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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    It was nice when in-jokes like "Lastok" and "jp onry" meant something. If there is anything that I miss about the "good ol' days", it's the loss of those little signs of the in-game culture.

    But some traditions still die hard. Like griefing, not curing others, and not raising in Campaign. Figured I'd get merits that way to slowly but surely finish my STR Attribute while making some money on the side selling Jade Cells. And yet still, the behavior of some people. For God's sake, we're all like level 80+! We shouldn't be losing these in such an undignified fashion.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Remora and Leviathan were known to be the douche servers with RMT and botting being so common,
      Since the merge there were the odd people that were hostile or rude to people from the opposite world. In this new era of ffxi I hardly see it, I never do endgame stuff so don't know if its worse there, Generally everyone I meet is nice.
      Most of my accomplishments are due to the kindness of these ramdom people.

      Theres a few that do campaign and I like to do campaign just to play with them, They help each other out, One player in particular Charly. Ever so friendly and heals me in campaign if I see them in town they always give me a /wave.

      The only thing I miss from the old days are traditional parties. I liked setting up camp and spending a few hours battling whilst having a chat.

      Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Checked out the Official Forums. 1 year later, the only people left posting are the people who I wish weren't posting.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          I assume most of the sane people were either banned or gave up in frustration.
          Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
          Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
          Name: Drjones
          Blog: Mediocre Mage


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            The RDM forum people still seem to have no idea how SCH (or /SCH) actually works. I even saw one guy say that RDM's Fast Cast traits negates Light/Dark Arts penalties so there's no reason to ever switch Arts...


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Figured I'd get merits that way to slowly but surely finish my STR Attribute while making some money on the side selling Jade Cells. And yet still, the behavior of some people. For God's sake, we're all like level 80+! We shouldn't be losing these in such an undignified fashion.
              Are people still killing Pixies to prevent raises?

              The RDM forum people still seem to have no idea how SCH (or /SCH) actually works. I even saw one guy say that RDM's Fast Cast traits negates Light/Dark Arts penalties so there's no reason to ever switch Arts...
              Yeesh, any mage job with /sch was some of the most fun I ever had. I do wish I could have found more ways to get mileage out of Blu/Sch, but never really could. Smn/Sch now, that there is probably my favorite job combo of all time. In regards to the quoted text though, granted it's been awhile since I last played, but I thought the only thing that didn't work with other buffs was Sublimation not working with Refresh.

              I keep thinking about starting FFXI back up again, that's my peeve! To my knowledge though none of my old buds play anymore, so I kinda figure on starting afresh with FFXIV. Kinda sucks though, I miss the people from my CoP static and some of my early friends.

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I think there's some confusion over how Arts interact with Fast Cast. If I recall correctly Arts is multiplicative rather than acting as an additional X% Fast Cast. That might be part of the problem, but I'd wager it's just people being dumb.
                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                Name: Drjones
                Blog: Mediocre Mage


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  All the Fast cast stuff aside, I'd choose accession over fast cast any day.
                  Our Empy+2 can make us prettymuch instacast without a cooldown when it kicks in I find it funny when that happens.
                  I prefer sublimation to refreshing myself, From being a smn I found that if I needed mp badly I'd need it asap and a lot of it.
                  sure refresh is nice but a big chunk of mp ready to play with to me is a lot better than watching your mp slowly tick up whilst hoping you're still alive when you have enough to cast it, then praying you're still alive for it to go off in time.

                  Oh I forgot to mention that I play Rdm too. I /sch on it purely for accession. Sublimation I dont use as much but I still do use it. I tend to build up my charge and use it like an ether. I then return to refreshing myself when I have used that sublimation charge. with arts though you get a reduction in mp cost with the corresponding spells to that art. sure it's not much but it does add up.

                  Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Upon returning to the Chocobo Circuit, I am shocked and disappointed to find what appear to be RMT racing in the Crystal Stakes.
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      People who don't have their fucking zones/warps unlocked. I'm not talking about stuff like getting VW nation clears to unlock Jeuno. I'm talking about just unlocking freaking WoTG zones and maws and first stage VW warps! I was helping someone do a voidwalker that was in ERon/Eron_S and Jugner/Jugner_S. One guy didn't have either of those maws unlocked. That's when I realized that if you don't have OP warps open (in other words, join a nation and get some fucking money), the only way to unlock it is a long detour through Vunkerl. Yeah, I unlocked all WoTG zones on my mules, at level 1 just to prove I could.

                      Also, people getting interested in Assault (which is itself not a bad thing) who don't have one or more runic warps. At least when people want to do Einherjar, it's not too hard to tell them where to go to get the VW warp to Nashmau.

                      People need to stop whining that they're bored in Jeuno and get their god damned zones/warps unlocked already!

                      Also people with Abyssea ADD. I was going with someone to do Hedjedjet. We had been wandering around for 10 minutes waiting for him to pop, then he says "Hey blablabla is up!" Um, yeaaaah. The NM we were going to do was about to pop, then he heads halfway across the zone to do an NM that was only useful for a pop KI. And takes like 10-15 minutes to do it. I'm like WTF we came here for +2 items, not a KI for some other NM. In the end we failed because he couldn't keep hate from the scorp. I'd had to change to WHM, and it kept turning to me, just from casting heals. Yeah, I can tank a little bit on WHM, but not for long, especially when Breakga hits. So we failed at 15-20%.


                      I'm duoing with someone trying to get pops for Briareus. I'm PUP/WAR, he's NIN/DNC. We get darkness for red proc. I'm able to use my Ark Scythe to proc, and when it's Energy Drain... he, um, doesn't have 175 Dagger skill. So, yeah. You don't need to get everything blue, but in this era of multiple 99s, there's really no excuse for at least getting them all to 200.
                      Last edited by Elwynn; 03-09-2013, 07:27 AM.
                      Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                      99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                      F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                      >not having all jobs at 99

                      Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        I am not psyched for this expansion in the least. I haven't even pre-ordered it yet.

                        Edit: I did pre-order the soundtrack, however. I'm strange like that.
                        Last edited by Ketaru; 03-18-2013, 06:28 AM.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          I'm really looking forward to it.
                          compared to the 3 abortions they called mini expansions last time. This one looks quite epic.
                          The new zones not being reskins is a big plus. It looks like Se are actually giving us some value for our money this time.

                          Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            I'm honestly shocked they decided to go with a full expansion.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
                            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              I purchased the expansion.

                              Peeve: the convoluted way they made me do it. Stupid SE+POL+payment system mumbojumbo

                              Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
                              99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
                              99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO

                              Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Are they really still making it difficult to give them your money?
                                Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                                Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                                Name: Drjones
                                Blog: Mediocre Mage

