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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Actually Vyren, I do know someone who is overseas and the autotranslate is not a part of the software they purchased. So when we would use the auto translate feature he was unable to see or read what we were attempting to convey. Luckily this individual does speak english, but that had to be a difficult time for him until he determined the auto translate feature was the problem, not his computer.

    Sig by Eohmer


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Eohmer View Post
      My Search Comment...
      (Experience Points)(No thanks)
      (Beseiged)(Yes please.)

      And yet... I still get tells to go to an experience points party. :-\
      I hated that. Especially when I had something like {Party} {No, Thanks} {cap}ped @ LVL 70. Need to {Fight} Maat.

      player> {Party} {Do you need it?}


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
        I was leveling RDM in Mount Zhayolm last night...I just don't understand the mentality of some people.
        ((Cropped the post, but assume the entiry is quoted there))

        I had an experience like that in reverse the other day.

        So I'm getting onto the ferry from al zhabi to mahura to fish up some tuna, make some gil, and generally enjoy myself between sun and sea for a couple of hours. The closest to seek I had on was my /anon being turned off, partially because I wanted to show off my new shiny level 74 I'd gotten the night before.

        And I get this tell, asking if I would like an EXP pt. And I think, hey, I don't have much of a buffer...

        I tell the leader he'll have to wait a while while I gear up, find food and medicines, etc etc. He says that's fine.

        So I'm rummaging around my mog house pulling out my gear and stowing my fish, and my cell phone rings. It's my mom, I haven't gotten to talk to her in a while. Damn if I'm going to hang up on her for a game. On the other hand, I said I'd come to this pt, and I've already switched to exp mode, I have to spend another fifteen minutes juggling gear again if I want to go back to fishing, AND I missed the ferry ANYWAY.

        So I head off to the PT, and ask the puller (BRD) to pull slowly because I'm on the phone and not paying attention (The puller SEEMED to speak english, was speaking english to me, responded to other english comments I made later?)

        Of course, apparently this BRD's idea of slow pulling was to have one mob we were fighting, one attacking the nin, and one lullabied. I barely have time to rest my MP, and I'm clinically ignoring the phone, which isn't what I want. I finally say, I need to rest, stop pulling.

        The response? I can quote:

        "lol I've never had anyone say no I don't want EXP before"

        I tell them I'm just trying to keep them from dying because when I fuck up it's going to be THEIR EXP lost, not mine. Apparently they failed to understand this comment, because shortly thereafter the NIN died, while I was resting/talking (Which made me feel rather shitty, he was doing very well at his job and really didn't deserve to die because I was in the process of explaining my car troubles to my mom)

        The BRD ran off, mazurkaed himself, and hightailed it to the zone, leaving the melee to die (And I disconnected, which actually saved me some EXP...I would have wound out dying along with the melee...) I came back in and the BRD was in whitegate, and two of the melee had managed to survive and were taking a knee with critically low HP. I raised the rest, but I was incredibly irate at the whole party, told the BRD flat out that he should have been the one dead and not the nin, and that I would not have raised him if he had died, apologized very sarcastically for my real family getting in the way of their fanciful little game, and very nearly did a disband/warp myself out of pure unadulterated rage.

        So that's the other side of the coin, some members of the PT WERE JP so I imagine they had no idea what I was trying to communicate to the BRD, no idea what was going on or, in the case of the poor NIN, why his WHM suddenly saw fit to let him die and lay there on the dirt while she had 500+ MP. I can accept that the situation was inherently my fault, but I do wish the game had enough PVP that I could punch some people in the face through their computer screen, because I would have given that BRD at least one black eye.

        Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
        If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
        *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Rajsela View Post
          I hated that. Especially when I had something like {Party} {No, Thanks} {cap}ped @ LVL 70. Need to {Fight} Maat.

          player> {Party} {Do you need it?}

          Or mine:

          {Party} {No, thanks.} {I'm playing solo right now.}

          Ten minutes after I put that in:

          illiteratechild>> {Party}?

          *insert head to desk many times*

          I'm a Summoner, not a Red Mage, I don't get it... No love when I want parties. When I don't, I get a tell every half hour. I'd go /anon, but I just vaguely hate /anon. I don't know why.
          "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

          ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Hmm. Party invites that looks like this:
            SentenceHater>> {Party}

            Zero info... Is it a 5/6 party? 1/6 party? Where is the camp? Who else is in the party? Is it forming or am I to be a replacement?

            Most importantly, where the heck is the question mark?!

            Anyway, I've decided to just ignore invites like that. You want to party? Make it a question, then I'll consider answering.
            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
            leaving no trace in the water.

            - Mugaku


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              agreed, i love the search comment function, and hate when others dont look at it. i go to the effort to write the damn thing, now READ IT come on, when you click on my name to send me a tell it comes up in GREEN (or whatever colour you set it to which is generally different to normal text so its not hard to miss) and i use the auto translator so dont tell me you dont understand it.

              also : pet peeve is those that DONT use their own search comment. harder to build a good party, at lower levels, i like the whole @? exp thing, helpful to make sure you dont invite someone too high, too low, etc. also nice to know if they CANT go to kazham, aht urghan, etc. i tend to invite those with search comments before i try asking those without. i know i can just send them a tell to ask, but i think its a bit rude to just ask someone what their tnl is and not invite them afterwards. thats just me though.

              and once again, pet peeve turned pet anger fuelled hate with the fire of a thousand suns : PLs.

              trying to exp on BRD lately, every single (not kidding) party either has a PL or is planning on inviting one. I told a party im sorry id rather not be PL'd, got the OK from the leader to go seek before he found a rep for me, and proceed to get /slapped by the PL and abused in tell for 20mins after i left. Told me i was a spoiled brat and should be grateful for her help.


              this was a 'wth?' situation for me.

              i was so polite, and understand that some people want help from PLs (read: want their hand to be held) and thats fine, but i want no part of it. I dont know, maybe its just that i take pride in learning my job (only 24BRD atm, main is 75WHM) and then doing it well, as opposed to being PLd and not learning my job and sucking at it later.

              That was yesterday.

              Today i joined a party and 15mins later the leader invited a PL (despite the fact we were 6/6 with plenty of DD and a WHM to boot, in qufim island) and when i politely explained i would like to disband and that i would find a rep if required, i got 20 mins of abuse from a guy in the party for it.

              I'm so tired of it I think ill just go merit my whm forever... Screw lowbie jobs. Unless i can form a static with my LS i dont think its worth my headache.



              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Today's pet peeve: The fact that your search comment erases every time you love off. I mean, hell, if I create a Bazaar comment, it stays there until the end of time, but my search comment resets?



                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Just make a search macro, yeesh.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    Just make a search macro, yeesh.
                    To expand a little bit on what Feba said:
                    /seacom and /seacomup can be used together in a macro to register your search comment.

                    To get in-game help on these commands, type "/? /seacom" and "/? /seacomup".

                    For my related pet peeve:
                    When the game truncates someone's search comment because it's too long. Does anyone know how to get the game to display the full text, instead of chopping off the end of the line and replacing it with "..."? There's already a built in limit when typing in a search comment. If someone is allowed to enter that much text, shouldn't the game allow me to view all of it?
                    lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                    Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                    Fishing 60

                    Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                    Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                    Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                    Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Old pet peeve, but I'm just now remembering it as I level THF. People that can't stick SATA. -_-; I had the most afk member of a party I've ever had before. She was a THF as well, level 30, so she had SATA, while I was 29 and awaiting the awesome TA. Now when the NIN, her apparent manthra online boyfriend, told her what to do, she would move. But eventually it seems he got bored of asking her, cause she moved nowhere and did nothing. We fight about 12 mobs, and she's standing in the same spot, so I ask if she's going to do anything else...and she moves right away. It was as if she was sitting there watching the screen just waiting for someone to say something. >_> Well on top of going afk so often and for so long, she couldn't stick SATA for the life of her, and the NIN couldn't tank that it was mainly me and the BLU tanking with our shadows as best as we could(thank god for Bloody Bolts).

                      Little rant, but super annoying, cause SATA can really help when you actually land it, especially when NIN's can't keep hate at these lower levels.

                      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


                        I have leveled everyjob thru the dunes and most thru Qufim. And about the pl thing on ifrit people get all pissed when you leave because of a pl. I use to leave all the time due to the pl, now with my last 2 jobs im kind of to the point where i go take pl and leave these places forever sooner. Best party pre 37 i have ever had was no PL in qufim island had a whm rdm nin warx2 and me on rng, i just told them conserve mp cuz i wont stop pulling, and they did pulling 7k exp /hr in qufim is fun lol.
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by KoukiRyu View Post
                          Little rant, but super annoying, cause SATA can really help when you actually land it, especially when NIN's can't keep hate at these lower levels.
                          Unfortantly, people still got lolthf at the 30s -.-;
                          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Today's pet peeve: BLMs THAT STILL CAST BIO OVER ME!!!

                            Fellas! Let's review!

                            YOU GET DRAIN!

                            YOU GET ASPIR!

                            YOU GET STUN!

                            YOU GET TRACTOR!

                            That's FOUR opportunities you get to level your Dark Magic skill, to the RDM's paltry one(we only get the Drain, Aspir, and Tractor if /BLM). If the party needs Bio, let the RDM or the tank determine that! Stop overwriting Dia just to get a few cheap skillups in! You have other spells to that end!



                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                              Today's pet peeve: BLMs THAT STILL CAST BIO OVER ME!!!
                              Fellas! Let's review!
                              YOU GET DRAIN!
                              YOU GET ASPIR!
                              YOU GET STUN!
                              YOU GET TRACTOR!
                              That's FOUR opportunities you get to level your Dark Magic skill, to the RDM's paltry one(we only get the Drain, Aspir, and Tractor if /BLM). If the party needs Bio, let the RDM or the tank determine that! Stop overwriting Dia just to get a few cheap skillups in! You have other spells to that end!

                              /cast bio II over Panther's post
                              Sev Dark Magic skill rises .1
                              Sev's Dark Magic Skill Reaches level 100
                              /p woot!
                              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                                /cast bio II over Panther's post
                                Sev Dark Magic skill rises .1
                                Sev's Dark Magic Skill Reaches level 100
                                /p woot!
                                Burningpanther readies Strangle.

                                Burninpanther strangles Sev.

                                Sev's eyes pop out.

                                Sev is defeated by Burningpanther.

