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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    As a "nooblet" I haven't installed yet, and have read the manual no less than 5 times (It's my ffxi addiction without playing )... This being said, i'm still very FFXI stupid.

    Also, "exploration" is one of the things I'm most looking forward too when playing. I want to explore and do the quests that give me that "epic" story that SE delievers.


    This will sound silly, but i hate over use of emoticons, but don't notice that I, myself, abuse emoticons.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Aelathir
      Oh my god, yes.

      "Why do u talk lik that? R u a teacher lol"

      It makes me crazy. I mean, maybe I silently seethe as those around me butcher the English language, but I don't say anything to them about it. Stop poking fun at me because I type in proper sentences and actually bother to use capitalization!
      Tats t3h fun4y wen Aeaeluthr tr1ez 2 b l337 h1z gr4mm4r iz stil 4ll gud lolz pr0pz Aleather u r teh aw3s0m gr4mm4r n33j4 lolz w00t
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        I know. I suck at leet speak. ><;


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Current pet peeve?

          Replacement style parties, especially those that broke up 1-2 fights after the replacement has arrived (or 0 fights, like the one I had yesterday).

          The tank went AFK without saying anything while waiting replacement, and did not show any sign of returning for over 15 minutes after the replacement had arrived.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Current peeve...

            15) LS's that just can't get along with one another constantly smack talking to the point of taking silly crap to public forums. Start acting like adults, since most of us are or are close to it, and working together instead of against one another. I'm tired of the /t's from people calling me names because I'm in such and such LS and they did blah blah blah. There are 2 sides to every story people!
            Originally posted by Feba
            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
            Originally posted by Taskmage
            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
            Originally posted by DakAttack
            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Oregonaut
              That's another pet peeve of mine! I wish the game manual for the X-Box 360 explained a few things better. They go into little detail of some of the more important points that you would need to start out intelligently in this game.

              This is coming from a true "nooblet".
              I doubt the 360 manual is any more vague about game play then the PC manual is. The PC manual tells you how to move around, bring up item and equipment screens, what button does what and simple stuff like that. It tells you nothing about how to play the game. However it doesn't tell you anything for a reason. You weren't supposed to be able to read the manual and know how to play, you were supposed to ask, interact with your fellow players. You were supposed to go into things not having a clue and learning as you go. You were supposed to take the role of a new adventurer going out into the world, and just like when you first go out into the world irl, you don't and can't do it intelligently.

              The RTFM complaint is more to the 'OMGZ hows do i move' people the moment the zone in, or ask what to do with the coupon they get when they start. People that seem to be incapable of reading.
              Originally posted by Oregonaut
              expect me to degenerate my language to the point that I am speaking a modified version of Ape.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                Current peeve...

                15) LS's that just can't get along with one another constantly smack talking to the point of taking silly crap to public forums. Start acting like adults, since most of us are or are close to it, and working together instead of against one another. I'm tired of the /t's from people calling me names because I'm in such and such LS and they did blah blah blah. There are 2 sides to every story people!
                Your side, their side, and the TRUTH! ... Oh wait, that's totally out of context here.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by TheGrandMom
                  Start acting like adults, since most of us are or are close to it, and working together instead of against one another.
                  People keep saying this, have any of you actually been around 'adults' recently? This IS how a fair number act. Someone raised as a spoilt brat is going to be one until life comes along and hits them upside their head, it's not going to magically change after you hit 18 or finish college.
                  I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                  HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Mhurron
                    People keep saying this, have any of you actually been around 'adults' recently? This IS how a fair number act. Someone raised as a spoilt brat is going to be one
                    Just look at the US Congress!



                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Telal
                      As a "nooblet" I haven't installed yet, and have read the manual no less than 5 times (It's my ffxi addiction without playing )... This being said, i'm still very FFXI stupid.

                      Also, "exploration" is one of the things I'm most looking forward too when playing. I want to explore and do the quests that give me that "epic" story that SE delievers.
                      Ah yes thatrs why i do with my whm. I've been playing since the NA releash and my highest job is only a 66 whm and i still need ot kill maat i enjoy spening time talking and hanging out with my friends and exploring new areas and helping people do missions. Sometimes people try to guilt you into being a whm for them they are like phlzzzzzz we need a mage. and i'm like i told you know i'm in the middle ofd besgied right now. Its been a long time since i went on a seroius lvl gride but i do need to lvl up whm again.
                      [GM]Dave>> Last question.
                      Player>> Shoot.
                      [GM]Dave>> Don't tempt me.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Things that annoy me:

                        1. People that get testy over talking with others in /say. If I want to have a chat with my friend over his new Rabbit Charm he gallantly fought for and his plans for the future, I don't, in any way, have to switch to tells if I don't feel like it. It should be entirely possible to have a conversation anywhere in the game without upsetting the general populace, whether it be in English, Dutch, Japanese, Swahili, whatever.

                        2. People who get upset over checking. If you get so upset about it, turn the filter on. That's what it's there for. Beats me why SE felt the need to add check notices in the first place...

                        3. Stuck-up braggarts anger me beyond all comprehension. Just because others don't have all of the +1 gear in the world like *you* do doesn't mean they or their playing style suck.

                        4. If I'm not looking for a party and then you send me a tell asking to and I politely refuse, don't be surprised and don't act like a dick about it. It ain't my problem I'm the only so-and-so job on at the time, and I have things to do. Things that don't involve you.

                        You know what, I guess it's pretty much that people who take the game too seriously extremely annoy me. And I don't think I'll ever participate in an HNMLS because of the related drama.
                        guh :D


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          People who expect the Dunes to be anything other than the Dunes and then get all bent out of shape when it doesn't magically change into a meccah of insight and professionalism.

                          I'm not going to quote anything specific, since it's been brought up a few times now, but on the subject of people who type things like "giv me ur gilz u got lotz..." I often wonder if it's the result of just not knowing how to type. The only person I know who used to type like this stopped when he learned touch-typing instead of hunt-and-peck. Conversely, I know someone who still hunts-and-pecks (oddly, without looking at the keyboard at all) after more than a decade online, but his spelling and grammar are impeccable. I can't see how dumbass abbreviations save any significant time or effort touch-typing, but I could see it with hunt-and-peck.
                          Ellipses on Fenrir
                          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                          . . .


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Mhurron
                            I doubt the 360 manual is any more vague about game play then the PC manual is. The PC manual tells you how to move around, bring up item and equipment screens, what button does what and simple stuff like that. It tells you nothing about how to play the game. However it doesn't tell you anything for a reason. You weren't supposed to be able to read the manual and know how to play, you were supposed to ask, interact with your fellow players. You were supposed to go into things not having a clue and learning as you go. You were supposed to take the role of a new adventurer going out into the world, and just like when you first go out into the world irl, you don't and can't do it intelligently.

                            The RTFM complaint is more to the 'OMGZ hows do i move' people the moment the zone in, or ask what to do with the coupon they get when they start. People that seem to be incapable of reading.
                            I've checked a couple of times, and I may be totally blind, but I don't think it explains that /shout is a zonewide thing. "A wide area" could mean many things, to include half of Vana'diel. First time I got frustrated trying to understand the Auction House, and no one was standing near it in Bastok Markets, I used /shout to ask if anyone could help me understand and was immediately told by several players to "STFU n00b, don't shout your n00bness". Wasn't exactly a warm reception, and it certainly turned me off of asking people in game for help.

                            Hee hee, "Ug."
                            Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. - Dark Helmet


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by Ellipses
                              People who expect the Dunes to be anything other than the Dunes and then get all bent out of shape when it doesn't magically change into a meccah of insight and professionalism.

                              Sorry, that is all.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Ellipses
                                People who expect the Dunes to be anything other than the Dunes and then get all bent out of shape when it doesn't magically change into a meccah of insight and professionalism.
                                I'm right there with you on this. The dunes is the dunes. We all know what it is. I go into it expecting the worst, and often walk out pleasantly surprised. That said, I do hate it when people use "It's just the dunes" as an excuse to have piss-poor gear and behavior. Way to perpetuate the cycle, idiots!

