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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    I had been looking forward to having raise on my Bst at lvl 50. All this time I knew my mp pool wasn't very big but natively my mp is around 100 so I am unable to cast it. So now it looks like I still have to change jobs to go and raise friends.
    I know I can achieve the required mp with a different gear setup but Damn it sucks I prefer only 2 sets of gear at the moment +chr and a set for battle. With Galen as my first character my inventory is a little bit of an issue but I get by.
    I'm just a little P-O'd.

    Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Firewind View Post
      some moron pulling a hoarde of mobs
      I've noticed this a lot actually in differing variations on any battlefield. But yeah that lil room in Eldieme [S] can be pool of bodies.

      Before the cavalry arrives (NPC hordes) I'm tired of mages drawing hate from mob we've all pulled from the group and then running like ninnies all over the field of battle. This makes it nearly impossible to take the hate back and save them and takes my experience pinata far away from me.

      Because Campaign is so laggy I'm always just a step behind the mob in this chase and can't land a Step/Anim.Fl to save the caster's arse. Feels like a chase on Scooby-Doo

      Still testing the theory; but, I've learned I almost have a better chance catching up with the mage by not following at all ... just wait for them to complete their circular-windy dance of death. For some reason they seem to boomerang on a fairly consistent basis.

      Fear of hate/death is pointless when you have tags on. Accept the damage... be one with the damage. I know... my death serves a higher purpose.

      "You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." ~ ol' Ben
      FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
      FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

      Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
      aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        It's worse in Besieged. Due to the latency involved and the limited number of charaters that can be displayed on your screen at once it's impossible to tell if you've been aggro'd and are pulling a mob away from a group of people. I know Blue Mages who have lost the chance to learn spells because their mob was pulled away and some other party killed it

        And you get exp for taking damage in campaign. Stepping into an AoE spam and healing the damage caused if my favourite way of capping both Damage taken and damage cured very quickly.
        Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
        Reiko Takahashi
        - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
        Haters Gonna Hate


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Firewind View Post
          It's worse in Besieged

          ... I know. Boy, is it ever. I'm playin' via 360 so it's very iffy so far. I've only made it through a hand full of Besieged w/o dc'n.

          Thank you for telling me that only a limited amount of things can be displayed during besieged. That puts my mind a bit at ease with my experiences there so far.

          I'm hoping the changes Comcast made will allow me to actually participate in Besieged. Found out someone had split off my wire at the cable box, so I was proly being leached off of. And they replaced the chincy wire the original installer put up for my cable line with some heavier cable....
          FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
          FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

          Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
          aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            People who swear up and down that AV is not defeatable.

            It's a stupidly hard mob, but there is a way to kill it, and I'm starting to get pissed at all the negative Nancies out there saying it's not possible. Fucking Debbie Downers, seriously. AV can be killed, stop staying it can't.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Neverslip View Post

              ... I know. Boy, is it ever. I'm playin' via 360 so it's very iffy so far. I've only made it through a hand full of Besieged w/o dc'n.

              Thank you for telling me that only a limited amount of things can be displayed during besieged. That puts my mind a bit at ease with my experiences there so far.

              I'm hoping the changes Comcast made will allow me to actually participate in Besieged. Found out someone had split off my wire at the cable box, so I was proly being leached off of. And they replaced the chincy wire the original installer put up for my cable line with some heavier cable....
              I'm fairly sure that the 360 has a limit on the number of packets it will accept at once and the data packets are always send to the game's host first which will explain the very high latency when off host on 360 games as well as poor connection reliability in MMOs like FFXI and PSU.

              What you have to remember is that in MMOs the server has to send you data on every single person in the zone which can be several hundred at once. It takes a while for all of this info to get through to your 360. Again my guess as the limit on the amount of data that can be sent to a 360 at once time may explain this.

              If the 360 does have a limit on the number of data packets it can receive at a given time it probably explains why 360s always crash in beseiged even on T3 connections. Your 360 is pretty much being spammed with data and if it has a buffer some of the data may simply be lost when the buffer is hit and no more info is being received for a short moment.

              Translation: The 360 is optimised to play FPS games, not MMOs.
              Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
              Reiko Takahashi
              - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
              Haters Gonna Hate


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                So yeah, I'm up next for A. body, as I've said already. Today was like, Day 6 or 7 Aspid, so I knew HQ turtle was gonna pop so I skipped class to stay home for it (okay to my credit I do have a massive migraine) and so Aspid does indeed pop and we actually claim it and then it drops fucking.

                W body.

                I fucking hate you Square Enix.

                Tomorrow is my god damn birthday, and you can't even throw me a bone.




                (I'm not very patient, am I? ... sigh ... Nidhogg popped today too but we didn't get him, but of course the other ls got A body, can we get it when I'm up for it though? NOoooooooooo of course not, I swear sometimes this game hates me.)

                At least we still have Odin coming up in a week or so.
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                  I fucking hate you Square Enix.

                  Tomorrow is my god damn birthday, and you can't even throw me a bone.



                  Been there... I think we need a Tshirt for this.

                  Is there a helpline anywhere for gamers who feel they've been emotionally abused?
                  FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
                  FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

                  Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
                  aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
                    Been there... I think we need a Tshirt for this.

                    Is there a helpline anywhere for gamers who feel they've been emotionally abused?
           - When You Feel You Can't Go On -- Let Someone Know Your Pain.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Old Peeve: Falling.

                      New Peeve: a collaboration of stupidity in equal parts from FFXIclopedia and Moblin Maze Mongers. So, I'm off to try and get this stupid crafting maze of mine beaten, with the reassurance of FFXIclopedia that "Level Sync will work if used in the lobby." So, I figure, I don't have to worry if I gather a party together no matter what level they are, just as long as they are a full party.

                      Moments later . . .

                      [ame=]YouTube - The Decline of Video Gaming 2[/ame]

                      Skip to 7:50-8:07 for relevance. It's a lot funnier now that there are actual ladybugs in this game that can rape you, like they did to my party level synced down to 30 in my maze.

                      Which officially leaves me 0/4 on crafting maze runs and enough data to reach a conclusion: due to the fact that Level Sync is worthless (due to it wearing off when you enter the lobby) versus monsters whose levels are set to the highest-leveled party member, which is compounded by the fact that it is very difficult to find people to do this with in the first place, and the fact that soloing the maze is impractical (while solo I can defeat the Maze Lurkers, but all the materials needed to be gathered, including the ones where multiples of the same item are needed, are freaking RARE/EX), I proclaim Maze Voucher 04 to be practically unplayable.
                      Originally posted by Armando
                      No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                      Originally posted by Armando
                      Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                      Matthew 16:15


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                        I proclaim Maze Voucher 04 to be practically unplayable.

                        The only useful thing I've been able to do in there is to record my HELM drops for wiki to identify their abundances, from which I've been able to determine one interesting thing: for whatever reason, I seem to end up with almost twice as much stuff from Mining points as I do from the Harvesting and Lumber points combined. Which is real fun because 04 is broken in another way too: it ALWAYS assigns you an item from whatever your highest craft is. My Clothcraft has been 60.0 for a while, and I've never been assigned anything but Viscous Cloth. Now that my Alchemy has also reached 60.0 I want to try it again to see what it assigns me. But it looks like I need to level Cooking, Smithing, or Goldsmithing to have a chance at getting enough drops to solo the thing.

                        And I can only go in solo because nobody else in my small LS cares about crafting or HELM. No way can a normal WHM solo the mobs in there. I tried it once with rune 019 and still couldn't solo a mob.

                        One time I actually got all the materials together for Viscous Cloth, using my sprinter shoes for a little extra edge. Then (with the Sure Synthesis rune, no less), I go to synth it. It asks me solo or group synthesis. I'm like WTF? I'm solo already! And it fails and I lose FIVE materials out of six. With less than a minute left on the clock. And never mind the second item I have to synth to clear the thing.

                        Protip: the HELM points pop as a single group. If you need harvesting stuff and only hit the harvesting points, you will fail. You need to dig up ALL of the HELM points you find, even the ones you don't want.

                        I think it's doable with at least 3 or 4 veteran harvesters and no combat if each one keeps to a single wing of the cave, harvests every point as fast as possible, and stores items regularly. There are three wings on two maps (I've never seen HELM points in the wing where you warp into the maze.)
                        Last edited by Elwynn; 02-01-2009, 01:32 PM.
                        Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                        99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                        F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                        >not having all jobs at 99

                        Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
                          and stores items regularly.
                          This is where the whole thing falls apart, though: ideally, you'd have to store items incredibly regularly, super-regularly, as in, you'd have to run back to Stowastiq after each and every single material item you obtain, to maximize gathering efficiency (considering that, if you fail to get an item because you already have one in your inventory, it's pretty much lost forever; this applies both to HELM Points AND sparkly ???s that mobs drop).
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                          GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                          Matthew 16:15


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            My newest pet peeve? Myself and my own impatience.

                            So the situation is this:

                            In college, not playing much, last time I'm probably going to mention it because by now I figure everyone on these boards knows. While I'm not playing much, I do a little farming/HELM/crafting/etc to keep the gil rolling in, and I do Campaign Ops (Iron Anvil III I think it's called) to work on my /nin and /sch subs for Blu when I do seriously get back into the game somewhere around March 18th 2010. I figure I can play some during the breaks, but those being about 10 days, except for Summer I think, but I'll still be taking summer classes so it will be less than a full summer break.

                            So for instance, I'm sitting here thinking about what gear I want for Blu, because I'm buying a little at a time when I have spare gil from buying ABCs from Canti, who is my hero for letting me buy his ABCs from him. I notice that Scorpion Harnesses are at a pretty good price right about now, 170k when I checked a bit ago. Now I'm thinking that ideally, I want a Mirage Jubbah to TP in, but that is unrealistic until I can do Dynamis, and I'd want good gear just to go and do that, so my Jaridah Peti that my lvl 56 Blu is wearing just isn't going to cut it further down the line. But I think, the entire melee Cobra gear line has a ton of +Acc on it, I would expect the body to have say, +10 Acc on it when it does eventually come out. My accuracy so far is good, and I plan on eating sushi so even I do have any issues, normal +acc gear and sushi should be adequate until I hit lvl 68 and pickup a whole lot more +acc gear. But it's like I want it NOW, and I have to think to myself, "Dude, you can't even wear it yet, and when are you going to hit lvl 57 anyways? You're planning on gaining more merits with Drg during the break. You won't get any real use out of it until either summer quarter ends or you're out of college again, so it's foolish to buy it now. Besides that, there's a good chance that the Cobra body will be roughly equivalent to the SH, so even if you DO decide to buy it, wait until the new gear comes out" But for whatever reason I'm having a hard time not snatching one up.

                            It's silly because I'm normally quite patient and willing to wait for the good stuff, I'm normally not affected like this.

                            Without setting even a foot into Limbus, I have 38 ABCs, roughly half way to achieving a Brutal Earring. With the exception of a Relaxing Earring and a Grandiose Chain,I have my +hmp set finished. While I don't have the Perdu Hanger, or other lvl 70+ rare/ex swords for Blu, I do have the weapons I'll be using until I can attain the Perdu Hanger/Koggelmander combo. My spell gear sets need some work, but my +Str gearset is largely complete, while I need to look at one that combines +dex/str. TP and WS gearsets are largely complete until I start looking at Homam/Enkidu stuff.

                            These are all major accomplishments for me. Especially since it wasn't that long ago that I decided to pickup Blu, and here it is at 56, most of the spells that I can learn are learned, most of my gear is obtained. Toss in the fact that all of this gear was gotten fairly recently, most of it within the last 1-2 months, which considering my normal rate of progress and how much gil I've spent getting these items is incredibly fast for me. This is HUGE. It took me several years to take Drg to 75.

                            So why do I find it so hard to just take a step back from the SH? Side cleavage is nice, but not that nice. In the looks department, which does count for me, I find the Peti to be more pleasing to the eye on Mithra than the SH. I just find it odd. It's not like I'm a lootwhore, I'm very conscious of what I get and I've got no problem turning down gear I have no use for. While it could use improvements, my gearset is pretty solid. I do think that the SH would be a good upgrade, but from past experience in exp parties I don't need it right now, it's something that'll be more useful much further down the line and by that time there is a very good chance that an equivalent piece of gear will come out that I can get for free.

                            So I find it hard to understand this compelling urge to get a SH, it's very unlike me.

                            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              1: Beach Bunnies

                              2: Teriggan being under beastmen control
                              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                So I was trying to wrap up my ToA missions last night. We got to Alexander. Now, its not like I expected to beat this on the first try or anything, in fact, I didn't expect to beat it that night, just get a feel for it again since I had previously done the mission on Kitten's COR.

                                This is a fight where shit just happens, you have to do a trial-and-error evaluation with each set-up you go in with. I know it, I accept it. Losing doesn't hurt me. We're not losing EXP and really aren't losing much in the way of gil. Reobtaining the mirror is a minor annoyance, but that's about it.

                                But we had this WHM and damn if he didn't whine as much, if not more, than the BRD I had for the airship fight on the second round of CoPs. I hate people that get so easily demoralized by losing a fight a few times. Its not life-or-death, you'll win it eventually, you just have to practice some missions - not all of them will be one-sided blowouts.

                                We actually got to Alex on third try and got him down to 35%. That's actually good for a third try, especially considering we didn't have ranged damage at all for the BLU. Yet after the third and fourth try, this WHM was acting like we just weren't capable. We were very capable, we just needed to work some kinks out of our strategy.

                                I want a nice, shiny Balrhan's Ring to go with my Tamas, but I'm not gonna stress over it if its not on my finger today. Some people just need to chill the fuck out about missions.

