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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    You totally should. Bahamut is awesome. But I've known the same kind of players on Seraph, and Asura as well. It's all about who you choose to associate with.


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      It's all about who you choose to associate with.
      *nod* My Linkshell is very low key and laid backish, and recently, we had some people come in and start complaining about how they could never find a party to do Rank Six with.

      When she said that, a ton of us chimed in that we'd love to set up a time to do it. She then got rather pissed at us, complaining that she can only do it on blah blah blah days, and that she should just quit the game, and being a major drama queen.

      The thing is, of the people who volunteered, we were all either students who need to be in bed at a semi decient hour for school/college, or people like myself who work earlier in the day, when she was asking this at 10pm. A bunch of the shell was winding down, getting ready to go off, and 5-1 and 5-2 are not exactly missions you can go run at and get done in an hour, simply for travel and such.

      One thing I love about my linkshell, is that we'll let anyone in, but if they're a player who doesn't "fit" with how the shell runs, or how we like to experience the game, they tend to get the message rather clearly =D


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?


        People, especially those on Alla, where I was scouring the forums searching for a solution for the R0 issue, who bitched about people who were complaining about not being able to play, as if they would not be just as irritated if their game was not working. Those of us who do not get to play because our games are currently "broken" (in a sense) have every right to be frustrated and to express said frustration. Maybe you don't want to hear it, but to those of us who can't play, it IS a real issue and it IS something that is very frustrating. Please don't come down on those of us who are upset because we can't play, because you know damn well that if you couldn't play for 5 days you'd be just as upset.

        I know it's Alla, and Alla is full of immature twats, but I was getting sick of people who thought they were far superior because they weren't complaining. Well, shithead, you weren't complaining because your game works and ours does not. Don't expect us to be sympathetic when your game stops working for a period of time.

        Everyone wants to play. There is nothing wrong with those of us who want to play but can't getting upset about the situation, so STFU already.

        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
        ~I has a blog~~
        ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post

          People, especially those on Alla, where I was scouring the forums searching for a solution for the R0 issue, who bitched about people who were complaining about not being able to play, as if they would not be just as irritated if their game was not working. Those of us who do not get to play because our games are currently "broken" (in a sense) have every right to be frustrated and to express said frustration. Maybe you don't want to hear it, but to those of us who can't play, it IS a real issue and it IS something that is very frustrating. Please don't come down on those of us who are upset because we can't play, because you know damn well that if you couldn't play for 5 days you'd be just as upset.

          I know it's Alla, and Alla is full of immature twats, but I was getting sick of people who thought they were far superior because they weren't complaining. Well, shithead, you weren't complaining because your game works and ours does not. Don't expect us to be sympathetic when your game stops working for a period of time.

          Everyone wants to play. There is nothing wrong with those of us who want to play but can't getting upset about the situation, so STFU already.

          So much hate! Can't we all just get along? :/
          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Mog complaining about hate is my pet peeve.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Not with you, Mog! But I agree with Aksannyi. Alla has become a real cesspool. Not that it was ever a bastion of maturity, but there was a time long ago when it was better.

              Heck, even some of the forums for other games have better communities. But the FFXI gang there are just dreadful.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Looking back over my post I realize that I could have used a few less naughty words in making my point, but I will just have to maintain that I was irritated and I needed to vent.
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                  Looking back over my post I realize that I could have used a few less naughty words in making my point, but I will just have to maintain that I was irritated and I needed to vent.
                  What would Jesus do?

                  Alright, I can't keep up this charade any longer. I probably would have been cussing too.
                  ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Ah-hah! So there is a pet peeve topic already made. (Was considering making one. Thank god for that search button).

                    So anyway, as most in this topic has probably already experessed, and 40 pages is much too time consuming for me at the moment to look over, I've got a serious case of grammar/linguistic-ability/communication pet peeve.

                    It irks me everytime I see some person type so sloppily. Sometimes I am even confounded by rare cases such as someone going through all the trouble to capitalize names/titles correctly, but refusing to end the thought with a period. Why is it so hard to push a simple button that probably isn't broken on that person's keyboard?

                    And everytime I express the annoyance of others' communicative ability, I'm always bombarded with silly, childish excuses like, "Oh, it's the internets. No one types properly on the internets!" Well, what about those 'no ones' who type up online manuals, guides, and other tid bits of info from which another individual is able to gain useful information in a sound manner? What about news articles? Why is someone spared the confusion of confusing an online print of 'New York' without ever having to see it not capitalized? I'm sure if someone else read a article and simply saw a state's name in this form: new york, he/she would also wonder if the writer meant New York the state, or New York City. (Hey, it's the internets, lets save 2 seconds by refusing to type out the word 'city' and save an additional 2.5 seconds by not capitalizing!)

                    As strenuous it may be to go through a slight bit of extra effort in creating coherent thoughts and conversations, it is not as wasteful of an effort as many assume it to be. Simply because an individual isn't writing with a pencil, pen, marker, or whatever writing capable implement doesn't mean the keyboard requires more work and time.

                    Sure, there isn't any authoritative being roaming around lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on someone for neglecting coherence. But to refuse to type out a name, place, or even put in that ending period is silly and childish. Because everyone isn't denied the capability to type up that last period or separate a list with commas. There just isn't any excuse a all. The tools are right in front of that user and so is the know-how.

                    However, if we were to examine the neglectful behavior from a psychological perspective, we'd see an entirely different view indeed. One could say that a given individual is sloppy and uncaring simply because there's no motivation or desire. Reasons such as, "Why bother? Not worth the effort. I don't have keyboarding skills," and others alike, come and go so commonly.

                    Yeah, of course someone will perk their head up high and start typing like a professional if they're offered money to do so. But playing FFXI and talking to his/her party members, is it really that much trouble to type good, or extremely good, coherent sentences and thoughts? Think about it, this person is in a two to six to eighteen member group. And this person's attention, resources, and whatever contributive attributes are all being devoted to these select individuals amongst an entire zone/area, region, linkshell, friendlist, or even the world. Is it really that much trouble to give these select people a little extra effort for being allowed the chance to spend time with them? To be allowed the opportunities to complete a quest, mission, or some other difficult task?

                    And for those who are confusing spelling with my pet peeve, stop. Spelling, to me at least, is an entirely different case/issue. Because, anyone can easily mistakingly enter a wrong letter, number, or symbol. And there are also those who do it intentionally thinking that's how a word is spelled. But to correlate that into grammatical coherence wouldn't be very nice.

                    Besides, typing good makes you look good and makes others think you're smart. Don't you want to feel smart? Even if it is for fifteen seconds?

                    From my own personal experience, I've started to try and type as properly as possible from at least four to five years ago. I'm not exactly sure as to the exact origin, but I sort of forced myself into doing so. So there probably is a bit of motivation or desire that's necessary in order to accomplish a long term habit. But over the years of struggling to capitalize everything, decide whether I'm making a run-on sentence, or not making one, it has become a natural habit. I don't even think about it anymore. My fingers just readily hit and hold the shift-key or press that comma button. It just 'happens' now. And I also type much faster than I did before, a couple years ago. It's almost as if I just think the sentence in its most proper form and my fingers do the copy and pasting.
                    Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      My pet peeve is Mhurron.

                      I'm still not quite sure what it is, and even if I knew, i'm not sure i'd be comfortable around it.

                      no offense, freak.


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Altae View Post
                        It irks me everytime I see some person type so sloppily. Sometimes I am even confounded by rare cases such as someone going through all the trouble to capitalize names/titles correctly, but refusing to end the thought with a period. Why is it so hard to push a simple button that probably isn't broken on that person's keyboard?
                        In all honesty, I hate periods while i'm in game. I don't like the feeling of my eyes 'stopping' at the period when there is tons of action I need to be paying attention to.
                        (Or maybe I stop there because periods are rare ingame.)
                        I like it if my eyes slip off the sentence and back into the action.

                        Anyone else feel that way? o.O


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?



                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            My new peeve of yesterday are the people that feel it necessary to tell you what you are doing wrong.

                            I understand comments while in a party if something would be more effective, but if we arn't partying together, please keep your comments to your self.

                            I was leveling my Pld in the dunes, self-PLing just to avoid the morons thats plauge that area. I get a /tell if I would like to party, and I respond "no thanks, I'm soloing right now". I felt it was fairly polite. He responds that I'm stupid, his party is 5/6 with a PL. I tell him I have my own PL. He says his party would still be quicker, and that is why I don't have a 75 job.

                            Now this is a guy I don't know. How does he know what I have. So I /sea him and he's a rank2 level 15 nin. Now I'm a 18pld atm and figured he's obviously a moron. Not too many partys with a 4 level spread work well in the dunes. I blow it off, inform him I have a 75 job, and thanks for the advice from the guy that can't even ride the airship yet.

                            Half the day passes by and I get a /tell from the guy again, informing me he's already hit 19, I respond /clap and inform him I already got my pld to 27 and drk from 1-12 in the time it takes him to level 4 times.

                            As to the post about sentance structure/punctuation etc. I don't mind the lack of some language skill but there is a fine line between tolerable and completly nerver racking. One person in my social abbreviates words like prob, ppl, kk, etc..
                            That doesn't bother me. But another guy was asking me for help and here is what he said to me :

                            "m8 cld u cme to attowa chasm & hlp em git a knew spel for my blu plz!"

                            What the hell? I understand you're European, but m8? Is it really too much to spell mate? And plz just bugs me, if you want my help, spell the damn word out at least.

                            I got more rants, but I'll save some of my therapy for later


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              I threatened to kick someone from my old linkshell because of their constant use of 'm8'.

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi
                              "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Today's pet peeve:


                                Mana inefficient WHMs... again!

                                Seriously! Stop it with the Cure bombs! I am sitting here Refreshing(x3), Hasting(x2), Regen-ing(x5), Curing(x4), Enfeebling, and lightly nuking! All you are doing is Curing and Hasting! There should be NO reason for you to run out of MP and need to rest before I do! Because you threw out too many Cures 4 and 5, and Curaga 3s, you needed to rest from 25%, while inthe meantime, I was busy playing catch-up, and someone died! Had you considered putting your Regen 2 and 3 to use, and interspersing with Cure 2 and 3, this might not have happened!

                                And another thing! You might have Auto-Refresh, you might have a Noble's, but you don't have Convert! Sit your monkey ass down in between pulls! I can afford to stand! By the time I run out of mana, my (merited)Convert readies my mana again! Your mana isn't ready! You need to sit to recover it! Clear Mind Bonus! Though it would be ready, if you weren't throwing out so many unnecessary Cure bombs!

                                And one more thing! When I Convert, if you're gonna throw me a Regen, DON'T throw me the tier 1! I have it myself! If I needed Regen 1, I'd cast it on myself! Which I did! And I also did to the melees as well! Which you didn't do because you were too busy throwing out Cures far stronger than they needed, only to be out of mana when they truly needed you!

                                Last edited by BurningPanther; 03-15-2007, 03:12 AM.

