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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    I should probably qualify this by saying, I have been in the dunes this evening and I know I am whinging. I think I have been spoiled by partying with friends.

    1. People who think that having a PL means that they can completely opt out of their party role, whatever it is. We had a PL because honestly there just weren’t enough people seeking in our level range to make a proper party, even at American peak time. We had a galka smn/whm who decided that having a PL meant he didn’t have to cure, at all. He meleed, because I don’t think he had any of the Avartars barring Carbuncle and possible the element summons, cast the occasional (and I mean occasional) dia and banish. The PL tried but he was an elvaan 41 whm/rdm in very bad gear and he only had just under 300mp so I was spam curing a lot to keep the tank alive. Unfortunately the PL was with the smn or the smn would have been getting more grief from me over how he was playing.

    2. Rank 10, level 75 noobs. Our blm, who also had drg at 75 (I know because he mentioned it, moderately often), wouldn’t shut up, made frequent smug comments about how easy blm was to play but I had to ask him not to bind pull (without warning), not to bio over the rdm we had’s dia and when he bought up that he was getting resisted a lot, I recommended he use a wand for the extra int instead of the staff he was using to which he said ‘I like the extra 6 mp’. He also kept suggesting very weird jobs at the wrong levels for our group whenever we needed replacements.

    3. Rude people. Someone had to leave suddenly, for a very good reason, which was fine. His replacement came all the way from whitegate and we changed camp as soon as he arrived. He died while we were changing camp because some of the party were too stupid to wait for the PL to escort them through the tunnel and too cheap to bring their own silent oils and then, just as we got to the new camp, the smn and his pl said ‘got to go, ls event, bye’. I sent the smn a tell saying that some warning would have been nice, and he replied ‘they never give us warning’ ><. I payed for the guy who came from Whitegate’s port but I felt so bad over dragging him all that way for him to die and then get ditched, why do some people just not seem to get it, at all?
    Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Have to agree on the rude people -.-

      Had one the other day, he leveled, and all eh said was, "got to go bye" and logged out.

      Mind you "got to go bye" was the first, and only warning we got that he was leavening. Lucky he was only a random DD and we where able to get the PT going again in 10 mins, but was annoying.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Rude people.

        Lazy people.

        Stupid people.


        Powerlevel-dependant people.

        Spam in the shout channel.

        People asking for quest/mission help or advertizing during besieged.

        People asking to leech exp in Besieged.

        People asking to leech exp in general.


        Anyone whom uses third-party tools to gain unfair advantages (almost the same as hackers).




        People spamming about how much they hate FFXI right before they quit the game...especially in places like Whitegate or Lower Jeuno.

        Over-priced Bazaars (especially for chocobo food and raising items).


        People that make annoying macros.

        Annoying people in general.

        People that are annoying on purpose.

        People that make personal issues public, especially some who do it to put others down or ruin their reputation (you know who you are.).

        People that join, don't know where to find the mission guard (and therefore cannot access the main plot of the game), and then quit claiming that FFXI has no plot whatsoever.

        People that buy their accounts.

        People that think they're better than everyone else just because they have this-and-such or that-awesome-such, etc.


        Irresponsible people, especially those assuming the role of party leader (I.E. "But I don't want to find a new party member!" "Dude, you're the leader...")

        The above, only they give leader to a random person because they don't want to take the time to ask.

        Selfish people.

        Egotistical people.

        Ill-mannered people.

        Stereotype-clinging people.

        People whom think I'm a noob because I just told them that spreading damage around to all members of the party is not tanking.

        I could go on for days, folks. I have countless stories about incompetent players.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Dragoon haters. Ignorant asses, nuff said.

          Gimp ass Dragoons. When I pt with a dragoon on another job I check their gear and see if i have to stab them in the face.I once pted with a DRG when leveling DRK who had a bird whistle, no earrings or rings, no belt or back piece and I believe some other mage type head piece. I sent him a tell about it and he snaps at me in /p and gets the also gimp leader on me. Needless to say I left that pt.

          Mr. Know it alls (who always have 75RDM... always.) who know nothing. Partied with a "75PLD" in the deserts on his whm. He sucked. I was leveling war for a sub job and he got the other war killed because HE REFUSED TO CURE. He said we (both war/nins) had to bounce hate off back and forth. Of course with a THF in the party bouncing hate off each other wasn't ALWAYS that easy. >.> I called him on sucking and he said I am a 75 pld, and that he didn't care about whm. That he was just leveling it for teleports. I had to apologize to the party and leave.

          Always having to go to LS events as RDM or BLM. I leveled RDM for their soloing abilities NOT to be a refresh whore. RDM bores me xp/end game wise. I refuse to merit on RDM. BLM I leveled for fun, but it gets boring fast when you are a melee at heart.

          People who get power leveled. They are, for the most part crappy gimps. I've partied with a 21pld that didn't voke and didn't cure himself.

          People who ask you to power level then when you decline, call you an *** hole.

          People who hack/bot like there was no tomorrow and deny it.

          RMT. Though I must admit there was once an RMT war entertained me. I was helping a pld friend get a ToD for charby when a group of RMTs claim the narval nm. They come into the room where charby pops and start fighting. Just a THF and BLM (might have been another one, not sure.) The BLM is keeping the wyvern asleep then helping cure/nuke the main nm. All of a sudden this other RMT group comes and their RDM Dia's the now unclaimed wyvern. Thus killing the BLM who is desperately trying to sleep the DoT'd wyvern. BLM dies, then eventually right as the THF dies he Calls for Help and the other RMT group kill it.

          Elitest who think you need the very best gear at your level or only certain jobs are good.

          /NIN. WAR/NIN. One reason I'll never get War to 75 is because of /nin. I prefer Great Axe. WAR/DRG, WAR/SAM, and WAR/THF > WAR/NIN imo. There are times as Dragoon where people wanted me to /nin. It makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. T.T

          The fact that SE likes making new gear for WAR/DRK/PLD only that basically has the SAME FRICKING STATS AS THE OTHER 30 SETS OF WAR/DRK/PLD ARMOR!!!

          The fact that SE refuses to fix the broken Dual Wield vs 2 handed weapon mechanics.

          The fact Dragoon cannot wear heavy armor, only light armor coupled with the fact we have crap eva, parry unlike many other light armor users(also nin can use hauby but we can't.)

          The fact that a 100+ crafter can break a super low level synth.

          The fact that HQing some stuff doesn't really make sense. Stuff like Hauby and Hauby +1 I can understand, but 33, 66, and 99 shihei or cookies? Are we really THAT wasteful that we usually have 2/3s of of materials go to waste? We should be ashamed to be called high level crafters.

          That's all I can think of atm, It's 1:30 and I'm sleepy. Night. ^^
          Last edited by nickofearth; 06-23-2007, 09:38 AM. Reason: fixing typo ^^


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            "The fact Dragoon cannot wear heavy armor, only light armor coupled with the fact we have crap eva, parry unlike many pther light armor users(also nin can use hauby but we can't.)"

            We Dragoons have always been medium armor wearers in every FF game. If we wear heavy armor, we could not jump so high, and besides we are not tanks we are DD
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
              "The fact Dragoon cannot wear heavy armor, only light armor coupled with the fact we have crap eva, parry unlike many pther light armor users(also nin can use hauby but we can't.)"
              We Dragoons have always been medium armor wearers in every FF game. If we wear heavy armor, we could not jump so high, and besides we are not tanks we are DD
              FFV says differently. ^^

              -SpecialAttack: "jump" When the Dragoon jumps, she jumps so high that he will be missing from action for one turn. Nothing can hit her while she is in the air. With this attack, she will never miss, even those enemies with the highest agility, and if (and only if) she is equipping a spear, the damage done to the enemy when she lands on it will be double that of a regular, land based attack.
              -ClassAbility: none
              -Armor: heavy
              -Weapons: spears, knives
              ---Description: Although her defense ranks with that of the Knight, her attack power is consistently slightly lower than the Knight. Her jump attack, especially when battling dangerous bosses, more than makes up for such weaknesses though. Not only does it double the attack power, but it is also the ultimate form of defense, since no attack can reach the Dragoon in the sky. Also, the jump attack's strength isn't affected by whether the Dragoon is in the front or back row, so if you find yourself consistently jumping in battle, you can put the Dragoon in the back row and half any damage that befalls upon her. However, when she is in the air, no beneficial things (potions, healing magic) may reach her either.

              That and the hauby line isn't exactly a tank piece.
              Last edited by nickofearth; 06-23-2007, 09:39 AM. Reason: adding something I forgot... still so sleepy @.@


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                People who don't have the Chains of Promathia expansion!

                It's been out forever and there's no excuse not to have it. The next time the Astral Candy is gone when i'm in a group and the leader actually suggests that we go to say, Bibiki Bay, and someone says "sry kno cop lolol" I'm gonna freak out.

                Although, with the current ToAU fever, it wouldn't suprise me if someone said they didn't have it just so they wouldn't have to leave, but geez I hope not.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  It isn't a fever, its an epidemic of extreme laziness and lack of mental capacity! People still refuse to consider old areas anymore -.-; Espically when you're looking straight in the face of overcrowdedness where it took and hour for them to realized its a bad idea to stay in the popular camps -.-;
                  Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    My friend actually can't afford the expansions <.<


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      On what platform? If it's PC or 360, then they can get the entire game and all expansions for $20. If they can't afford that, then they likely won't have much luck with the monthly fee either.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        But then there's the re-installation . . .

                        My brother has the same problem, he has the package which is bundled with RoZ . . . and nothing else. Due to a combination of Apathy and Technological Clumsiness, he hasn't been able to start the game yet. And I don't see him getting the other three (yes, including WoG) any time soon.

                        Obviously, if he does want the other expansions, a la newer bundles, that means he'll be forced to uninstall the version he has already . . .

                        Now that I think of it, that could very well be the solution.
                        Originally posted by Armando
                        No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                        Originally posted by Armando
                        Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                        GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                        Matthew 16:15


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                          But then there's the re-installation . . .

                          My brother has the same problem, he has the package which is bundled with RoZ . . . and nothing else. Due to a combination of Apathy and Technological Clumsiness, he hasn't been able to start the game yet. And I don't see him getting the other three (yes, including WoG) any time soon.

                          Obviously, if he does want the other expansions, a la newer bundles, that means he'll be forced to uninstall the version he has already . . .

                          Now that I think of it, that could very well be the solution.
                          I don't think that is the only option for him. Unless I am mistaken, you caninstall parts of the collection if you already have other parts. IE, you can only install CoP or RoZ or ToA from the Vana'diel Collection, and you don't have to erase your current version of FFXI to do so.


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            My pet peeve is when a person flames you about the way you're doing your job and what equipment you should wear. It's really annoying when you clearly know what to do and then they say "I have a lvl 75 job of <insert the job you currently are>" It's like "So what?" It's embarrasing for them when they start to think and then tell me "Oh you're right."

                            Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                            I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              we could not jump so high
                              Bullshit. DRKs have NO USE for leg strength, compared a DRG who's been doing high jumps for dozens of levels by the time hauby rolls around, and yet a DRK/DRG is more capable of jumping than a DRG?

                              A PLD in full plate armor, with a giant sword who has only played dragoon up to it's tenth level can jump more capably than a dragoon in chainmail?

                              SE just hates dragoons. It's a fact.

                              Also, i'm 99% sure you can install expansions from collection without having to full reinstall.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                SE hates dragons and anyone who affiliates with them in general.

                                Just look at how ugly the Dragon is in altana viewer. It looks like a spine with a head and legs.

                                Edit: Ok, it barely has a ribcage.

                                Double edit: Why are it's wings attached to it's head?

                                Triple edit: Kinda look like those are his ears, like a demonic Dumbo.

