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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
    Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one.
    you cant do 30k an hour? ever? you must be gimp or something. lol i do 20-30k on the regular.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Vapors View Post
        you cant do 30k an hour? ever? you must be gimp or something. lol i do 20-30k on the regular.
        Haha, sure. If the zone is empty, for at least two hours, and the melees walk on water.

        But I can count on one hand(really, just two fingers), the times that has happened.

        So yeah, I still call bullshit. Especially at the "30k on the regular" part.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
          Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one.
          Dont Hate i have plenty of people i do it with on the regular, and other people i pick up for pts. just cause you cant do it dont be angry. so yea i do it on the regular. thats how i xp. and i dont take breaks. pt for like 3 hours, get 9merits and call it a day. so if you want some people to ask, then id be more than happy to give you their names. so im sorry if you cant get 30k an hour but i know i can. so im assuming you dont have nin rdm brd mnk or war leveled?


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Vapors View Post
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            For once I'm glad to see that message..


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Vapors View Post
              Dont Hate i have plenty of people i do it with on the regular, and other people i pick up for pts. just cause you cant do it dont be angry. so yea i do it on the regular. thats how i xp. and i dont take breaks. pt for like 3 hours, get 9merits and call it a day. so if you want some people to ask, then id be more than happy to give you their names. so im sorry if you cant get 30k an hour but i know i can. so im assuming you dont have nin rdm brd mnk or war leveled?
              And I said I don't believe you. In the best circumstances, you'd need an empty zone, two Bards, and shit-hot melees to successfully pull above 22k/hour. Given that we play on servers with other people in other parties, and that there is no magic time that exists where people are just not present for extended periods, unless you play on an empty test server or some such, then it's believable.

              Party 3 hours straight? That's common. Not taking breaks? That's believable. 25k/hour or better occasionally? Sure.

              But 30k/hour repeatedly on a day-to-day basis? Bullshit.

              And yes, I do have RDM leveled. In fact, it's my sole 75 job, the only one I thus far enjoy. But I don't main heal, and I don't do TP burns(anymore). I still do have some self-respect.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I'm guessing one of the other forums troller crawled to our forum.... >_>;

                And I also call bullshit on 30k an hour with same statements as Burningpanther.
                A good party for me 10k in ToAU but its just not my kind of pace.
                An insane pace party i had was 30k in 90 mins, once in a blue moon 5 jps kind for me. But still it depends on flow of mobs and lack of competition to get high numbers like that. And that party just killed me wanting to even touch rdm outside of soloing/quests/avatars. Urge to touch whm in meriting still hasn't died, but I'd rather just go whm/nin cause most parties don't need me to rest for a long time unless i get the tards that is all hauby dd/tank setups, and nins take worse dmg than wars in those -.-;
                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  well if you have any other job and pt with a good rdm in a burn, rdm can full heal everyone, haste everyone. and enfeeble mobs.
                  Hi my name is Sevv, I am about to "straw man" every post of yours and show you how you are wrong. Now your whole basis of argument is that no matter what whm will never out exp a rdm, or to make it even simpler break the 30k/hr mark. Atleast from what you are ranting on. Any Mage job BUT Black Mage cant Heal, Haste, and Enfeeble mobs.

                  Whm: Best Healer in the game, not only thru cures but thru the higher tier of regen spells. Has haste spell. Can also enfeeble any mob i.e. Dia II.

                  Smn: Has up to cure 3 from /whm, can hastega with garuda. Auto-Refresh, can enfeeble with dia II

                  Blu: With merits can aoe haste as well, magic fruit as well as cure III if /whm.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  i have 325 enfeebling i beleive with capped merits and gear, and i still think i have trouble enfeebling sometimes. usually gods though, but alot easier then when i first started.
                  Go check and get the real #. Anyone can have little problem enfeebling exp mobs, rdms are better at enfeebling that is why they do it end game wise, but remember we are talking about merits here!!!! no endgame shit counts.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  trust me whms are good yes, but they cannot keep up with a rdm who never needs to rest that can convert every 7 min with 968 mp
                  I have never seen your skill but you need to convert ever 7 min something is wrong with either you or you dds, i have seen and know plenty of whms who can keep up with you. If you were some amazing rdm, you would be known and guess what your not, so check your cockiness because there are much better mages around here vapors.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  no resting? i have yet to seen a whm that doesnt need to rest. and especially with no refresh. if you xp in imperial standing area, you get +1 refresh, +3 for brd songs. +3 refresh for rdm spell. plus +1 if you have dalmatica, i hardly see a whm touching that without resting.
                  Since when does no resting make a mage good? If you believe this you have no clue about what skill is. Hell my drg/blu or drg/whm can main heal in different zones and not rest or convert for hours. Don't bring in not resting = skills.

                  Whm refresh= +1 sanction +3 brd songs +1 /smn +1 nobles oh and a much higher mp pool. And nobles is alot more common then dalmys. Again lose the cockiness or you will look like a fool.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  i believe they can be used and do a good job in a merit pt. but to say they can be just as effective as a rdm is jibberish.
                  Nope Whms can be just as effective as a Rdm. They both have different bonus per job but they all even out. Just the whm has to pay attention where a shitty rdm always has convert.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  a good rdm is the backbone of a good merit pt. so as the brd. but yes everyone plays a part. i know everyone is defensive over their job.
                  Everyone is = in making a 30k/hr pt I'm sorry you get all hard because you believe your rdm is better then other people. You can have the best rdm in the world you give him a shitty brd or shitty melees that rdm's pt will fail. A good whm a good brd and good melees will produce almost identical exp/hr as a good rdm in the same pt.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  but im just talking in sense of the best merit pt, i am someone who likes to get 30k in an xp an hour.
                  I like to get 30k/hr as well, i usually get 33k/hr. So what is your point?

                  Whm Main healer -> Best 34k/hr average 29.7k/hr
                  Rdm Main healer -> Best 33k/hr average 29.8k/hr
                  Smn Main healer -> Best 30k/hr average 27.4k/hr
                  Wyvern burn => Best 23k/hr average 18.9k/hr

                  100 exp on average is the difference between the two for me. Guess what you make over that back if someone gets unlucky with tp moves.

                  Oh and if you can only get 30k/hr on birds please show your self out your merit parties fail.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  same reason i dont party with plds, they dont do any dmg. but end game, plds are awsome.
                  Paladins if equipped right with good dd gear can bring plenty to a merit party. I have seen them parse very well. It takes effort tho, It good to leech a job thru all the levels and once you think they aren't good anymore run away from them. Please vapors do me a favor do a bit of research overall before you make comments, plds can do dd so again you fail in you comments, please kindly go read a thread about pld dd and look at the whole picture.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  so you go and level with people you dont know?
                  You do realize this is an online game, and at one point you were a nub starting out with no one knowing you. Well I guess it could be a case you buy S character and people know you.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  just to help a whitemage get to 75 that is in another linkshell that would be competitive with you?
                  Holy shit BBQ was right there really are idiots like this alive. BBQ on arguing this point with you I found your proof. What is wrong with helping people outside your linkshell, are you really this dense? Get away from any forum that is not your linkshells, you may end up helping someone that is not your own!!!! Helping others is good for the game and community, you can level with anyone you meet people that way, seriously wow.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  when you could xp with whms in your own linkshell and help them? thats rediculous, i will xp with anyone in my ls, i am talking about random people you invite.
                  You only exp for 30k/hr i thought so you don't party with whms, so you have already just disagreed with your self and I am just posting. Damn it man you are making your self look like an idiot without me!

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  go level rdm i bet you never use whm unless absolutely necessary.
                  I know plenty of people with both leveled and prefer white mage. Hey jump thru so more hoops for me refresh monkey (no offense to real red mages)

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  rdms can do it all like bitch, whine, be assholes, and refresh and convert!
                  Fixed for yourself.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  whms can only heal. so what cures are a little less effective, you have to get all that gear just to TRY to keep up with a rdm.
                  They can do everything a main healer is needed to do, cure, haste, keep high levels of mp. So because rdms can lolnuke they are better main healers? Not seeing where you are going here.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  if you didnt have that gear?
                  Umm, red mages in shitty gear have much less mp, so the not having the right gear can go both ways.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  defend whm all you want, fact of the matter is its a situational job, and not a burn job. so you can say all you want you can burn you have this and that. [b]fact of the matter is you will never keep up with a whm.[b] when your mp runs out, you are out. there is no comming back.
                  Thank you for making my point for me, I didn't even have to edit it. White mage is not a situational job, the "Shit is situational" clause from bg does not apply in this argument. Your post is filled with fail. Guess what tbh if a red mages mp runs out as you stated there is no coming back either you can convert with 0 mp, again if you want to go into resting, your whm is gonna beat a red mage in recovery.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
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                  God it makes me enjoy that for once.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  you cant do 30k an hour? ever? you must be gimp or something. lol i do 20-30k on the regular.
                  I average about 28k/hr overall so my average is higher then yours so there fore you sir are a gimp.

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
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                  Read the bold part.

                  OK read it again.

                  Ok one more time.

                  Got it? Good you have brought nothing to this convo. You want to come in here trying to put down white mages, atleast have some evidence or some proof you actually are skilled. You are new to this site so here is your one free pass, try to bring something positive to the table or something that hold merit in a discussion. Tho I am saddened the red mages of this site didn't beat you down themselves, i guess they were too busy hanging their heads in pity for you.

                  and you had to post again:

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  Dont Hate i have plenty of people i do it with on the regular, and other people i pick up for pts. just cause you cant do it dont be angry. so yea i do it on the regular. thats how i xp. and i dont take breaks. pt for like 3 hours, get 9merits and call it a day. so if you want some people to ask, then id be more than happy to give you their names. so im sorry if you cant get 30k an hour but i know i can. so im assuming you dont have nin rdm brd mnk or war leveled?

                  I am glad to call your bull shit.

                  I am not hating.

                  You said you only party with linkshell and people you know so how do you pick up pt?

                  I believe over 90% of the rdms on this site are better rdm's then you.

                  So you merit for 3 hrs every day for 9 merits you can't have 20k/hr parties you can only have 30k/hr pts learn math.

                  Since I also called bs on you this would apply to me right? I have War and Nin.

                  You just don't get the fact do you? You have shown this site 0 proof, hell not even a server name or anything.

                  Do you do endgame? None of that weak ass sky only shit I mean real endgame full events?
                  Last edited by Sevv; 08-27-2007, 04:24 PM.
                  [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Sevv I was too busy beating my head against a wall trying to read all that guy's nonsense, if you're wondering why this particular RDM didn't respond.
                    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                    ~I has a blog~~
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                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                      Sevv ripping troll a new one.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                        well i hate complaining and this page is just a bunch of complainers. im a rdm and i never pt with whms cause i can do all the healing just fine by myself with no other mages in pt. and i do 30k xp an hour. whms need down time and take forever to cast spells. and in a pt the only benefit is having haste. all other spells can pretty much be used with /whm sub. whm really only good for end game hnm and events. i never xp with whms.
                        Wanna know why this guy never exps with a WHM? Because you need 2 BRDs and 3 Melees to even have a shot at 30k exp an hour. There just wouldn't be room for a 7th member.

                        You could probably substitute a WHM in place of him, and still get very very good exp.

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                        This is why I don't main heal as red mage. To show people that WHMs are still worth a damn when you have WHM + RDM in a party.
                        How altruistic of you. And here I thought you didn't main heal as RDM simply because you don't like being main healer
                        lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                        Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                        Fishing 60

                        Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                        Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                        Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                        Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          LOL ... I was wondering who was gonna catch that.

                          I really do hate being main healer. But that sounded nice, didn't it?

                          And I do like how much more efficiently a party can be run with the main healing job separate from the main support job.

                          Of course, we have RDM BRD WHM NIN(or PLD, he has both) DRK and BLM in our LS which is a pretty much perfect party setup there. So I rarely have to take up the main healing role so much anymore unless I get a pickup group, but since I hardly ever merit on RDM anymore in favor of leveling other jobs (currently) it really is a moot point.
                          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                          ~I has a blog~~
                          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                            Sevv I was too busy beating my head against a wall trying to read all that guy's nonsense, if you're wondering why this particular RDM didn't respond.
                            Aww i figure it was because you are too nice.

                            Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                            Ty Sir I try to help out every now and then >.>

                            Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
                            Wanna know why this guy never exps with a WHM? Because you need 2 BRDs and 3 Melees to even have a shot at 30k exp an hour. There just wouldn't be room for a 7th member.
                            You could probably substitute a WHM in place of him, and still get very very good exp.
                            How altruistic of you. And here I thought you didn't main heal as RDM simply because you don't like being main healer
                            Alliance EXP!!!! FTW nothing like setting 3 brds 1 rdm 2 whm and 12 melees lose on the mire >.> lol btw so much fun try it.

                            Shhh. we don't tell aksannyi's secret!
                            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              I am trying to find one exceptional post to give my 100th "Thanks!" to. Damn you people, post something I can thank!

                              Yeah, that's a peeve. Been lurking on this forum for over an hour and haven't found a post worthy of #100.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                You can thank me. All of my posts are exceptional. Some are exceptional +.

