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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
    Drama in general is my pet peeve. In relation to Sev's post keep in mind that you can't get a good idea about a server by the drama you hear about.
    If you hear about it, it just means who ever is involved is loud. Those of us that don't like drama stay out of it, and keep to outselves. Ifrit in my opinion is no more engrossed in drama than any other server. If you notice all the drama threads across here, alla, KI, BG and any other forum is pretty much the same group of people entering shouting matches and epeen contest.
    To avoid it I just don't enter shout matches, talk in say in general, join LSs with the "notorious" drama starters or those that keep it alive.
    Fortunatly, a good number of these people that prolong the life of drama threads have decided that Ifrit is too full of drama and have either left the server or quit the game alltogether. Maybe leaving two or three of the "nororious" drama queens on the server, and most people have picked up the idea of just ignoring them.

    He is entirely right and with some of the people who you knew left and some of the ones people don't know about yet, ifrit lost a good deal of its drama. Hell 90% of ifrits alla/bg drama id made from people leaving ifrit lol. I am loud most of the people here know it lol. Necro take care of suzey for me i miss her ; ;
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Worse than regular drama is the futile and banal attempts to create it. Someone could save themselves a lot of embarassment by reading an LSes rules before mouthing off publicly about them

      "Leader stole the LS bank" is always a cute ploy, but it fails horribly when your LS doens't even have an LS bank. Oh yeah, real corrupt leadership, he stole from the bank we don't have.

      "Leaders magically get points." I'm sure I'm not the only person that has an LS that doubles points for members sky farming outside of scheduled times. Its a perk for any member or leader if your LS goes by that. Its a nice means of making scheduled sky days full of god runs rather than farming. You get out what you put in, leader or not. No one wants to spend a weekday evening farming. Just read the rules, most point systems are explained there.

      "We don't do enough Byakko" or "I'm being a bitch because I don't have Haidates yet." I think with any LS doing sky, that Byakko has been done ad nausium since the March update. If you're short on Seals of Byakko, something wrong in your LS. I had a guy try to stage an LS coup of that, he made promises that he'd get my friend - get this - Shi'ar Manteele. Oh, you're gonna take these six people and take down Vrtra for her? Sign me up!

      The "I got sea/sky now, so I'm moving up to a bigger LS" types I've just started laughing at. I have no illusions about this happening if I help a group past a certain set of missions for the LS, someone nearly always will bail soon after and have some bogus reason of it, like a conflict with another LS member which wasn't enough of a conflict when you were in the mission static, but totally an issue right after. LOL Just shut up and leave, we know you were just holding out for your Suppanomimi or Rajas Ring.

      But the most fun people to deal with are really the ones whose vocabulary grows the more wrong they actually are. I've men quite a few people like this, they come equipped with the Thesaurus of Justice or some crap. The unneccessarily big words will be followed by pointing out how long they've played or how many 75 jobs they have.

      I dealt with a guy like that recently, so I just pointed out his 75 BRD and recalled that he said that March wasn't Haste. And then he started to argue with me that it wasn't Haste. Too bad for him


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        I dealt with a guy like that recently, so I just pointed out his 75 BRD and recalled that he said that March wasn't Haste. And then he started to argue with me that it wasn't Haste. Too bad for him
        Tards err I mean Bards like that make me die a little inside... ; ;


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          I have seen a lot of ls drama over my past 3/4 LS's it's got to be the ultimate peeve

          It ain't tanking unless you get hit
          To those who are about to tank I salute you.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Those who complain they never get any help when they have asked once.

            I'm sorry, but people have things planned.

            When you do get round to helping them, they expect you to have all the info/meds/whatever.

            Do some fucking research of your own, buy your own meds/items, do the pre-reqs. Then ask me for help.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              uhhh i agree wasting all my crayfish balls utside Mharura
              Part 1
              Ishia: Excuse me culd you help me with oppo oppo crown in altep
              Kurb: Np fishing atm let me op warp eta 5 mins
              OP to Bastok gear up OP to east altep go to zone kill are way to worms no pop

              After 45 mins or more np we needed to log

              then back to fishing the other day
              part 2
              hi Kurb can you help me with a quest
              I need an Key from oldton Movalopalis
              Me I dont have a map of this place do you ?
              K keep sneak / invis up your too low i will kill
              1 hour later he has no map wants the chest to get the map
              uhhh tries to heal me PLD75 sneak wares aggros 4 gobs/moblins
              wasting all my mp healing him pulling mobs off of him with voke scary
              which 1 was beter I ask?

              It ain't tanking unless you get hit
              To those who are about to tank I salute you.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                uhhh damm double sorry
                Last edited by Kurb; 08-06-2007, 05:03 AM. Reason: doudle post

                It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                To those who are about to tank I salute you.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by hongman View Post
                  Those who complain they never get any help when they have asked once..
                  I couldn't agree more. People want to get all pissed off because I can't or won't drop what I'm doing to run out and help with whatever it is they need. I could understand if some NM on a 21-24 hour respawn pops, I'll do my best to run out there quickly. But no I won't drop what I'm doing, mule 30 cap gear over, spend a fortune on meds and reraise so that I can help with a Promy run.

                  Do some research of your own, buy your own meds/items, do the pre-reqs. Then ask me for help
                  I love how anytime I help someone with something, they think that I've memorized every cutscene, NPC, locations of ???, and the order to do things. I'm sorry that I can't recall at the drop of a hat what level fame you need and what NPC to talk to to get the tele-mea quest. I'm sorry that I don't know which way to go when climbing the Mithra tower for CoP 8-3, mainly because I'm a Taru and never had to go up the mithra tower!

                  People irritate me sometimes.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                    I'm sorry that I don't know which way to go when climbing the Mithra tower for CoP 8-3, mainly because I'm a Taru and never had to go up the mithra tower!
                    I LOL'ed.


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      I'll bet he wishes he could go up a Mithra tower ...

                      </obviously bad innuendo joke>
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        If it's a damn tower no one want's to...

                        Ya I'm gonna stop there.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Well it turns out the last thing I wanted to do was climb up the Mithra's "tower".

                          Character design can be misleading. >.>;

                          </obviously a reply to a bad innuendo joke>


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            -Random /tells generally along the lines of "gil plx" or "PL plx I hav money"

                            -People telling me how to do my job if they are horribly wrong or not even doing great with their own job let alone telling me what to do.

                            -People who complain about slow levelers. The game is not just about leveling.

                            -Linkshell drama, it's just eww.

                            -People who back up any argument in game with "I have <job> at 75! I know what I'm doing!"

                            -Tele whores who take your gil and don't tele you. DAMN YOU PEOPLE!

                            -When people complain that you're going to have to leave party/ miss out on anything for something in real life. Seriously, RL > IG.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by fallenintoshadows View Post
                              -People who back up any argument in game with "I have <job> at 75! I know what I'm doing!"
                              No shit, 3 75s a 68 and a bunch of 40+ or GTFO!
                              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                I guess this one falls into 2 categories of 'rudeness' and 'stupidty', then again that's probably a common occurence.

                                I went to merit in Bhaflau Thickets at the Greater Colibri camp yesterday. The last 5 times that I've gone to merit there, some party has tried to forcefully invade my party's camp after we've been there for over an hour. This is where the rudeness comes in. It's beginning to happen to me every single time I come to this camp without fail. Instead of finding another camp when they see us, parties just camp right on top of us and try to outpull us. They're usually in for a surprise when they find out that I pull merit parties as RDM/DRK, and well, you can't outpull a RDM/DRK w/ FC5. Just isn't going on.

                                Now this particular party was a bit more idiotic than the normal crews who attempt this. On their third pull, their BRD attemped to pull from the level below and linked 5-6 Colibri. He then proceeded to use Horde Lullaby. Most anyone who has merited on Greater Colibri can tell you that using Horde Lullaby on 5 of them is pretty much suicide, as when they wake up in about 15 seconds, they'll all spam Horde back at you. I tried to help them out by taking one bird off of their train. I was careful to not use any DoT to claim the bird, as I didn't want to MPK them. I used Stun(as it's probably my strongest hate spell), Bind, and Paralyze all in succession to claim the mob and pull it off of their BRD. The rest of the birds woke up and started pounding their BRD. Their WHM cure bombs the BRD, pulling the one that I claimed off of me as I'm headed back to my party's camp. I come back and Stun/Bind/Para again trying to build hate back up, and apologize in /say, letting them know that I'm trying to help and not mpk them. The other birds they have eventually kill a good chunk of their party, I take my bird back to my party and we kill it.

                                A few seconds later their THF, I won't name them b/c I don't care about tossing mud over the internet, but they are widely considered one of the largest asses on Ramuh, makes a blatant attempt at mpking my party. We're fighting our bird, I have 1 slept on deck, and one pops near our party. He claims it as fast as he can, walks right next to our bird, then uses Hide to shed the aggro/claim, leaving the bird sitting on top of us to link with our mob. I just sleep it, no big deal.

                                After they fail to mpk my party, another member who is also a supreme fucktard, comes over and accuses me of mpking their party, of course including that I'm a 'fag'. Meanwhile, my party's healer apparently has a friend in the other party who is asking her to raise them, so she is asking us to hold pulls.

                                I pull two more as fast as possible just so that they have to wait for their raise, because I don't take kindly to blatant mpk attempts, and I could at this point give a shit less whether or not they get raised. After my party's healer shouts at me I finally agree to hold pulls so that she can go raise.

                                At this point the party just gets super annoying for me, my 360 controller battery dies, and then I start D/Cing multiple times, and then get kicked from the party because of my connection problems. Good times.

                                The whole camp takeover thing is seriously becoming an issue though, I know I made another post about it elsewhere on here awhile back, but seriously I can't merit on colibri once without some other party trying to forcefully take over my party's camp and/or attempting to mpk us.
                                Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                                Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                                Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia

