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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    In responce to Omgwtfbbqkitten,

    I have been playing FFXI since NA release, I know what this game is like, but I just wished SE would make improvements to the game that helped the player base. Rather than punnishing the entire player base in response to something that only about 1-2% of players are doing.

    The offenesive CB issue is with the ammount of xp for attacking the forts being nerfed. Since the update, on my server anyhow, more territory is being taken by beastman in the past.. reason.. because no one wants to do the offensive CB's. I personally give it two weeks and the beastman will be back in the cities on my server.

    In regards to sleep, its the fact that a lot of resists have been increased. To me, it made sence to a point because the new En II's.. make the mob weak to a element, which can help a debuff a mob.. so.. does that mean a rdm will HAVE to melee to get buffs to stick on NM's and HNM's. Also a friend of mine has spend about 2 - 3 years working on his enfeebling rdm. only to go out and get agroed by an imp.. and die because none of his sleeps worked. For this to be balanced a) he would have to fight to and an en II to make enffeble work.. and b) its point less anyhow.. becuase there is no enlight or endark for rdm.

    SMN need a really good looking at. Before SCH was out.. smn would only get party invite on my server if there was no whm or rdm seaking. and we did have some unique buffs to.. but now with sch.. they can do more AoE buff than SMN. the only one they cant do is hastga. All in all, the sch methord of buffing is more efficent in party than smn. For DD'ing.. SMN can only do spike damage.. and even tho we can go wow.. look at hat.. in the time between BP's.. other DD can match or out do SMN.. Smn DD is best doing MB's.. have to seen the dmg a smn 2 hour Mb'ed can do? Atm.. to me personaly the job is very much broken. During the time that I have been playing FFXI.. I have also playied about 20 - 25 other MMO's.. each one has a class close to SMN. and guess what? they do not cost mp to keep the summoned monsters out.

    In regards to NM's.. most other mmo's I have playied aswell.. the longest I have had to wait for an nm to pop is about 25 min. I have RL commitments.. a 21 - 24 hour pop times are just stupid.

    In regards to SE are listening.. so wth is the new smns they promised the smn comunity about 2 - 3 years ago?


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Ah the infamous summoner. The job dosen't interest me at all in it's current state. I mean sure, it's good for missions, but speaking for party play ? This is why my WHM is 56 and my SNM is only 32. I agree that the job is broken, and I have sent SE some very nice suggestion on how to fix it, some easier than other to implement. But nothing changed (much) in the last 3 years.

      At least they are getting attention nowadays, I can hope that something interesting will happen and that I might be tempted to re-play it in the future. But yeah, the Perpetuation cost just dosent make up to what any avatar I can get out can do for me. Killing that would be a start, but it still wouldnt change me inviting Summoners for Cures in a party when no whm or rdm are seeking.

      Maybe if SMN could have elemental (even rank F) skill and nuke(blm sub) while bloodpacks are down...
      Oh well.

      I didnt post SMNer as a Peeve, as it has been broken for so long, I long gave up on it.
      Active Server: Asura
      Active Characters: Samuriko, Goerkhan


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        If you are not wearing allied tags beating on the fortifications does not count in any way, shape or forum towards the Allied Nation's influence in that region for Campaign.

        It was an exploit for skillups, nothing more and nothing less.

        What if you die?

        If you get in AoE or Aggro a mob without tags on, you should die.

        Its not like losing EXP on death actually means much anymore since the EXP penalty is now so forgiving and the EXP curve much lighter..
        Never said that. I said it helps the allied forces win faster by doing more damage to forts which in turn takes down the enemy's fort number. Allied forces leave with a win and they level up and you get skillups for doing damage.

        When I suffered from "Level Sync Skill Syndrome", I went to campaign to skillup my weapon. I died a few times due to unlucky unit pops, and I lost exp. That didn't stop me from getting skillups. There is a trade off. I'm the last person that cares about losing exp, I never cared when it was harsher and still don't care now. I don't see where I said it was wrong to get aggro and die without tags. The point was the trade off. Say what you want, the only real sort of exploit where the 2 hr Campaign Battles because mobs are just sitting in one area while the allied unit is in the other and they never see each other. Changing the mob pop like was said before could have easily solved that.
        To be the best in this must help each other become the best.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


          Not having enough time to find a new camp to solo BLM. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to find a better one.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Rant on

            Refueling 0/40 WTF

            rant off
            Barsha: Sam 85 Blm 85 Blu 85 Drg 75 Rdm 78 Whm 49 Thf 49 War 49 Dnc 42 Nin 49 Drk 33
            Alchemy 23 Cooking 23
            Bastok 6-1 COP complete AU complete ZM complete WotG Wings Of Glory


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              I'd disagree that fighting in campaign without tags to gain skillups was an exploit. It was an incredibly useful tool to gain skillups, especially if you either level sync alot or solo alot. I also think it was largely balanced. You don't gain any exp from it, you lose exp if you die. While you don't get hit by AoEs you do still could get a link, or pull hate. I'd say it's hit or miss on people tanking the NMs, sometimes you'll run into people who do tank them and sometimes you won't. However all you have to do is watch your damage output and make sure that everyone else is hitting harder than you are, after all, you're only there for skillups. So simply going with a lower damage weapon or not using your spell or WS of OMGWTFPWNAGE takes care of that issue.

              And yes it does help the campaign. You are contributing to kill the mob, or else you are contributing to beating down the fortification. While I don't know quite what to think of skilling up on fortifications, because I do see the points some people bring up, I know how I view the rest of the system. I have no problems with skilling up off of mobs or NMs, I view the forts as a mob that doesn't move nor does it attack back, much like attacking a siege turret from behind. I also have no problems with skillups or exp off of the siege engines. I know that anyone with allied tags on will NOT attack those from the front, we all attack them from behind. Enemy Belfries and other constructions are also perfectly acceptable to go gain skillups and exp off of. Given that I accept the above, I think it would be unreasonable to think that beating on forts for exp or skillups is not acceptable.

              And also, Gnats, Mnk, or Thf mobs made for some nice fairly safe parry skillups which I highly valued.

              Though 'kitten does raise something that I don't know about, allied influence. While it doesn't raise allied influence, it does still lower the beastmen influence in the region, so it is helpful regardless if you have tags or not.

              The changes to sleep are also unreasonable for the most part. SE doesn't want people to sleep hold mobs, or low man events by sleeping a bunch of mobs or whatever, that's fine. But exp is still a large part of the game, and SE just screwed over parties who got a link because hey, sleeping abilities just don't last long anymore. My Sheep Song and Soporific don't even last for 25 seconds on mobs that con at or below DC to me. This includes using Elemental Seal twice for testing. How bad is it for VT or IT mobs, which parties commonly exp off of? I don't see any possible way for a exp party to sleep a link.

              Although SE did just put up a notification about it being a bug, after Thayos on Alla made a very nice article about the Silence of the Devs on it though.

              And just quickly before dashing off to a meeting...

              Reason so many zones are in beastmen control is due to a bunch of new content being added. This happens every time new non campaign battle content is added. People not wanting to go on offensive fights are idiots. Where else are you almost assured that there will be 3+ waves of monsters standing around doing nothing that you can go pick off one by one? Offensive fights have normally been the best source of exp, and even if there is only one wave of mobs there when you first get to the fort, normally another wave will spawn shortly before you finish the first one. From my experience Pashhow Marshlands is notorious for this neverending wave of beastmen guarding the zone in an almost neverending campaign fight. Screw forts when you get something like that.

              Someone probably complained about it somewhere, but just do a bomb run on a zone that has a fight going on or is empty. If there is a fight then there is a good chance that the mobs are distracted by being attacked and will not defuse your bomb. Been hearing alot of crying over that.

              Exp reduction on forts is rather meh, but I already went over why and the changes that I think ought to be considered for making it more lvl 55-63ish friendly, and we've all talked about how to make it more mage friendly.

              And now I gotta run, so later all!

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                "Can we do a ______ run?"

                ... o still didn't get.

                "Can we do a ______ run?"

                ... o still didn't get.

                "Can we do a ______ run?"

                ... o still didn't get.

                "Can we do a ______ run? ... Oh awesome! I finally got it!!! Well see ya later. What? Can I help you guys get it? No ... I don't have the time".

                Well... after that, I don't think any of us would piss on your gums should your teeth catch on fire... have a good one, jerk.
                FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
                FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

                Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
                aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  -Speaking of Campaign, I'd like to have a word with the developer who thought people get too much EXP in Campaign since this latest adjustment, coupled with the lack of new ranks or zones, has practically confirmed that he is getting his way. It's sad because I used to be one of the proponents for Campaign as a great alternative source for merits without completely abandoning the MMO aspect of the game (as it is now, the best you can get is about half the EXP of a lousy merit party, let alone a decent one).

                  - Double-talk about the BST job. My linkshell says "Oh sure, BST is a great job...but I wouldn't actually invite it for anything except when I need Xolotl's B Kote. Camp Jailer of Temperance? {No thanks.} lolbst"

                  - Double-talk about RDM melee (and I'm not even talking about parties here. I'm talking town gear or Campaign or FoV or whatever). "Oh I don't mind RDM that melee as long as they're geared for it. I'll still ridicule the fact you picked Hollow Earring. lolenspell"
                  Last edited by Ketaru; 04-22-2009, 11:51 AM.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Ketaru View Post
                    - Double-talk about the BST job. My linkshell says "Oh sure, BST is a great job...but I wouldn't actually invite it for anything except when I need Xolotl's B Kote. Camp Jailer of Temperance? {No thanks.} lolbst"
                    God, this. I hate seeing "yeah BSTs actually do really good damage when you account for their pet!" but then "Get that BST out of my party." nine seconds later. @n@


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Nataka View Post
                      God, this. I hate seeing "yeah BSTs actually do really good damage when you account for their pet!" but then "Get that BST out of my party." nine seconds later. @n@
                      The ironic thing is I did eventually get my Temperance paying an HNM LS to let me lot it. Didn't take long for people in my LS to start wagging their fingers at me saying I sold out.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        If your linkshell does sea, that stuff should be free lot. Temperance Axe is 100% drop. :/

                        I don't particularly care for BSTs, and I've never partied with one that was worth their weight as a DD, but I pretty much constantly see BSTs wearing full AF all the time, which is problematic if you're actually doing something. BST can wear some pretty decent DD gear, too, so there's really no excuse for it except laziness and "I can solo so why do I care if my gear sucks, if you don't like it I'll just go solo." And BST can wear Hauberk (And ebody if you can get it), it's what, 200k? That's not much, and it makes a huge difference over the AF Body. If you're BST in a party, you better be geared to melee and not to let your pet tank. There's a difference, and so few people seem to understand that.

                        Still, while typically not in meripo (picky about merits, I've said as much), I'm open to trying people in regular parties. I remember back in the loldrg days, partying with a DRG was unheard of, now they kick serious ass. So people can be taught. Show me a BST that can keep up with everyone else DD-wise, and, I'll show you a BST that can get invites.

                        As for RDM melee ... meh. Fun by myself, not worth it in a party. And honestly I don't care what you wear outside of a party. Go to town with your cute SH on RDM as long as you're not my party's healer, it's all good. To me, gimpness only matters if you're doing something and being gimp. I wear funky shit around town sometimes (Cleric's Briault +1, Nashira Pants, and Herald's Gaiters, Novio and Roundel earring, makes no sense but looks cool) but watch me in a party or fighting an HNM and I'm geared for it. As for lolcampaign or farming ... wear what you want. You're really not affecting me unless you aggro 15 mobs and MPK me while I'm resting off weakness.
                        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                        ~I has a blog~~
                        ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Yeah seriously, I'm surprised you had to pay for that.

                          Well not really, people are greedy, but it's not like anyone else can use it. o_o

                          EDIT: I know rangers can EQUIP it, but then they'd have to equip virtue stones too right? I seriously doubt a ranger would abandon their bow for it lol.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            It was a service provided to me. Given that I am satisfied with the axe, I'm glad to have paid for it. Well, maybe not glad, but it was worth it. My LS is not an endgame LS. The situation however was that we were supposed to set aside one night to do some sea NMs that people wanted. One night, a few people decided to go get triggers for something. Seeing as all they were doing was getting triggers, I logged. Sure enough, that night spontaneously turned into sea NM night. Thus, I missed out.

                            Unrelated...I wish more forums did that. Tell you when somebody adds a new reply to a thread you're replying to so you can address both...


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              A peeve that's been around since shortly after level sync: Apparently some RMTs maintain the level of their level sync mules by home-pointing them to an outpost and repeatedly dying, possibly by using a bot script. Guess what that does to conquest results for that zone? It's mostly a peeve to others in my LS, though. More of a peeve to me is that RMTs just don't fucking know how to play the game and have to pull bullshit like that.

                              Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
                              However all you have to do is watch your damage output and make sure that everyone else is hitting harder than you are, after all, you're only there for skillups.
                              ...until the inevitable wipe (tank or not, many of the campaign NMs are good at causing repeated wipes), at which point the NM will go down its list, and find that everyone is in the "naughty" column. It's always fun to be resting MP off to the side when the NM runs up to you, smacks you down, then runs off to do it to someone else.
                              Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                              99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                              F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                              >not having all jobs at 99

                              Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                ...until the inevitable wipe (tank or not, many of the campaign NMs are good at causing repeated wipes), at which point the NM will go down its list, and find that everyone is in the "naughty" column. It's always fun to be resting MP off to the side when the NM runs up to you, smacks you down, then runs off to do it to someone else.
                                I suppose it is fair to say that it depends on the NM. There are a couple of Orc NMs that I just won't touch, but they also have nasty counters, so....

                                And that's also why you grab tags if you need to rest

                                I still stand by it though. By and large I haven't had a problem skilling up either as Drg or Blu on NMs in campaign.

                                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.

