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What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

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  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

    Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
    3 extra spaces are alot tho, that is 2 crystals and maybe a seal!

    aye I have 2 sets of gear on war almost as well as 2 stacks of toolbags of shi, 1-2 cracked open as well as food etc. Being able to do multiple things good is what makes the jobs work well.

    You have the lack of space due to your job being popular. Follow my point on this ok hong I know you and most of the rdms will.

    Rdm is a popular job because they can do many things very well. This leads to having to carry multiple gear sets to preform at the peak of your ability. So the more things your job can do well the more gear you have to carry if you take pride in your job. Understand what I am trying to say?

    Who let you back in here? Oh nice job replying to me, run your mouth to one kid come on bro, lets try round two.

    2 brds with 3 good melee will out do you 1 brd 4 melee party. With double march double min haste spell, I am almost non stop attacking with man-joy popping off ws very often. Main healing (doing it well) is self respect taking pride in your job, your new here so just a small tip again, don't fuk with ask or any of the nice posters here. She doesn't enjoy main healing as rdm in tp burns so she has enough self respect to not suck up to get merits.

    Lol "secret" camp, hey guess what I was among the first people to camp mamjool in nyzule isle burning them, guess what I was a dragoon at the time as well keeping up in the parse, because we all know it can't be done! Hey I do 30k/hr with people around!

    Dude I GET MORE EXP/HR THEN YOU! 2xbrd as well O.o holy fuk no way no one could out do the great vapors right? Until you out exp/hr me you may want to get off your high horse, lose the cockiness and probably just walk away.

    I will put my life in BP's hands anyday over someone like yourself you are too cocky, don't bring any points expect omgz im l33t with no proof!

    Self Respect is knowing oneself and not losing your own beliefs to go with the now. If he doesn't want to tp burn than as I have said before in a discussion with alot of people on this forum, good for him. No one is forcing him to tp burn and with him choosing to party the way he likes he gets my respect. Hey btw throw some personal digs my way, or do you know you don't stand a chance with me?

    What ls? What have you killed? Hnm's if you say ya we killed the beastman hnms and smirugh I will laugh. Come on some info I would love to compare epeens with you.

    6 open slots = 3 pop sets
    You only need to carry the pop items you are going to use.
    Grips are good they provide a bonus where needed, just because you don't like them doesn't mean they are an issue.

    Its called mules, use them. I have gear for all 3 75 jobs as well as my rng and most of my other jobs from 40-75. Guess what? I don't have slot problems. Kindly leave the site to grow up before you post again.
    really you can mail rare/ex equipment? dam i didnt know that, your a genius! why didnt i think of that


    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

      Originally posted by Vapors View Post
      really you can mail rare/ex equipment? dam i didnt know that, your a genius! why didnt i think of that
      first of all i have plenty of proof. proof is the people i burn with. 2nd of all nyzule isle yes, with no pts there 30k an hour, there i said it. and i have done 2x bard pts there, 1x good bard is all you need, you cant tell me, 2 extra songs are not worth the extra slot in my pt. i have tried it. and dont try to come at me all nerdy with your epeen, cause i would rather worry about real life. and im not on my high horse, you just couldnt accept i do that much xp. and if that camp isnt open i dont xp. so thats the only place i xp. stop being all knowing and thickheaded, and accept OMG things are possible that you cant do. you arent as great as you think. and hnm please, pfft. i have been doing end game for over 2 years, and i decided to start my own ls, we mostly do sky right now. and the fact of the matter is majority of N/A Germans/ french that play this game, suck. so i usually only xp in jp partys. im sure you fit in that category somewhere.


      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

        Originally posted by Vapors View Post
        what do you mean 30k eyeballing it. when the party starts i track time and how much xp we got, and when we end. very simple. i have been playing this game since it came out. how long have you had it? so if you think a bard should dd in a pt, you sound like a noob to me, bet you would melee your rdm in a xp also, you probably havent even beaten sea, i would be surprised if you even have sky.
        I'm not afraid to tell what my linkshell is.

        Have you done 1 minute kirin burns?
        Have you killed Baha2 in 30 seconds?
        Have you even claimed a king, much less kill it?
        Have you meet the best bards on Ifrit?

        There are only a handful of bards on Ifrit I'd let DD in exp, but when they do they parse high.

        Why don't you browse over to the Linkshell community and look up fatesealers, my info is set to public, so feel free to confim what missions I'm on. But to inform you, I'm done with ZM, CoP, and ToAU missions.

        So feel free to share, what's your LS's site, what server are you on, and what's your character's name?


        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

          Originally posted by Vapors View Post
          what do you mean 30k eyeballing it. when the party starts i track time and how much xp we got, and when we end.
          So yes you eyeball it.

          Do you know what a parse is?

          Do you know about plug ins for windower?

          Originally posted by Vapors View Post
          very simple. i have been playing this game since it came out. how long have you had it?
          The day it hit na shores my self.

          Originally posted by Vapors View Post
          so if you think a bard should dd in a pt, you sound like a noob to me, bet you would melee your rdm in a xp also, you probably havent even beaten sea, i would be surprised if you even have sky.
          Wow way to fail horribly, incase necro is too busy laughing. He is in the Top Endgame ls on ifrit. The bard he was talking about is amazing he out parses people he has serious skills. If you did any research you could find the post here. Running your mouth just showed how much you really know about this game.

          Pro-Tip: Do some research before you make yourself look like more of a douche.

          Originally posted by Vapors View Post
          really you can mail rare/ex equipment? dam i didnt know that, your a genius! why didnt i think of that
          Wow i didn't know you have nothing but r/e. Fuk man they have npc to store r/e equips, And I am fully sure you don't walk around in 100% r/e. Way to avoid my questions tho nothing but a lil bitch crying and trying to start trouble. Come on lets here about your accomplishments.

          OMG i forgot did you get your sub job yet?
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

            Originally posted by Vapors View Post
            i have been doing end game for over 2 years, and i decided to start my own ls, we mostly do sky right now. and the fact of the matter is majority of N/A Germans/ french that play this game, suck. so i usually only xp in jp partys. im sure you fit in that category somewhere.
            O rly? Jp are the best is sooooooooooooooo 2005...

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

              Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
              I'm not afraid to tell what my linkshell is.

              Have you done 1 minute kirin burns?
              Have you killed Baha2 in 30 seconds?
              Have you even claimed a king, much less kill it?
              Have you meet the best bards on Ifrit?

              There are only a handful of bards on Ifrit I'd let DD in exp, but when they do they parse high.

              Why don't you browse over to the Linkshell community and look up fatesealers, my info is set to public, so feel free to confim what missions I'm on. But to inform you, I'm done with ZM, CoP, and ToAU missions.

              So feel free to share, what's your LS's site, what server are you on, and what's your character's name?
              LOL kings, haha, kings are nothing. and yes i have claimed and killed them, for over 2 years. my site isnt set up yet, we have only been around a month i have someone working on, but you can see it after. and i would still never let a bard DD in a xp. i have more respect for myself. and 1 min kirin burn, big deal, done it b4. and just so u know there are plenty of good linkshells with bad players. so you being in that linkshell doesnt make you good. you make yourself good. so i have never played with you so i couldnt say if you are good or bad, i just know what i know from experience.


              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                So yes you eyeball it.

                Do you know what a parse is?

                Do you know about plug ins for windower?

                The day it hit na shores my self.

                Wow way to fail horribly, incase necro is too busy laughing. He is in the Top Endgame ls on ifrit. The bard he was talking about is amazing he out parses people he has serious skills. If you did any research you could find the post here. Running your mouth just showed how much you really know about this game.

                Pro-Tip: Do some research before you make yourself look like more of a douche.

                Wow i didn't know you have nothing but r/e. Fuk man they have npc to store r/e equips, And I am fully sure you don't walk around in 100% r/e. Way to avoid my questions tho nothing but a lil bitch crying and trying to start trouble. Come on lets here about your accomplishments.

                OMG i forgot did you get your sub job yet?
                actually i do walk around pretty much in all rare/ex i dont have any regular items really, a couple per job. i pretty much sold everything non rare/ex when i got the rare/ex item to fill the slot


                • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                  Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                  how long have you had it?
                  How could I forget to answer your question? I've only been playing 13 months, yet somehow I'm doubting time played in the game equals some sort of skill...


                  • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                    Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                    So yes you eyeball it.

                    Do you know what a parse is?

                    Do you know about plug ins for windower?

                    The day it hit na shores my self.

                    Wow way to fail horribly, incase necro is too busy laughing. He is in the Top Endgame ls on ifrit. The bard he was talking about is amazing he out parses people he has serious skills. If you did any research you could find the post here. Running your mouth just showed how much you really know about this game.

                    Pro-Tip: Do some research before you make yourself look like more of a douche.

                    Wow i didn't know you have nothing but r/e. Fuk man they have npc to store r/e equips, And I am fully sure you don't walk around in 100% r/e. Way to avoid my questions tho nothing but a lil bitch crying and trying to start trouble. Come on lets here about your accomplishments.

                    OMG i forgot did you get your sub job yet?
                    its honestly just not worth the trouble


                    • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                      Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                      its honestly just not worth the trouble
                      i know bards can parse high retard, they also can have the highest defense in the game. still doesnt mean i would let them DD IN PT. how stupid are you jeez, dropped on your head as a baby?


                      • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                        Originally posted by Vapors View Post
                        its honestly just not worth the trouble
                        Kinda of how I am feeling - but you amuse me...

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi
                        "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                        • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                          Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                          How could I forget to answer your question? I've only been playing 13 months, yet somehow I'm doubting time played in the game equals some sort of skill...
                          13 months, so your still a noob pretty much


                          • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                            You have the lack of space due to your job being popular.
                            Dont get this.

                            Rdm is a popular job because they can do many things very well. This leads to having to carry multiple gear sets to preform at the peak of your ability. So the more things your job can do well the more gear you have to carry if you take pride in your job. Understand what I am trying to say?
                            But I get this.

                            Lets just leave it at that. SE needs to give us more Gobbie Bag space.

                            And Vapors, dude, you are making this place look like Alla. Go Away!


                            • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                              Honestly i am just playing around cause im bored at work. you people get so defensive on here its hilarious , no hard feelings. seriously its just a game guys!! my friend actually found it as funny as i did that everyone takes this game to heart. dont get me wrong i love the game too. but there is more to life than knowing what your freakin bard parses in a pt


                              • Re: What's your pet peeve in FFXI?

                                Given how your mouth runs off more than a corner hoe opens for cash, I'd say your the bigger noob here. What? Did you find a whm mithra that broke your heart cause she was really a manthra? So your angry at all support classes and refuse to acknowlegde them as people? Just drop the act. Shut up unless its something worth posting about and leave.
                                Edit: >_> Amazing timing for that post. Joke or not, it wasn't funny.
                                Last edited by Akashimo; 08-28-2007, 08:26 AM. Reason: <.<;
                                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

