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So apparently Vana'diel Conquest has some kind of Electoral College. Count 'em:
Sandy 5 regions, Windurt 4. Placement? Windurst 2nd, San d'Oria 3rd, and Bastok somehow nabbed 1st (but at least they had miraculously nabbed the most regions to get it with).
Originally posted by Armando
No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
Originally posted by Armando
Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
Originally posted by Taskmage
Originally posted by Taskmage
However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
EXP Party on Puks, party is already headed out and looking for a camp, only camp we could get was unfortantely mixed in with Wajaom Tigers, I subbed /blm because i didn't really need any status removals because the normal puk camps dont have tigers.
Then samurai starts bitching about how RDMs should ALWAYS sub /whm.
I have /blm,/sch,/whm,/nin,/blu, EVERYTHING except /drk as a 65RDM but i default /blm in exp partys unless i know /whm is needed, like when i get to Caedarva Mire levels.
But to say RDM should ONLY be /whm is so ignorant i swear...
The most precious possession that ever comes To a man in this world
Is a woman's heart.
I was at the Whitegate AH AFK for a while on SCH and I come back and this COR is in front of me. They MT someone "he better come as anything but BRD. Oh, MT."
So I pretend to MT, "That COR better be using anything but a Hexagun. Oh, MT."
Yeah, just another one of Odin's lolPirates. Level 70, subbing /NIN yet singlewielding archer's knife, using Steel Bullets and a Hexagun.
It never ceases to amaze. You get CORs with Awesome guns and weak bullets or weak guns with good bullets.
That aside, two real fuckwits joined my Assault runs for Lamia No. 13. It really amazes me how dedicated some people are for salvage, yet they have complete shit for brains everywhere else.
Both were jackasses anyway.
First one was a COR. Skadi Legs and feet. Denali Body and Hands. OK so far, so good.... Crimson Mask... the hell? Are we just pretending we have the Skadi headpiece here? Sorry, but of all the head pieces to use that just fails.
OK, Coffinmaker for gun. That's fine, I'm reasonable about the guns so long as its level 68 minimum and has at least 38 DMG on it. But as usual, the level 22 bullets of LOL were on thier person. Yeah, I'm not really looking for damage out of you on Lamia No. 13, but speaking as a SCH, I could give a rats ass about Dark Shot, too. COR is just there to refresh and help damage the Lamia. Its going to be chasing us all anyway.
Then there was a RDM yesterday. Zero from LBR came along on this one. For some reason, this RDM deigned Zero unworthy of being refreshed, which is a total help. Of course, he seldom kept me refreshed, too. Hardly helped cure us while we had to kite, to boot. So we're dying left and right.
Now, before I go on, this RDM had 2 and 1/3rd Morrigan's. Yeah, I say this because the third piece wasn't complete. He had none of his other gear on him. Hell, I'm not really that picky about RDM gear, but even full AF would have been something better. I don't exactly see Morrigan's as a caster set.
Anyway, we squeeked by and Zero wanted to D2 him before I could even consider another run (he knew going in this was my last one for Yigit, but I had offered extra runs since I had Kitten on COR with Full tags).
But the RDM showed his true colors. He didn't give a shit about effort to start with, this was just another points run for Salvage. I had my turban, I got to watch this RDM die once at least, so he could go to hell for all I cared.
Kinda wish Salvage was on a different System sometimes, that way I'd get people serious about doing assaults FOR assault instead of these twits who turn thier brains off before they go in and only turn them back on for Salvage.
I was at the Whitegate AH AFK for a while on SCH and I come back and this COR is in front of me. They MT someone "he better come as anything but BRD. Oh, MT."
So I pretend to MT, "That COR better be using anything but a Hexagun. Oh, MT."
Yeah, just another one of Odin's lolPirates. Level 70, subbing /NIN yet singlewielding archer's knife, using Steel Bullets and a Hexagun.
It never ceases to amaze. You get CORs with Awesome guns and weak bullets or weak guns with good bullets.
can be said for any job i guess; always going to be people that make you just say "wow"
should we care? no, we should probably try to help players like this but whatever
it doesn't make me anyless butthurt/emo/mad/etc that i have 0 homam and i see people with body/feet/legs/hands wielding heartsnatcher/thief's knife or TPing with dex rings
Well the funny part was the COR's MT was very princess-like, guess I failed to emphasize that part. "How dare you suggest we get a BRD, I'm the STAR here. Look at how awesome I am."
They should get over themselves and realize COR + BRD is awesome. They should be happy to have a BRD with them.
As I've said before a bad COR is worse than a bad BRD. BRD takes less brains and effort to seem competent. Its not any less difficult or challenging, but the bar is set way lower for them because it can be. There isn't much finesse to how they buff.
Meanwhile you have CORs with inadequate gear who sit on 6s and don't carry cards because they cost a light amount of gil. A superstitious and cowardly lot.
Corsair = Gambler = Risk = Expense.
Don't like the risk or expense? Then get the hell out. If you want to play a second rate BRD, then go play BRD and be second rate in that class.
I don't know if it's the times I usually play or what, but I seem to always come in on the very tail end of an upward fluctuation on AH prices. I'll get there, there will be very few of $item up for sale, so I'll put mine up for just enough less than the going rate to make sure I'm not undercutting. Come back later, and the going rate has dropped and I've got seven returns in my delivery box.
I don't care about the fluctuation itself, and I'm not going to cry about undercutters or price gougers or anything ridiculous like that. But great googly moogly. I just might be cursed. I'd feel sorry for anybody who gets involved in the same markets after me, except, you know, screw them in their stupid ears.
Ellipses on Fenrir There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs. ,
. . .
Not sure if this would fall under an FFXI pet peeve but, the people who edit FFXIclopedia's mob family pages while having no fucking clue what they're doing. I've had to change Rabbits from THF to WAR mobs twice, changed beetles from DRK to PLD, and got temp banned a couple of months ago over an edit war with some moron that had added RDM to the crab family's jobs when there are no RDM normal crabs and only a handful of RDM-like NMs (sorry, but having a permanent added effect: Water does not constitute RDMdom.)
Oh yeah, Magic Pots have Triple Attack listed under their abilities right now. Bloody idiots. EDIT: Speaking of which, I've had to change Magic Pots' jobs from BLM to RDM a couple of times now.
I've had cooking at 63 for awhile now. I got bored the other day so I level sync duo'd with a friend in Sauromuge (S) fighting mandies. He was a 32WAR and I was a (sync'd)32BLU. I decided to grab sigil refresh, a few Melons/Thundermelons and some water crystals for Melon Juice and I barely had to rest lol. We partied for about 1 1/2 hours and I ended up dinging 46 BLU. I'm glad I leveled cooking now, juices are the new wave in my book. I probably would've tried this sooner, but since the other day was the first party I'd been in with a RDM, I now see how scarce BLU Refreshes are.
I was fighting in a party in Crawlers Nest Sync'd to 42 fighting Soldier Crawlers. The RDM had a refresh circle going he'd hit Himself->PLD->BLU(Me)->DRK(Very Rare). At that time there were 5 of us and we were waiting on the WHM to show up, when the WHM showed up, it went like RDM->WHM->PLD->WHM->RDM->WHM I think that was because the WHM started whining about the refresh circle and he'd say to the RDM "No Refresh Me" when the RDM would refresh anybody but him. RDM ended up getting pissed and saying in the party "That's not the way it works >.>" but he continued to refresh to suit the WHM. Eventually we'd end up fighting a fly and refresh would fail pretty much since we all would end up running out of MP. Which was partially because the PLD forgot his food had worn off lol. After checking the parser, the WHM and RDM both had 56 Refreshes, the PLD had 54, i had 26, and the DRK had like 12.
{New Sig in the works}
----------------------- "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me
Originally posted by Aksannyi
"Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
Originally posted by Solymir
What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?
I sure this has been said before but throwable items that give stat boosts. After 4 years of playing, I throw a stat boosting item.
I was getting bored between spawns and was using a chakram to pull the thousand eyes and the Diormite(sp?) Assaulter. I forgot I equip my smart grenade before I log off to do laundry. When I log back in and took out the two Diormites(sp?) in the room I decided to pull the thousand eyes...
what made matter worse...I missed.
What hurts the most is I dont think I can get another smart grenade. Now this make my grand total of perma lost items 2. First being my Wing Pendant(level 7 with +agi), which I dropped when I was a noob because I found new neck gear and thought I wouldnt need it anymore.
PSN ID: Kelshan Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture,Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez sigpic
What hurts the most is I dont think I can get another smart grenade. Now this make my grand total of perma lost items 2. First being my Wing Pendant(level 7 with +agi), which I dropped when I was a noob because I found new neck gear and thought I wouldnt need it anymore.
According to wiki, the grenade can be sent through delivery box, and it looks like the quest is just travel/sneak/click. So it'd be an expensive pain, but you could get another one with a mule or something.
Ellipses on Fenrir There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs. ,
. . .
What hurts the most is I dont think I can get another smart grenade. Now this make my grand total of perma lost items 2. First being my Wing Pendant(level 7 with +agi), which I dropped when I was a noob because I found new neck gear and thought I wouldnt need it anymore.
Don't feel bad, I lost my Deathstone(the one you get from the "Gifts of the Griffon" WotG quest), because I didn't clear out my Delivery Box before a server transfer. Them things ain't cheap.
Before that, I accidentally dropped an Astral Aspis, and before that, accidentally pulled a mob with a Phantom tathlum.
According to wiki, the grenade can be sent through delivery box, and it looks like the quest is just travel/sneak/click. So it'd be an expensive pain, but you could get another one with a mule or something.
"This quest has an unknown level requirement. A NIN10 was unable to get the cutscene with Romualdo (S), but a WAR22 was."