do it for them.
- "I'm bored." This really ticks me off. There are hundreds of things to do in this game yet there's always people complaining about being bored. My Ramuh LS ended up like this a lot so I took it upon myself to create some fun events for everyone to just hang out and do together. Out of 30 people, only 6 showed up. During the event I worked hard to plan, those same people that complained about being bored were complaining about being bored without even attempting to join the six of us that went out to do the event.
- Gimps. Yes, underleveled subs bother me but there's a type of gimp that bothers me even more then that. The worst gimps, in my opinion, are those that will go 20-30 levels without updating some of their key pieces of gear to make them better. For example, I landed in a party a while back which had me as BLM and another BLM. I checked the other BLM to see if he had anything I might've missed in terms of equipment and I was shocked. Onyx Earrings, Windurst Ring and Shell Ring, Heki Obi+1, Brass Hairpin, Justice Badge and a Hermit's Wand. He did at least have the NQ of Seer's Gear on. I did a /sea for him a week or two later and he was closing in on level 70 while I was still stuck at level 42 because I deleveled because of his over-nuking.
- "Bio and Dia now stack as of 2 updates ago." This is something I have been hearing for over 2 years now and yet I still can't find the updates for. When I play a job, I do all the research I can on how to do it well. That includes rereading previous updates so I don't get surprised by some change SE cooked up. And every argument has it as "it happened 2 updates ago" but I shut them up by asking them to point me in the direction of the update since I can't seem to find it anywhere on the POL site.
- My husband. I swear, this man is going to drive me to drink if he keeps this up. First, he constantly asks me for advice on gear and weapons on Jobs I've never even touched before. When he hit level 50 MNK, he had the nerve to ask me which weapons would be best for him. This is just one small beef I have with him. There's also his farming luck. Every morning, I wake up and see him playing. Not a bad thing, gives me a chance to catch up on emails and such. But to wake up and hear "Hey hun. I killed 3 NMs this morning and got all their drops." every morning is enough to make me want to aggro my frying pan to his face. I'm lucky if I even get to see the name of an NM, let alone take one on.
- New players that ask for advice then expect you to hold their hand through the rest of the game. I love new players but when they ask how to do something and they're told, they should attempt it themselves instead of expecting everyone to drop what they're doing to do it for them.
- "I'm bored." This really ticks me off. There are hundreds of things to do in this game yet there's always people complaining about being bored. My Ramuh LS ended up like this a lot so I took it upon myself to create some fun events for everyone to just hang out and do together. Out of 30 people, only 6 showed up. During the event I worked hard to plan, those same people that complained about being bored were complaining about being bored without even attempting to join the six of us that went out to do the event.
- Gimps. Yes, underleveled subs bother me but there's a type of gimp that bothers me even more then that. The worst gimps, in my opinion, are those that will go 20-30 levels without updating some of their key pieces of gear to make them better. For example, I landed in a party a while back which had me as BLM and another BLM. I checked the other BLM to see if he had anything I might've missed in terms of equipment and I was shocked. Onyx Earrings, Windurst Ring and Shell Ring, Heki Obi+1, Brass Hairpin, Justice Badge and a Hermit's Wand. He did at least have the NQ of Seer's Gear on. I did a /sea for him a week or two later and he was closing in on level 70 while I was still stuck at level 42 because I deleveled because of his over-nuking.
- "Bio and Dia now stack as of 2 updates ago." This is something I have been hearing for over 2 years now and yet I still can't find the updates for. When I play a job, I do all the research I can on how to do it well. That includes rereading previous updates so I don't get surprised by some change SE cooked up. And every argument has it as "it happened 2 updates ago" but I shut them up by asking them to point me in the direction of the update since I can't seem to find it anywhere on the POL site.
- My husband. I swear, this man is going to drive me to drink if he keeps this up. First, he constantly asks me for advice on gear and weapons on Jobs I've never even touched before. When he hit level 50 MNK, he had the nerve to ask me which weapons would be best for him. This is just one small beef I have with him. There's also his farming luck. Every morning, I wake up and see him playing. Not a bad thing, gives me a chance to catch up on emails and such. But to wake up and hear "Hey hun. I killed 3 NMs this morning and got all their drops." every morning is enough to make me want to aggro my frying pan to his face. I'm lucky if I even get to see the name of an NM, let alone take one on.