Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
Ya, it doesn't get much better either. Same songs all the time just about. You could make one macro set for songs and thats about all you'd need for 75 levels. 
And then he'd be kicked from the ls, in ours. I believe in putting the glass in your bazaar. I've been in too many dynamis's where people get tired of playing towards the end and go afk. Then items are lost and people are pissed. To me I don't see much difference between losing an item because someone buys your glass or losing an item because some asshat has been afk for 30+ minutes and time runs out. BUT I can understand why some shells that are only Dynamis shells wouldn't do this. Our shell is an "all purpose" shell so for someone to do this, knowing they'll be kicked, would be a huge loss for them over a simple relic piece. But for a Dynamis shell, someone could zoink a piece from someone and not care about getting kicked out. There are 10,000 Dynamis shells, with new ones made every day, that they could get into so they probably wouldn't care.
Originally posted by Aksannyi
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Originally posted by Akashimo
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