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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    Personally, if I'm not capped off at 75 at some point in the week, its quickly address and forced into merit mode again. I have never delevelled from 75 on any job.
    I don't understand how people can let themselves get so low in exp that they delevel from 75.. I do the same thing that you do, cap off exp, and if i die in dynamis, salvage, or helping my LS do crazy stuff, then the next time I go merit, I recap that exp. It takes a whole of ten minutes or so to do. It's amusing to see those that are constatntly delevelling because they are too trigger happy to go merit... Which doesn't do them much good if they are Lv 74.



    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
      As RDM, one my priorities is to make sure other party members have MP. The refresh order is Myself > PLD > main healer > DD w/MP, but I do catch everyone in every cycle (sooner or later), unless someone is not using his/her MP. (Heck, I'd Refresh BRD/WHM if he's backup curing a lot.)

      In MP heavy party, I've gone as RDM/BRD to lighten my own workload by adding Ballad on top of full party Refresh--the more MP other people have, the fewer spells I have to cast.

      DRK with MP can use Absorb spells and Stun, BLU with MP can Headbutt a lot and do great damage with other spells, and we all know what BLM's do with their MP. In fact, every MP user is able to help kill things faster or safer if more MP is available. My job is to make sure they have that MP they need, even if I have to cut into my own MP pool by using a gimpy /BRD.
      I agree with this. I static with my husband, and he uses his Absorb Spells to the fullest, so I am always sure to Refresh him. Also, he bitches at me if he doesn't get it. >D

      I've sometimes gotten tells from people who tell me not to bother Refreshing them. Bards, usually, but even the occasional Summoner and even a White Mage once, in a particularly MP present party. (ME, Cor, Brd, and sanction Refresh.) Very odd, indeed, but if they tell me not to provide it I will save my MP.
      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
      ~I has a blog~~
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      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        I wish I got tells telling me not to refresh :p

        My new pet peeve (I think I might have already mentioned this)...

        People that shout (using Dispel as a great example):

        I start casting a spell
        Crawlers uses Cocoon
        0.000001 seconds later party starts shouting DISPEL DISPEL


        Crawler uses Cocoon
        I dispel efect
        Party: DISPEL DISPEL
        Me: I have
        Party: Oh I didnt see the animation


        Crawler uses Cocoon
        I dispel
        Crawler uses Cocoon
        I'm waiting for recast timer...
        Party: DISPEL DISPEL

        Enough said I think. No need to explain the stupidy in this.

        I am your Red Mage. Trust me in to do my job. Otherwise, dont invite me.


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Oh and also:

          Stupid glitches in the game. The one I mean is if for example, I hit /heal just as someone finishes casting a spell on me, I wont actually kneel until the spell has finished.

          This also causes situations like the following.

          I was running with invis/sneak toward the Halvung zone in Bhlaf Thickets, and there were 6 or so trolls there. I went to /check one, and acidentally hit attack ><

          I had Stoneskin on, and Proc, etc - If this bug hadnt of immobolized me while the trolls here doing their thing, I could have possibly made it to the zone.

          But no. Due to this "bug", I stood completely still with my finger on the W key, shouting at the screen until I hit the deck.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by hongman View Post
            I wish I got tells telling me not to refresh :p

            My new pet peeve (I think I might have already mentioned this)...

            People that shout (using Dispel as a great example):

            I start casting a spell
            Crawlers uses Cocoon
            0.000001 seconds later party starts shouting DISPEL DISPEL


            Crawler uses Cocoon
            I dispel efect
            Party: DISPEL DISPEL
            Me: I have
            Party: Oh I didnt see the animation


            Crawler uses Cocoon
            I dispel
            Crawler uses Cocoon
            I'm waiting for recast timer...
            Party: DISPEL DISPEL

            Enough said I think. No need to explain the stupidy in this.

            I am your Red Mage. Trust me in to do my job. Otherwise, dont invite me.
            Heh, i think those examples are the banes of being a red mage that we all should know too well. Luckily, I'm macro trigger happy so i can do it faster than they can type, /p Dispel!, though there still some odd balls around that still do. Oh lets not forget a classic, I started casting refresh 1 second on the tank before the tank eats fire breath from the squishy crawlers of infitine pain, spell finished and tank dies, lol....
            Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              lol on shouting at the screen

              and i hate when people shout at rdm for dispel, but if I notice a rdm just deciding to not dispel, then i macro {dispel} {please} and hit it every cocoon lmao.(well only didi it to one rdm who after cocoon being up for 1:30 and rdm sitting thier nuking i ask nicely, he gave me attitude.)
              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I don't it's only rdms, it's pretty much any caster that gets the shouts from party to do something.

                I'm the whm. All I do it sit there and cast regen, haste, cures, and maybe a few enfeebles on the mob depending on party. I certainly don't need you to tell me to cure you.

                Mob hits player for 300 damage.
                Necropolis starts casting Cure III
                Player recovers 300 damage.
                <player> Curez mez now orz!!!111one
                <Necropolis> -.-

                Can get annoying with those fast hitting mobs, getting the shout every 10 seconds. It's been known to end like this:

                Mob hits Player for 300 damamge.
                >>BLM Can I ask you a favor?
                BLM >> Yea, what?
                >> BLM D2 his whiny ass
                BLM >> Done.
                Player: OMGZ! why arn't you curing me!
                BLM starts casting Warp II on Player.
                Necropolis waves farewell to Player.

                We're mages. We know how to read. We know what needs to be cast. Quit flogging my screen with useless party chat making me miss important stuff.


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  LOL at that!

                  Im gonna level BLM just to be able to do that to exact my revenge on these annoying people.

                  Yet another Pet Peeve:

                  When I play RDM, I make sure I refresh, dispel, etc etc and try to do my job to the fullest in general. Then when I party as a melee, and have another RDM that doesnt do their job properly. (At the risk of sounding self-centreed and elitest here, but I hope you understand what I mean!)


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Ouch At getting /p for a cure >.<;. Only time i have asked for haste etc, is tanking nm/gods when aoe dispel etc, just because on some aoes mages have multiple things to do. I do ask for Haste/Songs/Phalanx II/ Pro + shell if i cancel any by mistake(which is my own fault b4 get jumped on this), and regen III if it wears. But gods and nm/hnm are alot more hectic then a pt.

                    And as war i pull alot of hate/tank and i havent had haste in a party for over a week.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Two more:

                      1) People that ask for help or advice then insist that the answer they get is wrong. ie: We have a THF in the ls that just dinged 50. He wants to flag his hands quest, but the NPC isn't giving it to him. I tell him that he needs to flag the Hat quest with Nanaa first. He goes on and on about how he doesn't want to do that quest, he wants to do the hand quest. I keep telling him to talk to Nanaa and he keeps saying he just wants to do Hands not Hat. Finally, after five minutes of back and forth everyone else in the ls tells him to do what I'm suggesting. He finally does so, and gets everything flagged. Then he started whining about coffer spawns.

                      2) Asking for a raise then AFKing. Someone else in the shell got eaten by a gobbie while in Yuhtunga and wanted a raise. No high WHMs were available so I offered to go out and R1 her. I happened to be in Palborough at the time on DRG/WHM and let her know itd be a few minutes since I needed to change. She mentions going afk for a minute. I port out and manage to track her down in the tunnels and cast Raise. Nothing happens. She fell asleep while she was afk and ended up auto-hping.

                      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                        Ouch At getting /p for a cure >.<;. Only time i have asked for haste etc, is tanking nm/gods when aoe dispel etc, just because on some aoes mages have multiple things to do. I do ask for Haste/Songs/Phalanx II/ Pro + shell if i cancel any by mistake(which is my own fault b4 get jumped on this), and regen III if it wears. But gods and nm/hnm are alot more hectic then a pt.

                        And as war i pull alot of hate/tank and i havent had haste in a party for over a week.
                        Yea, those AOE dispels suck, I try to rebuff everyone as soon as possible. And if you accidently cancel something, it says so in my chat log, and I throw a Pro4 on you as soon as I can. (if you don't have hate at the moment it may have to wait a second if I got something else I need to cast).


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          <- main tank lmao only reason i ask for things lmao, i use to be just a dd making sure whm would paralyana what ever thf or /thf i was scing with.
                          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                            As RDM, one my priorities is to make sure other party members have MP. The refresh order is Myself > PLD > main healer > DD w/MP, but I do catch everyone in every cycle (sooner or later), BLU with MP can Headbutt a lot .

                            i just luv seeing HEadbutt used ( imho)
                            Last edited by Favall; 03-28-2007, 07:57 AM. Reason: look's pathetic . when i tried to crop
                            Not all those who wonder, are lost !


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              1. PT members who are too busy chatting in /tells to gather together when I cast Protect/Shell.
                              2. Pullers with /NIN who refuse to recast Utsusemi before they pull.
                              3. BLMs and RDMs who won't heal themselves.
                              4. PT members who are oblivious to or just don't don't care about PT dynamics (Over-boosting MNKs mostly, occasionally DRGs).
                              5. THFs who insist THF-kill is not a myth.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by hongman View Post
                                I wish I got tells telling me not to refresh :p

                                My new pet peeve (I think I might have already mentioned this)...

                                People that shout (using Dispel as a great example):

                                I start casting a spell
                                Crawlers uses Cocoon
                                0.000001 seconds later party starts shouting DISPEL DISPEL


                                Crawler uses Cocoon
                                I dispel efect
                                Party: DISPEL DISPEL
                                Me: I have
                                Party: Oh I didnt see the animation


                                Crawler uses Cocoon
                                I dispel
                                Crawler uses Cocoon
                                I'm waiting for recast timer...
                                Party: DISPEL DISPEL

                                Enough said I think. No need to explain the stupidy in this.

                                I am your Red Mage. Trust me in to do my job. Otherwise, dont invite me.
                                Huge, huge, HUGE agree!

                                Although every once in a blue moon I'll miss a mob buff, and I am somewhat grateful to the others for letting me know to get rid of it. This doesn't happen very often.

                                Although it did irk me a bit last night, I was main healing (which I hate, but I wanted to xp and sometimes I just take one for the team) and I was doing REALLY well. Curing quite well, keeping buffs up, I didn't debuff as much as normal since I was curing but I at least was sure to toss Dia II in there, and I kept Refresh up for the 3 of us who used MP (Me, PLD, and DRK), even a few Hastes and Banishes when I felt like I had the MP available to me (and I really did, I don't really know how that worked because usually as main heal RDM I run out really quickly.)

                                So forgive me for being so busy that I miss a mob buff. >.>; Considering the only death was when we wiped due to a Phasma aggro, I think I was doing pretty damn good for someone who rarely main heals and also really hates it. LOL. The melee were pretty understanding as to why they didn't get Haste from me constantly, or why they only got Protectra II. Still, that little, "Dispel, please" thing kind of irked me. I was trying.
                                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                                ~I has a blog~~
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