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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
    Or the battle music in most CoP zones. I'm not sure when else it gets used, but I love the music playing when you install CoP.
    CoP - Dusk and Dawn, from RoZ - The Ark Angels and untitled - Despair
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
      CoP - Dusk and Dawn, from RoZ - The Ark Angels and untitled - Despair
      Akashimo for the win! lol
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        New one...

        People who need to do missions doesn't come prepare. We got 6/6 for 7-1, few people didnt have the mission flagged, I tele-dem them, and waited for them to come back. At Ro'Meave, few people didn't brought silent oils, leader casted and had to zone few times or so. This dude was saying "sneak wearing" I told him I cannot cast magic here, and traded him an oil.

        We found the ??? and rdm decides to cast sneak by a door, but a weapon got close and aggroed us plus another weapon. We totally got wiped and this dude, who just delvled to 74, said he wont take a risk, dying again, and rdm was like "dude stop being an ass...blah blah blah." Then I suggested, "maybe we should have a full alliance," then he was like "yeah right." >.> Then told me to get up, so I did and got sneak up and they expect to me to raise. "Its too dangerous for me to raise everyone," rdm was like "Ill eat R1, Idc." Then I said, "It would be instant suicide to do it in this area, with too many weapons nearby." I used warp cudgel and disbanded party. >.>


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Here are my pet peeves:

          1. People who won't help out even though you helped them with their missions, AFs, etc.
          2. Unannounced AFKs during dynamis
          3. Not being prepared for missions. It doesn't take long to do some research and buy the necessary meds. -.-
          4. People who wants something done (like missions), but when you ask them to organize the events themselves (and add that you will help them) they go silent. -.-
          5. People who think they know everything and look down on players that don't have "uber" gears.


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            plain and simple.....

            People who don't respect Dragoon, and lie about their capabilities in battle
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
              plain and simple.....
              People who don't respect Dragoon, and lie about their capabilities in battle
              reminds me of a party leader i had, he asked who should we get for dd, I suggested drg, he said, "lol drg you serious?" i responded, "<_<; yea" he said, "I'll get something else, I just don't like them." Or something amoung those lines. >_>; Poor drgs ;; cut down in the party chat still
              Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                I hate when people bash drg, and I haven't even unlocked drg yet. I guess this is something to add to the list (though I'm sure it was listed some 30+ pages ago), people who are all lol{job} and lolThat and lolThis. I'm sorry your so insecure with yourself that you have to make yourself feel better by looking down on others' choosing of how to play a game.

                Edit: I changed my mind. I'm not sorry for those people. I'm just sorry they exist to try and degrade other people's gaming experience.

                PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  How many people seriously mean loljob though? I say it all the time but don't mean it. Nor do any of my friends.


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    I understand lots of people saying it jokingly, and it's pretty easy to tell when they do, but here's an example:

                    Standing in Al Zhabi waiting for a besieged to start. A pup shouts for a besieged party, and his shout is followed by 2 people yelling "lolPUP. They suck and should just solo only." (each said in a slight variation). I woulda figured they they knew this guy but the PUP started shouting crap back and them and then it was basically a job flame war for about 5-10 minutes before the besieged started.

                    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      I'm not sure I understand why someone would be mocked for asking to join a besieged party. I mean, it's basically just free exp for running around and fighting NPCs a bit.

                      But there are idiots everywhere. The PUP has my sympathies, but he kind of loses it immediately after for engaging in a shout war.

                      edit: All that said, I totally understand your frustration with people who judge a job without having played it, and without being a little bit considerate of the people who do want to play it.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Well, my linkshell has been my absolute favorite part of FFXI, and today, because of drama started by one individual, Two (and probably more, once they get on) sackholders, including me, have been kicked, as have many normal members and the entire remnants of the shell are bickering between each other.

                        I hate that one bad seed can ruin what was once such a great group of friends. It isn't exactly a pet peeve, but it hurts a ton, esp. since this LS is what I'd turn to when I was having a bad day, and wanted to be cheered up.

                        I'm so sad right now, I just want to quit FFXI.


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Illuen View Post
                          I'm so sad right now, I just want to quit FFXI.

                          I know how that feels.

                          I logged on one day, and found my old linkshell was merged with some bigger LS called FinalDestination since its leadership wanted to move forward to bigger and better things. The changes was shocking, especially since FD seemed a bit unstable and chaotic, and did not much cared for low level players like me. I thought about quitting the LS and the game altogether.

                          Time passed, and just as I began to feel that FinalDestination became my LS, it was completely torn part by disagreements.

                          My sister and I came to the conclusion that:
                          A. People are the greatest asset of an LS.
                          B. An LS can only be as good as its people.
                          So, in the LS formed after FD, we filter the people. It sounds a little harsh, but you don't want the wrong people in the LS, and you have to set strong, clear expectations before anyone is allowed in.

                          Our social LS does not recruit. We don't let in random people. We don't answer "looking for LS" posts on forums. You can't even apply to join. Yet, it's a happy, close knit group of friends--exactly what an LS should be.

                          No person is perfect, and no group make of people can always be problem free--but a pretty good LS is possible to make. ^_^

                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                            My sister and I came to the conclusion that:
                            A. People are the greatest asset of an LS.
                            B. An LS can only be as good as its people.
                            You can replace "LS" with "MMO" or "online gaming". It's a two-edged sword: people are both the best and the worst aspects of any online game.
                            lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                            Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                            Fishing 60

                            Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                            Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                            Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                            Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Originally posted by Illuen View Post
                              Well, my linkshell has been my absolute favorite part of FFXI, and today, because of drama started by one individual, Two (and probably more, once they get on) sackholders, including me, have been kicked, as have many normal members and the entire remnants of the shell are bickering between each other.

                              I hate that one bad seed can ruin what was once such a great group of friends. It isn't exactly a pet peeve, but it hurts a ton, esp. since this LS is what I'd turn to when I was having a bad day, and wanted to be cheered up.

                              I'm so sad right now, I just want to quit FFXI.
                              I'm so sorry to hear this. Nothing ruins your gaming experience faster than your LS being torn apart.

                              The LS I was so proud to be a member of before I left in December had almost completely changed by the time I returned a month or so later. It really soured the game for me, and I almost quit altogether.

                              Take a short break if you need to, but hopefully this experience won't cause you to quit. We'd hate to lose you around here, and I'm sure your in-game friends would hate to lose you as well.
                              Last edited by Murphie; 03-17-2007, 03:35 PM.


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                My LS woes always seemed to stem from me not fitting in. Either I was too new to the game and too low level, or I was too... too.. Actually I'm not sure why the LS after that didnt like me. I think it was because it was a big LS with lots of people that had known each other for a long time, and I was jsut someone who joined after hearing a shout in Lower Jeuno. Now, I basically only stay on one LS of my closest friends: 2 RL friends, and 3 chaps from Canada I met a while back. Definitely my best friends in game.

                                PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                                Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                                When ignorance reigns, life is lost

