Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?
I really think there should be a way to disable those. There are ocassions I don't mind them if they are important. But generally the less noisy ones work just a well.
Smn in my dyna shell had a <call> in each of his summoning macros. He died, and I was the only whm. I cast raise on him and he starts bitching about not getting an R3. I just said I couldn't hear him since his macros caused me to go deaf. Tried to have me booted from the shell too, but really, who's going to pick a smn over your only whm thats there evey week?
I really think there should be a way to disable those. There are ocassions I don't mind them if they are important. But generally the less noisy ones work just a well.
Smn in my dyna shell had a <call> in each of his summoning macros. He died, and I was the only whm. I cast raise on him and he starts bitching about not getting an R3. I just said I couldn't hear him since his macros caused me to go deaf. Tried to have me booted from the shell too, but really, who's going to pick a smn over your only whm thats there evey week?
