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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Takelli View Post
    But, as soon as I sub whm onto my rdm, I literally get spammed for invites into parties. Don't people even bother to check seacoms?
    No, they don't. That's why, whenever people say they find a search comment more impressive than no search comment, I call that a load of crap.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      That happens a lot when I seek on COR/RNG during the day. The second I go sub WHM I get spammed with invites for parties from JP parties. It's probably why I never seek on COR during JP prime time anymore. If I wanted to throw away piles of gil by missing every single shot I make because I have to use MP gear I'll use vile Elixirs as my primary way of MP regen on WHM. Those Elixirs probably weren't made by RMTs either.

      Though if I seek at night on COR/RNG I run the risk of being invited to some useless pickup group and firing off something like 10-20 bullets per mob because the rest of the part can't do enough bloody damage to kill the mobs quickly so I will still be having my gil wasted on a really bad pickup grounp rather than having to gimp myself to keep a party leader happy.

      I'm not one to go off on people for being gimp. Sometimes someone might just be having an off day or they might be just getting really unlucky, I dunno. But when I have to spend about 200 gil per attempt to hit an enemy and I'm firing off 10-20 bullets per fight because I'm the only one hitting the mob and every single one of your swings comes at the cost on 0 gil you can probably see why I will get a bit annoyed if you bitch at me for saying the party is a waste of time because the DDs are gimped. It's even more annoying when you're leading on a parse on COR because you know that you're in a gimp party. Sorry but why the heck am I outparsing a DRK, RNG and DRG when I'm also pulling, rolling and sleeping? Logically I should be dead last out of the DDs because I have to regularly interrupt my damage output to pull, roll and sleep mobs.

      I do find myself having a lot more people telling me how to do my job on COR. Some of the more annoying ones are people who yell at me for rolling while a buff is still in effect to keep the cycle going while pulling. These are the same people who also throw their bottles out of their crib when their buffs are down for even a few seconds. Sorry but if you want me to pull and keep up buffs constantly then having your buff rerolled SECONDS before it will wear anyway is the small hit you're going to have to take. Either deal with losing your 11/Lucky a few seconds before it wears or deal with a gap of a few seconds between buffs. Or have the Bard/Ranger/Thief/Warrior/Samurai pull, the Bard/Ranger/Thief/Warrior/Samurai is probably subbing NIN anyway.

      Then there are the groups of people who think that anything not lucky or 11 is a useless roll and I'm a gimp COR because I don't roll lucky or 11 every time (this gets especially aggravating if you find yourself rolling a whole lot of 6's in a row). Thankfully most players will understand that even if I roll unlucky and the odds are too crappy to risk rolling again, you're still getting your buff even if it is weaker than it should be and a weak buff is the risk you take when you invite a GAMBLER class. I've even had some players say "You should just roll again anyway even if you do bust.". That's like saying: "Oh I just scuffed the paintjob on my brand new car. I might as well drive it into the nearest stop sign at high speed because it's bloody useless now."

      Finally and most importantly: Sailcoth. Where the heck are you on the AH when I need you? I want my bloody Corsair's Frac!

      Sorry about going off on a bit of a rant but it's just some of the stuff that has been bugging me lately.

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      It's probably why I usually say "Would you kill me if I said...[insert what I found easy or did first time here]". The more hilarious ones I think are people who brag about beating Maat first time on every single jobs they have at 70+
      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
      Reiko Takahashi
      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
      Haters Gonna Hate


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        (Note to self... Don't piss off firewind...)

        Usually when I invite a Corsair, I usually make sure that the DDs in the party can actually hit the mob, and deal some damage with out the Cor even there. I only invite Cors when I know that the DDs can kill it fast enough with out the cor needing to shoot more than 5 times at the mob. Hell... My last party in Cn, the mobs died so fast the cor didn't even have a chance to fire off any bullets, all he did was pull, and kite the links until I was able to sleep the links lol


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Firewind View Post
          That happens a lot when I seek on COR/RNG during the day. The second I go sub WHM I get spammed with invites for parties from JP parties. It's probably why I never seek on COR during JP prime time anymore. If I wanted to throw away piles of gil by missing every single shot I make because I have to use MP gear I'll use vile Elixirs as my primary way of MP regen on WHM. Those Elixirs probably weren't made by RMTs either.
          Your COR is 52-ish? /RNG gives you Accuracy Bonus I, which is Acc/R.Acc+10. From my understanding, that should translate only to 5% difference in ranged attacks' hit rate. At Lv.60, Accuracy Bonus II gives Acc/R.Acc+22, which works out to 11% hit rate difference.

          Don't need to keep MP gear on after you've spent the MP--don't shoot until you've spend the MP, and put R.Acc gears back on. If no one needs Cure III, can still Regen, top off people's HP bars, cast bar- spell if no one else is doing it, etc. When healing for MP, put hMP gear on, and then switch to MP gear.

          I'm pretty OK with COR/WHM not shooting if they are using their MP, though, if inventory space is really that tight. If I ask a COR to come as /WHM, I'd expect cards for Light/Dark Shots, but not bullets. (If the COR wants to skill up Marksmanship, sure, as long as it's not to the exclusion of /WHM work.)

          Originally posted by Firewind View Post
          Though if I seek at night on COR/RNG I run the risk of being invited to some useless pickup group and firing off something like 10-20 bullets per mob because the rest of the part can't do enough bloody damage to kill the mobs quickly so I will still be having my gil wasted on a really bad pickup grounp rather than having to gimp myself to keep a party leader happy.
          So... Which one gives you better exp/hour? COR/WHM in JP parties, or COR/RNG in non-JP parties? Which kind of party is less unpleasant for you?
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
            Your COR is 52-ish? /RNG gives you Accuracy Bonus I, which is Acc/R.Acc+10. From my understanding, that should translate only to 5% difference in ranged attacks' hit rate. At Lv.60, Accuracy Bonus II gives Acc/R.Acc+22, which works out to 11% hit rate difference.

            Don't need to keep MP gear on after you've spent the MP--don't shoot until you've spend the MP, and put R.Acc gears back on. If no one needs Cure III, can still Regen, top off people's HP bars, cast bar- spell if no one else is doing it, etc. When healing for MP, put hMP gear on, and then switch to MP gear.

            I'm pretty OK with COR/WHM not shooting if they are using their MP, though, if inventory space is really that tight. If I ask a COR to come as /WHM, I'd expect cards for Light/Dark Shots, but not bullets. (If the COR wants to skill up Marksmanship, sure, as long as it's not to the exclusion of /WHM work.)
            I don't have the Gobbiebag quests all done so once I've got all of my Quick Draw Cards, Staves, Gear and Macro gear I don't have much room left for a full MP and hMP set.

            That tiny bit of hit rate does make a difference. It makes the difference between missing the mob consistently and being able to keep up with the other DDs. Archer's Knives give a +10 RAcc bonus, same as Accuracy Bonus Lv1 and I found my hit rate to be pretty poor even with Sushi until I switched back to Archer's Knives.

            So... Which one gives you better exp/hour? COR/WHM in JP parties, or COR/RNG in non-JP parties? Which kind of party is less unpleasant for you?
            It completely depends on the party setup and how fast the party can chain things as well as how your support jobs are setup. I've had some great parties on COR/WHM in JP parties with way too many healers and terrible parties as COR/RNG in parties that by all means should be burning through the whole zone.

            I had one party, a 56 sync when my COR was at 53 on birds. it was BRD/NIN, COR/RNG, RDM/WHM then WAR/NIN, SAM/NIN, SAM/NIN all using polearms. Basically the birds were dying within seconds of then being voked off me. The only times i even got the chance to shoot were either when I was pulling+sleeping mobs or when one of the DDs missed. In that situation I probably would have been better off being /mage purely because the mobs were dying before I could get more than 1 shot off . That and the WAR was leaving Berzerk up when his shadows dropped while the SAMs were smart enough to put Seigan+Third Eye up if thier shadows went down before going all out with Hasso.

            The tendancy for JP parties to stack lots of healers and /DNC's in parties usually makes me question the point of me going /mage when one extra person with healing magic probably won't make a big difference in the long run. The parties are usually very safe but again like I said earlier it completely depends on the setup and wether or not your party can kill fast enough for large chains and if your backline can handle the fast pulls.

            In all honesty I find /COR/WHM more useful when you are fighting mobs that spam status effects and you only have the one healer and playing it as a DD/DNC than playing it as you would play a a BRD/WHM but that is just me.

            Usually when I invite a Corsair, I usually make sure that the DDs in the party can actually hit the mob, and deal some damage with out the Cor even there. I only invite Cors when I know that the DDs can kill it fast enough with out the cor needing to shoot more than 5 times at the mob. Hell... My last party in Cn, the mobs died so fast the cor didn't even have a chance to fire off any bullets, all he did was pull, and kite the links until I was able to sleep the links lol
            Well Corsair is a very desirable job for parties of every level so I guess we can afford to be picky when it comes to parties . Heck I've met a PLD who says that he likes to build his parties around BRDs and CORs (though most parties I've been in usually build them around the tank for quite obvious reasons). Honestly the job is exteremely versitile and can play lots of rolls in a party than just buffing. My major complaint wasn't about having to shoot a lot, I like shooting on COR as it's one more way I can help out the party and it's a lot of fun to boot. I just get annoyed when I'm the only one who is actually doing a lot of damage to the mobs. I feel as though I'm just throwing my gil at a lazy party that is using BRDs and CORs at a crutch to hide either poor gear and/or poor skill. I'm not an elitist by a long shot but when I spend about 150k (Price for a full stack of iron Bullets on my server the last time I checked which was 3 days ago) for 1188 attempts at hitting the mob on top of food and weapon costs when melee DDs only have to pay for the cost of food and thier weapon (most of which would probably forget thier weapon if it wasn't equipped. I can name you 5 people on my Friend List who have a habit of doing that )you could probably forgive me for calling a below average party a waste of time and ammo.
            Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
            Reiko Takahashi
            - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
            Haters Gonna Hate


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Selene's Bow drop rate is getting ridiculous...I'm 0/15 at the moment, and now I'm competing with a duo of RDM/NINs who are pretty much the second-worst and worst geared ones I've ever seen, both full-timing the same gear, one nuking V.Cloak and the other in dual-wielded Swords including a Dissector and a Walahra Turban. It takes them absolutely fucking forever to kill the thing, and of course every footprint pop is right next to one of the, and they aren't getting the drop either so they can't get the fuck out of my hair.

              Edit: 0/16, yayayayayay Hare Meat
              Last edited by Callisto; 07-05-2009, 09:56 PM.
              Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

              Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

              Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                Selene's Bow drop rate is getting ridiculous...I'm 0/15 at the moment, and now I'm competing with a duo of RDM/NINs who are pretty much the second-worst and worst geared ones I've ever seen, both full-timing the same gear, one nuking V.Cloak and the other in dual-wielded Swords including a Dissector and a Walahra Turban. It takes them absolutely fucking forever to kill the thing, and of course every footprint pop is right next to one of the, and they aren't getting the drop either so they can't get the fuck out of my hair.

                Edit: 0/16, yayayayayay Hare Meat
                I hate the drop rate on that thing. I once helped 2 RNG friends get that drop. I think we were there for a total of 15 hours over the course of 3 days to get both drops.

                Speaking of terrible drops. Centurio X-I and my Stonega II scroll. I'm 0-18 on that drop as of Saturday morning. I got my Shaman's Cloak off that guy first time and just about every other scroll he drops is taking up space in my Dbox but where is my bloody Stonega II scroll Centurio?

                Seriously if that NM wasn't so much fun to solo as a WHM/SCH I would have given up weeks ago.
                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                Reiko Takahashi
                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                Haters Gonna Hate


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                  Speaking of terrible drops. Centurio X-I and my Stonega II scroll. I'm 0-18 on that drop as of Saturday morning. I got my Shaman's Cloak off that guy first time and just about every other scroll he drops is taking up space in my Dbox but where is my bloody Stonega II scroll Centurio
                  I'm the same way with him. Got the Shamans cloak, but not the stonega II scroll. Hes killed me liek 3-4 times as Sam/Dnc as well as a few friends that have helped me along the way as well with him. I've gotten the cloak, and its dropped for everyone who camped him with me, but never did drop teh scroll. The mages that camped with me where happy, but I wasn't as I just wanted the scroll for my blm.

                  Same with O-kotes. Damn H2H weapon... Always drops, but never does the O-kotes. 0.15 on that guy now... -.-;

                  I've given up on NMs and their drops. I jsut do BCNMS until I have the money to buy an item, then just continue leveling/helping/doing stuff. lol


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    People that suck. But not just anybody that sucks. But a particular type of person that does:

                    The sort of person who is horrible to have around, yet are completely oblivious to it. There's somebody who is notorious, let's call him M1 because that's sort of his nickname. M1 has a very inflated ego, and is not afraid to spout it when you invite him to things. He says things like, "I'm an awesome player, therefore I won't tolerate failure from any of you." Meanwhile he has this particular job trait that makes him aggro things that don't even aggro.

                    No joke. When Assaults first came out, I joined him for a run where you have to kill some NPCs among undead and he ran around and basically aggroed everything he could find. I complained about it in LS. Said how some guy was the prime example to me about how Maat's cap doesn't mean anything as a player. Immediately, somebody responds, "Are you talking about M1?! I BET YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT M1!!!"

                    This guy's notoriety is so widespread, everybody I know seems to think so about him. The word is that if M1 is around, you're going to die at least once. He seems to be the only person who doesn't know what people say about him.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Sounds like someone I know, who has transferred a few times. Is this person Carlosx, by any chance?

                      If not, do a search of some BG checks on him. They're entertaining.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        ~ Got a few... sorry, ahead of time.~

                        FoV in Western Altep... what a absolute stoooooooopid idea of mine. Last time I was several levels over the page I attempted... Cactuars and Beetles, if I remember right. Well the 1st Cactuar 1000 Needled and full HP suddenly was the furthest thing from... .. . then resting while weakend another damn Cactuar found me and decided to 1000 Needle my arse... /sigh. So .. I decided to go back with a my 64 Sam and started the Secutor/Lanista page... killed my quota of Secutors; but, then on my 1st Lanista, the thing hit me with a Freeze spell that one-shotted me from like 800HP.. WTF !?!?!?!? So... I attempt another and barely survive... these ants are not for me.

               I'm a glutton for punishment, so...

                        I go out there again just to pass the time before a Kuftal Tunnel thing I was helping on... Gobbies and Scorpions... seems like a harmless enough page... out of an hour + of wandering ... I found 2 scorpions and no gobbies... and, when I went back to the areas that the scorps I'd killed were in, someone had either gotten them, they popped somewhere else, or they hadn't popped yet and have ridiculously long timers. I believe just as we entered Kuftal and I looked at the map once more, I figured out where I'd find gobbies (S.W. oasis?).

                        Doesn't matter... I'll never be convinced W.Altep FoV isn't anything more than a P.O.S. waste of time. I can actually complete lower FoV w/ less headache and w/o risk of {death} from mobs considerably lower than me. Hell... solo'n in Kuftal Tunnel for skillups was better xp and far less dangerous. Go fig.
                        aCP mission 11.... I'm only on Mission 3, but sweet gods I'm tired of hearing about everyone failing it. Hearing these testamonials 3x/day everyday really doesn't make me feel like the hrs of farming I'm doing for some stupid greasy salad is worth it. I'm not very big on how specific the party set-up "must be" either. Guess I'll have to lvl Rng to 37 and ungimp Archery for my SAM... but even then, I'm seeing SAMs going ape sh!t having done that and on their 4-5th walk up Delkfutts. I don't want SE to make cake walks but I don't want to have me or my friends getting aneurisms from attempting a boss fight for weeks and weeks. I just really hope to do other storylines until we figure out some other way... but in the mean time... I'll plan on lvlin' archery, SAM, and RNG; and buy a healthy supply of baby aspirin.
                        Mind reading... I can't do it... nor can a majority of the populace... so when a MA is changed, saying so helps greatly. Sometimes... several times... maybe in CAPS wouldn't hurt either.
                        {check}ing and {/laugh}ing at people's gear before the experiencing begins. It was kinda cute on the first one but continually {/check}ing me and {/laugh}ing and interspersing them with {/poke}s was a bit rude. Yeah, I look like a gobbie but I'm not gonna xp party in Cpc. Brst plate set and a gobbie coif. Don't make an ass of yourself if you don't have to. When the mob came and I was suddenly in Hauby, Rajas, and my actual partying gear, did you feel like an ass? Just wonder'd, cuz ya sure got quiet all of a sudden.... and ya didn't stay very long either.
                        Making people wait til after Jp Midnight for no reason so the storyline can be continued... Sandy 8.2, I'm looking at you among others.
                        FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
                        FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

                        Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
                        aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
                          Mind reading... I can't do it... nor can a majority of the populace...
                          Yeah, and it's even harder to do over the internet, trust me. <.<;
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                          GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                          Matthew 16:15


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Firewind View Post
                            Speaking of terrible drops. Centurio X-I and my Stonega II scroll. I'm 0-18 on that drop as of Saturday morning. I got my Shaman's Cloak off that guy first time and just about every other scroll he drops is taking up space in my Dbox but where is my bloody Stonega II scroll Centurio?

                            Seriously if that NM wasn't so much fun to solo as a WHM/SCH I would have given up weeks ago.
                            I had to kill him about 20 times for Stonega II to drop (about a year and a half ago). Luckily, at the time I was able to level my NPC there, so that helped me pass the time. Sure got frustrating though.

                            Then, ironically, a few months ago I was helping a friend get the Shaman's Cloak, and Stonega II dropped back-to-back the first 2 times we killed him and it took forever to get the cloak.
                            (Saiph on Sylph server)


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              People not getting reraise from the field manuals when they're literally a 10 second walk away.

                              It's only 10 tabs. =/


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by Verranicus View Post
                                It's only 10 tabs. =/
                                That 10 tabs adds up quickly if a dumbass leader keeps breaking sync.
                                Rothy of Valefor Server. MyLittleChocobo Shell Holder Join DiV v2 Today!
                                Jobs: | BLM 90/90 | THF 90/90 | WHM 51/90 | SCH 34/45 | RDM 46/49 | WAR 30/49 | NIN 49/49 | DNC 35/49

